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crobar dress code?

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If you wanna go out and look really sharp to try to attract ladies, then dress up and look fresh. Shoes, slacks the whole nine yards. It wont matter that your not comfortable, because you will look fly and the ladies will flock to you .. just remember to get a bottle or something, its manditory if your trying to look "good"

Wear anything you want but shorts and a wife beater to the door. when you get inside it will be wife beaters galore depending on the night. usually though if there is some decent talent there on a friday night you will get a very mixed crowd. some music heads some dick heads, either way, if your out to have fun, have a great attitude, do as the bouncer says and you dont make stupid comments, remarks or even compliments ... then you should be alright ..

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When I say "GO OUT AT NITE" you and I both know where we are referring to: in this case: A CLUB! I mean when I got to a club, the majority of the people I see there are DRESSED UP!...So one whould think some people would GET A CLUE from seeing this evidence...

Also, I think you and I have different IDs of what dressing up means...You probably think I mean, conservative dress, like shoes, suit, slacks, etc...which is not what I mean...I think people can still dress up and be comfortable: people have different styles and fashions to show off, impress( which is one part of the scene too)When one of your objectives is to go out to attract attention and meet someone special, you wanna look your best, to at least have a good chance...You won't stand a chance if u go there lookin like a ragamuffin....Its a competition game too, if u like it or not....

and just be clean at least...like for god sakes take a shower and use some deodorant.....There is nothin worst than being on a crowded dance floor being trapped around FUNKY BODY ODOR.....

Dressing up to go out at night really is based on where you go, no? If you're going to a place where the main point is to hear music, dance and have fun, you should be comfortable? shouldn't you? We aren't talking about going to the Opera or anything...

I have no clue... :aright:

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When I say "GO OUT AT NITE" you and I both know where we are referring to: in this case: A CLUB! I mean when I got to a club, the majority of the people I see there are DRESSED UP!...So one whould think some people would GET A CLUE from seeing this evidence...

Also, I think you and I have different IDs of what dressing up means...You probably think I mean, conservative dress, like shoes, suit, slacks, etc...which is not what I mean...I think people can still dress up and be comfortable: people have different styles and fashions to show off, impress( which is one part of the scene too)When one of your objectives is to go out to attract attention and meet someone special, you wanna look your best, to at least have a good chance...You won't stand a chance if u go there lookin like a ragamuffin....Its a competition game too, if u like it or not....

and just be clean at least...like for god sakes take a shower and use some deodorant.....There is nothin worst than being on a crowded dance floor being trapped around FUNKY BODY ODOR.....

I'm not talking ragamuffin, but one can look nice in jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. and I'll give you that one... SHOWER. PLEASE!

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When I say "GO OUT AT NITE" you and I both know where we are referring to: in this case: A CLUB! I mean when I got to a club, the majority of the people I see there are DRESSED UP!...So one whould think some people would GET A CLUE from seeing this evidence...

Also, I think you and I have different IDs of what dressing up means...You probably think I mean, conservative dress, like shoes, suit, slacks, etc...which is not what I mean...I think people can still dress up and be comfortable: people have different styles and fashions to show off, impress( which is one part of the scene too)When one of your objectives is to go out to attract attention and meet someone special, you wanna look your best, to at least have a good chance...You won't stand a chance if u go there lookin like a ragamuffin....Its a competition game too, if u like it or not....

and just be clean at least...like for god sakes take a shower and use some deodorant.....There is nothin worst than being on a crowded dance floor being trapped around FUNKY BODY ODOR.....

who are you? where have you been? in a cave? or did u look all of this up online? maybe you should go to a club and see whats actually out there,.. or are you one of those 30-somethings out there trying to get laid (or at least attreact attention and meet someone special).,. c'mon dude.,. get over it.,. i agree with wanting to look decent, but theres no need for you do dress up.,. t-shirts, jeans, runnders.,. whatever, just be comfortable, be ready to dance, and be urself on the floor.,. thats how you impress the true headzzzz.,.

and as annoying as the whole body odor thing is, it jsut means people are getting down.,. i hate it as much as the next person, but c'mon i just spent a month in europe.,. talk about BO!

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be urself on the floor.,. thats how you impress the true headzzzz.,.

Be Yourself is the key; impressing the "true headz", who cares?

As for Crobar's expectations, I guess they don't want you to look like you're going to work at the office, or just came back from the gym. Anything else should be fine.

Live and let Live.

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Honey I think u need to read using some english comprehension or go back to school and get some if u don't have any:

[Also, I think you and I have different IDs of what dressing up means...You probably think I mean, conservative dress, like shoes, suit, slacks, etc...which is not what I mean...I think people can still dress up and be comfortable: people have different styles and fashions to show off, impress]

....I am speaking from experience of going to Ultranewyork and the crobar afterparty and have some pics of how people dress....just don't dress like u just came outta prison or gettin ready to paint a house.......And who cares if I may be 18, 25, 35, or 40: AGE IS JUST A NUMBA!!!!YA HERE!!!

who are you? where have you been? in a cave? or did u look all of this up online? maybe you should go to a club and see whats actually out there,.. or are you one of those 30-somethings out there trying to get laid (or at least attreact attention and meet someone special).,. c'mon dude.,. get over it.,. i agree with wanting to look decent, but theres no need for you do dress up.,. t-shirts, jeans, runnders.,. whatever, just be comfortable, be ready to dance, and be urself on the floor.,. thats how you impress the true headzzzz.,.

and as annoying as the whole body odor thing is, it jsut means people are getting down.,. i hate it as much as the next person, but c'mon i just spent a month in europe.,. talk about BO!

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Can't believe this turned into a 3 pg. thread! LOL!

Dress however you want, but at the very least I'd go w/ a nice t-shirt, jeans, and some fashionable sneakers/shoes. Anything less, and you might get tossed outta line.

Sometimes I'll dress up, and sometimes I won't. Depends how I'm feeling that day. But I always like to look good, cause when you look good you feel good. Not really trying to impress anyone.

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