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Sporter @ Space Miami


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oof. it's taken a couple days to re-coup from this one but all I can say is wow. I wasnt even so sure we were going to make the trip down as hurricaine Dennis plowed its way across the souther tip of Florida, but just mangaed to bounce over to the gulf side in time for the weather to break in Miami...

I got into Miami around 930PM Saturday night with just enough time to get to the hotel & change out of my monkey suit from the wedding just hours earlier... After a some quick cleanup, and fresh clothes we donned our fresh schvimvests and headed over to Space prepared for any wetness/wind/storms that could possibly occur that night. As we reached the doors @ Space, it was abundantly clear that the cops @ the door were not impressed by our saftey equipment, and threatened us with a federal offense lest we fork over our life preservers.


Minor setback. Now on to dealing with the guestlist. I ask 'Marcus'for Joe Mama +3 on list, and he's like "go tell the guy over there what you just asked me." I do this, 'Marcus' laughs heartily as the guy reluctantly forks over a $10-spot for losing the bet. Apparently, Joe Mama is a funny name in Miami...

Well we get in , and the main floor of the room is rammed.. One of the residents, Cedric I believe was rockin the floor pretty hard when we got into the booth, but that's when the fantasy funk journey really began. Steve's relentless attack on the floor began promptly @ 3AM.


Sizzling in the booth:


Deftly weaving in & out of tracks @ a f*****sh pace, music & time were warping together as the night rolled on and tracks that seemed to go on forever disappeared almost as quickly as they were mixed in... Maybe that had more to do with the copious amounts of Grey Goose on the loose in the booth. Try and say that 5 times real quick... Still pushing the floor to a frenzy, it was getting closer and closer to that magical time when the terrace, aka la terraza, aka the patio, aka the roof or whatever you wish to call it beckons you. it was still quite dark when our party ventured upstairs, but the morning was just about to break...


The girls warming up the terrace...


By 730AM and another 3 bottles of Goose later, the Terrace was getting mighty saucy... The weather was perfect, and the groove & vibe were flawless, though I cant say the same for my vision...

Musical highlights: "Rock You Like A Hurricaine" - Scorpions (SPorter's Remix@ 35,000 feet): I want someone else to tell me who remixes tracks en route to Miami especially for Space... Closing out the Terrace with 'Vice Grip' (Colin Farrell in da house HOLLA)... Emjae feat. Bryan Adams - Run To You....

Also, it should be noted that if you should venture to Space, and your friends get really drunk, keep an eye on them. Otherwise they could be tucked into a cab without your knowing, and found on the side of Alton Road with one shoe... ;)

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