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What Happens When Someone Mistakes You for Flavanugz


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tom why do you have tom and katie in your signature? and why do you have my favorite movie as your avatar? and why do you suck so bad? and why dont you just go on a boston message board? and how come when i was in boston i didnt even see you?


Hi, I'm not Tom, I'm Brian. But I do know Tom, and you're right, he sucks! I don't know why though... I guess it's just the old duder's way.

Hopefully I can answer your other questions though.

why do you have tom and katie in your signature?

Because I find pictures of scientologists grabbing the arm of their much younger bride-to-be while she looks on in terror inspirational. Some people like pictures of Eagles that say words like "Determination" above them and some inane phrase underneath. Me, I got my inspiration from scientologists.

and why do you have my favorite movie as your avatar?

Because The Big Lebowski is the greatest movie ever made. The Dude abides, and so do I. Now take 'er easy

and why do you suck so bad?

I think you have me confused with Tom. Tom sucks... bad. We'll have to work with him on that.

and why dont you just go on a boston message board?

Have you ever been to a Boston messageboard?? Scary. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... though I might wish it on Tom.

and how come when i was in boston i didnt even see you?

It's probably because you don't know me. If I did know you, maybe I'd see you. Hell, maybe we've seen each other and just didn't know it. I hang out with Tom most every weekend, so if you've ever seen him up here, there's a damn good chance you've seen me.

That's all I got. Hope that clears things up a bit. Sorry for the signature, not sorry for the avatar. I'll tell Tom you said hi!

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