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sexual acts at clubs

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Come on people. Someone else has to be getting laid here. My ex is coming over tonight, and I want some good stories to get me in the mood. God, I love "ex sex". If not, I'm gonna have to take some Viagra.... And then there will be no sleep for either of us. I don't want to kill her.

So...Someone post another damn true story!!


[This message has been edited by Evan (edited 10-24-2000).]

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Ok. I'm reviving this post. I want all you guys to go out this weekend, hook up with either your loved one, or some random hottie you meet in a club. I want you guys to have some fun. Live a little. Pretend that it is the last night of your life. Be free. Be wild. What's the point of life, if your not just gonna get freaky!!


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Evan, stupid question...how much time was wasted typing all this shit? I met a guy once with all this talk. I was like, shit I feel soooo lame compared to him. Then we started hanging out. LMAO It was ALL talk…he should have been a writer however. Very creative imagination…

PETEDAPIMP you pretty much summed it up! Agree with you completely.

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Listen. I have no reason to lie. That would just be pathetic. There are people on this board that know me personally. I wouldn't waste my time. I AM a exhibitionist, so I do like to share as long as I don't reveal the girl's name I am was with. If your not interested in what I have to say, don't read it. Besides, I am asking for more people to have fun. That's all.


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funny guy...

I'm not saying that I think that you're making this stuff up... but sounds like EVERY fantasy that EVERY white guy has about being with Asian women to me...

Let me ask you a question... was her P*ssy turned side-ways too? haahaahaa

True or not... it was a good story... should submit to Penthouse Letters.



The Wheels on the BUS go Round and Round...

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Listen..Enough about me. Why don't u share one of YOUR experiences....Or do u just not have any? You just feel that you have to be negative and comment about everybody else? If you got nothing good to say, don't put out bad vibes. That just ain't cool.


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Ok Evan...

How about you and me hook up this weekend? I'm totally serious. I go out all the time and I have no plans for this weekend. You tell me where you're gonna be and I'll be there. Maybe we can come back Monday morning with a few more stories to tell. You see I have my stories too...I think everyone has a story or two to tell. Just the quantity and the wildness of your stories stirs doubts in my mind. However like I said you can prove me otherwise. This invitation goes out to EVERYONE on this board. Who's in with me? I’m sure there are a couple of us that wanna meet you in person by now. Personally I’m a Juniorverse fan so that’s where I hang most of the time but I’m willing to change it up. Let me know…


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I too have also been clubbing for almost ten years now. I have seen some crazy ass shit. Limelight back in the days was the craziest mother f--king shit I have ever seen. They used to have hot body contests on Thursday nights and they would get a bunch of people to strip on stage. One particular night their happened to be a tie. An African American guy who was hung like a donkey and this pretty decent white chick. So as they were celebrating the MC got them to start fooling around. So they are going at it and then she goes down on him, mind you this is on the mainfloor stage. He takes her flips her over and starts 69ing her while standing up. The entire place was going crazy. So he puts her back down and people start throwing rubbers at them. He put one on and started boning away. Right when they stopped all these guys start bum rushing the stage and just molesting her. Nothing will ever be like that place used to be. Too many stories in that damn place.

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Just wondering how many guys would actually mind sleeping with hookers.. Probably not too many..

well, i have a serious girlfriend now so its not an option...

personally though I am so freaked out by disease, that I wouldn't do it, even with condoms. This is irrational to a certain extent since if condoms are supposed to protect you for an entire relationship, they probably can protect you adequately for one random encounter with a call girl. But I'd be too scared nevertheless.

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-=sigh=-. I have no reason to have to prove myself. But if this is REALLY hurting you so bad that you MUST meet me, fine. I don't know if I'm going out on Friday or Saturday. Maybe both. All I know is that I have a huge amount of party favors, my friend with a limo waiting, and a city to conquer. It's all about the attitude. I'll post where I'm going on Friday when I know.


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Like I said. I'll let you know. My friends and I never discussed Twilo, but maybe we'll do afterhours there. Don't push it. 'Cause then you'll just freak me out and I'll think that you just want to hook up with me or something (which i just don't do..sorry)


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Oh God don't be so full of yourself. It's not like that and even if...what makes you think I'd want you? I'm definitely up for the CLUBNYC meet-up at Twilo cause I'm sure I'm not the only person that would like to meet you. How many members from this board have you met?

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Evan's stories are ture...i may say that coz i know few characters-contributors, his ex is my girl's suitemate, in these stories. so to all those in doubt..chill if you dont wanna believe dont but dont hate. this kiddo knows how to party. ask him nicely and perhaps he might take you on a escapade of your life.


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So...Anybody get laid this weekend? I was supposed to go out, but I was doing a business transaction on Friday night, and some stupid ass ghetto thug decided that he'd like to try and make some easy money with me. So, anywayz, there I am in the kitchen, minding my own business, counting money, when this thug came over to me and while I was looking whacked me one over the head with a beer bottle. I had at that time 8 girls over my apt. Seven of them were all tripping on E. One of them had just started dating this stupid ass thug, and thought it would be cool to bring him over. So, then all the girls surronded this guy while I was on the floor rolling in pain, trying to get up, but too damn dizzy. The pretty much dragged him to the door and keicked him the fuck out. GIRL POWER! After about 1-2 hours, I was finally able to get back up off the ground and make my way to the couch without falling over. I ened up popping 2 pillz, doing some K, and taking 3 twentyfive MG of Viagra and went crazy with that supid fuck's girl and her best friend. They felt bad for bringing him over, and decided to make it up to me. That was my weekend.


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i met this guy a while back who could spew out stories like anything. within the first five minutes of meeting any girl, he would mention his best friends JP, EB, JV, DT, and hell, Oakie if he had time for him. he slept on a bed of money, drugs, connects, and girls. dis guy was so fuggin cool

maybe there really are people like who this one guy was aspiring to be. if there are, i hope i never run into them

peas o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

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hey ya'll, chill. i enjoyed reading all these posts, since they are for amusement, nothing more. if the stories are crap, they're still fun to read, right? and if they're true, than evan is leading a life that i doubt any of us would truly like to emulate. what are the other details of his lifestyle? i don't pretend to know, but i'm guessing he isn't working 12 hours a day during the week and using the weekend to just blow off steam and decompress. course, maybe he just figured out a great way to make money and have the time of his life simultaneously, in which case i say nice work evan. either way, thanks for the posts, great vicarious entertainment

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Thank you. That's the point of this whole post. Have FUN. Why would I write lies and make up stories to tell you. What would that do for me. I like sharing my life so you guys can get to know me better. I wrk hard durring the week, play hard on weekend, and just give it all away. Life is about having fun. When your 50, which guy do you want to be? The one who saved all his money, invested wisely, saved his strength, so he can enjoy the last years of his life. Or do you want to be the guy that went crazy every week, doing wild things, getting into new adventures, spending money, meeting new people.....And can spend the rest of his life cherishing those memories. Believe me...don't beleive me...Doesn't matter in the ,long run. I just want people to try harder to live life as much as possible. That's my story.....and I'm sticking to it.

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