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Chasing after your dream ..


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What did you want to be when you were young ?

bet all of us had big fantasies about being something great (fame. fortune and beauty) ... some people chase that until they die.. ..

Being an adult is knowing- when to stop dreaming and realize that life is nothing special and it's just difficult.

You know how every parent tells their kids " life is hard " or "life is difficult" .. ...

I don't know what I'm trying to say but this Christmas - All I want is hope and to dream again ....

- Because what's the point of living if you can't have what you want or be around people that make you happy ?

That may sound childish - but -it's true.

Some say that - " You can't do what you want all the time "- that's bullshit ..

If you can't do what makes you happy or be around people that make you happy

-That defeats the whole entire fuckin purpose of life.

Too many people live their life doing what they don't want. Working jobs they hate/ fucking people they don't even like just becausee they're lonely.....

What do you think the world would be like if everybody was rich and beautiful ?

... Life's a dream and may all dreams come true. When you stop dreaming life ends.

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IMO, when you stop dreaming, you stop living and just start surviving. How can you grow if you don't have a goal, a dream that you want to reach.

Never despair cuz when you do, you lose hope. Losing hope is the single worst thing that can happen to a person.

If everyone were rich and beautiful, then it'd be a sad day for humanity. Do you get what I mean?

Peace, and keep LIVING!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Bah Humbug! To say that being an adult requires that you stop dreaming is so far off base. Think about all the advances civilization has made. All the people you learn about in school. All the things in your own life that you are most proud of. ALL of those things came from someone's imagination!

Without dreams there would be no science, no art, no romance.... without dreams life would be unbearably mundane!



"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

Not everyone understands house music. It's a spiritual thing... a vibe thing... a soul thing.

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Never despair cuz when you do, you lose hope. Losing hope is the single worst thing that can happen to a person.

- I want hope foe Christmas !

If everyone were rich and beautiful, then it'd be a sad day for humanity. Do you get what I mean?

- Explain -

I thought that's what everyone wanted ..

- I don't know- but all my life- I could never be with the people I wanted to be with. The kind of friends I wanted or the the of guy I love ...I meet them but something just doesn't work out ...

I wonder why I can't be with someone I love...

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- Do you hope to get it for Christmas? smile.gif

- Thats true that everyone's goal is to be rich and famous...but if thats all they wanted and they attained it, then what?? No more goals, no more dreams?? Though, I have to say that no-one should starve either.

- The reason you're not with the people you want to be with is cuz you're looking too hard. The people who you want to be with are the people that want to be with you. Love will find you...its just a matter of time. For now enjoy single life (I am) cuz once you find that someone, there's no turning back.

You can find happiness by enjoying what you have...or you can find sadness in yearning for things that you don't have. Or, ideally, combine the two - find happiness in what you have, while setting a goal to attain what you don't.


Damn I'm in a philosophical mood today...is that one of the symptoms of low serotonin levels??? lol


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by raver_mania:


Love will find you...You can find happiness by enjoying what you have...or you can find sadness in yearning for things that you don't have.

Wow, I think that's one of the best things that has been sad today...and yes, it's 'very philosophical' wink.gif

Live every moment to the max cause life is too short and precious to be wasted!!!

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Originally posted by flying_high:

Wow, I think that's one of the best things that has been sad today...and yes, it's 'very philosophical' wink.gif

Live every moment to the max cause life is too short and precious to be wasted!!!

Thank you smile.gif


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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I think you need to always be grateful for what you have and happy and proud of it. But you also need to keep dreaming-if you loose that you loose what makes you you-and what keeps you going.

Life can be very hard, but if you focus your energy on your dreams, they will come true.

If you let go of the negative (eg. job you may not totally be happy with) and replace the anger and negativity with love and happiness-your dreams will find you!



The music makes the people come together...

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Originally posted by a12345:

Dis you ever feel like as if you don't belong anywhere ?

Did you ever feel as if everyone is normal and you're not ?


"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

Not everyone understands house music. It's a spiritual thing... a vibe thing... a soul thing.

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I've felt both of those at some point in my life. I think everyone has. I have a theory that we are all traveling on the same path just at different paces.

But as far as being normal... how can you define normal? I think as long as your true to yourself and to your heart then you are normal. Personally I belive that society at large places too much emphisis on the status quo.

Gnothe Seauton!

"Know thy self"... written above the door to the Oracle at Delphi.



"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

Not everyone understands house music. It's a spiritual thing... a vibe thing... a soul thing.

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Originally posted by a12345:

[b Dis you ever feel like as if you don't belong anywhere ?

Did you ever feel as if everyone is normal and you're not ?

Oh god yes and yes.

When I was a kid, I wanted to ba a stuntman (think Lee Majors the Fall Guy) and a time traveler. Actually I STILL want to be a time traveler.

In my adult world, i just want to be happy, I like girls, music, making people happy, and transformers.

I try to balance a mix of my childhood selfish needs/wants with my adult responsible/protective-ness to others.



Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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