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I am in need of all of your help. Please. Hear me out just once I beg of you. As we all know and agree Twilo should be closed down and never spoken of ever again. It's a horrible place filled with horrible people. But how you ask? I think i have the answer. It came to me in my sleep. I shall go into Twilo(God I only pray I don't puke) and I will file a lawsuit that something happened to me. I need to make it seem like something fell on me, a cinder block perhaps, however, nothing will fall on me, I will bruise myself earlier with some baseball bats and a few friends help. Then I shall claim that TWILO was irrisponsible at maintaining their property and sue for 12.3 million dollars. I am pretty sure I will win with the help a few lawyers that I am friends with. The beuty of this thing is, that A. I will become rich and B. Twilo will shut down. So everyone wins. If anyone is interested on joining me let me known on the board and we'll talk some more.

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Like I said before, I'm in for shuttin down twilo. But not cause of the people. Because of the staff and mngmt. And then all the great DJ's that play there will move to a better venue biggrin.gif

So, I'll help you with your plan, but can I be in on givin you the bruises with the bat cwm13.gifcwm24.gif




If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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yo im also in but not becasue of the people, ill take a few baseball bat shots to the stomach for a few million


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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wtf? afraid of a lil pain? come on now, I though you were seriously dedicated to this project...the more realistic is your pain, the richer you'll get. Imagine yourself getting fucked up by half the people from this board , think of all the dollaz you'll get...We can even invite santa to give you that long forgotten treatment again. Talking about a goldmine here...

Originally posted by bastardino:

Hey, that's a bit too much, I was thinking like brusing my knee with one punch or some shit like that, I don't "actually" want to be hurt. The point of this exercise is to shut down Twilo, NOT TO BEAT ME UP. Keep that in mind.

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I can help with the baseball bats bit...however, since I'm the best at what I do, I don't come cheap. My rates are as follows:

bruising for 1 hour@$10000/hour.

brusing for 2 hours@$9999/hour (bulk rate).

High durability titanium baseball bat = $9500/session.

With my skills you won't need more than that. I insist on bringing my own equipment since I'm a professional. In order to contact me, just post your e-mail address. For security reasons I'll also need your Mastercard # and bank account number (including routing number).

Please keep in mind this is a special rate - for a special person.

Hope to hear from you soon,



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 12-08-2000).]

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ahh mm lets try to do this at other clubs too like lets say Exit or LL ... and i'll put in some extra bruices on you i guess that would be my moral satisfaction... anything to help a comrade get ahead ...

(now wheres my baseball bat..hmm... do you prefer wooden or aluminum?) cwm31.gifcwm4.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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