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Godspeed New Orleans!!!


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Experts have long warned of the potential devastation that a slow-moving and powerful hurricane such as Katrina could wage on the historic city of New Orleans. Host Jacki Lyden and Debbie Elliott speak with Joe Suhayda, an oceanographer in Baton Rouge who has been using computer models to predict what damage a hurricane of this magnitude might inflict on New Orleans.


I dunno...I got into it :blank:

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In addition to the toll expected in New Orleans, the vast swath cut by Katrina takes it right through major oil production centers in the Gulf of Mexico. The combination of the destruction of a major global port and offshore oil rigs could rock the U.S. economy by pushing gasoline prices much higher.



After paying $50 the other day to fill up my truck's gas tank...this is the only means of trasnsportantion I wanna hear about for a long while.


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For this city's poor, homeless and frail, just getting into the massive Louisiana Superdome and hunkering down was the hardest part.

The sickest among them didn't flee the 165-mph wrath of Hurricane Katrina on Sunday as much as they hobbled to safety on crutches, canes and on stretchers. The rest lined up for blocks in the muggy heat, clutching meager belongings and crying children as National Guardsman searched them for guns, knives and drugs.

The Full Monty

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I lived in Homestead at the time ANDREW rolled through, I was 12 years old and I still have embedded images of destruction in my mind....

This storm is no joke, i despise saying it, but people ARE going to die and this will be bad for all cities affected.........

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what I find most disturbing was the county's cover up after Hurricane Andrew of the amount of deaths that occured. There certainly was not only 4 deaths. There was more.. alot more deaths than 4... My friend who worked with Channel 13 back then counted more than 40 black body bags before he was escorted, harrassed and had his video confiscated by the National Guard.

Ive been watching live video feed from New Orleans and they've lost all power including all local TV and Radio stations (even those running off of generators).. The last I heard before they lost contact was that the Superdome roof had been compromised and was leaking 'heavily'

Good Luck to them. I hope they make it out okay

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I lived in Homestead at the time ANDREW rolled through, I was 12 years old and I still have embedded images of destruction in my mind....

This storm is no joke, i despise saying it, but people ARE going to die and this will be bad for all cities affected.........

I remember Andrew, I was like 14!! That suxed!

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those poor people in new orleans...:(

i hope i never have to experience that....i was still living in philadelphia when andrew hit....the worst i experienced was a cat 2 and that's all i need to see......we still have about 9 more weeks to go...hopefully we'll get lucky again this year....

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I remember Andrew, I was like 14!! That suxed!

It sure did! I was bascially homeless for a couple of days until some of our family was able to get into our area and get us out. my mothers car had been tossed down the street and overturned.....NO FOOD, NO WATER, NO WHERE TO GO, NO WAY TO LEAVE. The worst possible feeling ever...

My sincere prayers for those in LA and MS......

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Truly sad. I haven't been able to get a hold of some cousins and aunts over there but cel phones can't even be reached. I know some of them went to Texas and some to Baton Rouge.

The devastation is unreal. New Orleans is already an under water city.

Pray for those guys over there.

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its getting crazy over there. the looting is getting out of hand too, whats the point of jacking a 62" plasma screen when the place you live is flooded, and the cops ain't going to let you board a bus with shit...

I under stand looting a Walgreen, food place, home depot and gas station, you can survive with those thing but a TV?


first thing I would jack would be a jetski or a small boat. And then I'll hit a jelwery store grabe about $20,000 worth of gold or electronics store, and put them on the boat, head out to the golf and head out to the florida coast and sell that shit.. :)

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its getting crazy over there. the looting is getting out of hand too, whats the point of jacking a 62" plasma screen when the place you live is flooded, and the cops ain't going to let you board a bus with shit...

I under stand looting a Walgreen, food place, home depot and gas station, you can survive with those thing but a TV?


that's the whole point, nothing is logical at this moment...surrealism has taken over

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rarely do i expect anyone to take me seriously on here but as a result of conversations with the few relatives I have heard from... I have to share my pain.

I was born and raised in the murder capitol of the world, and I loved every momonet... I feel the fact that I survived growing up in new orleans made me appreciate the history of other languages and cultures, and gave me the depth of music appreciation that can only be found in New Orleans, LA. I am pleased I convinced my mother to leave but could not get my father & only living grandmother (who is almost 85) to evacuate before the storm.

I have finally heard from my father who is alive but stranded on the 5th floor of his bldg. Many of my cousins and other relatives are M.I.A.

I have not cried in over 10 years............ until today.

the fact my mother is already looking for a home in TX or GA should give most an idea of how this hits home...

Imagine even if you were lucky or smart enough to leave before desaster strikes, would you ever think you would have to abandon everything and never look back?

I still don't have eletricity at my apt in Ft. Lauderdale, but I am no longer complaining about it.... I would happily sleep on my roof after seeing my home town and everything in it washed away and submerged by infested waters....


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Stranded New Orleans residents walk through floodwaters in the hurricane-ravaged city Tuesday.

NEW ORLEANS - Mayor Ray Nagin ordered 1,500 police officers to leave their search-and-rescue mission Wednesday night and return to the streets of the beleagured city to stop looting that has turned increasingly hostile.

full story

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I have not cried in over 10 years............ until today.

Yo B, it takes a real man to shed tears in a situation like this, more when loved ones are affected. I honestly pray for the wellbeing of your mom and grandpa, stay strong brother. Same thing happened to me last night, even though I don't really know anyone from New Orleans (well, aside from you) I was raised on jazz and blues and always dreamt of the mississippi and its blues and jazz legends, I dread seeing such an important landmark undergo such transformation, I couldn't sleep until 4am last nite just watching the news, when a girl reporter came on with a guy and his daughter, both in tears looking for his wife...it was weird, I was watching the guy and girl cry and nothing, when the reporter broke out in tears it hit me and I couldn't hold it either and cried too, I felt no reason to hold back, and I have rarely cried in my life...weird but true.



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