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Dj Etienne of AER fridays is a 5 star JERK OFF

DJ Etienne of AER Fridays is....  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. DJ Etienne of AER Fridays is....

    • a musical genius of Miles Davis proportions.
    • the dominant force in hip-hop music today.
    • a boy with a small penis who vents on his club coworkers as compensation.
    • a second-rate DJ sellout, with a small penis, who's also a FIVE STAR JERK OFF.

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FYI: those places: AER, Lotus, Marquis (or Marquee I never know and don't give a shit), ... you get the picture, those club-lounges are not -never were- where the musical talent is anyway.

And usually, most of the folks in there think they're some kind of cool kids when really the cool kids left the Meat Packing District like 5 years ago; those idiots are just playing a bad sex and the city episode in their head, years too late.

Summary: what the hell are you doing there in the first place and why are you surprised the dj there's a talentless dickhead?

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WOW.. you put a lot of energy into this.. got his picture and everything....posted him on web.. Great Advertizing...

i've known Etienne for many years back in the Mars, Paradise garage and Spy bar days. I wouldn't call him a friend nor defend him but i know this for a fact. Etienne i can be a real asshole to assholes...he's not best DJ (everyone Knows that). Those 50 models you were with.. probably half of them were his guests.

Dude.. seriously... i gather that you've been in the business.. for a while.. i'm sure he's not the first "asshole" you've delt with..can I name a few. (Arimis, Ross, Jessica, Kenny Kenny, Alex...etc.).

Your post is such a bitch move. You know if a DJ..(good, bad, or the wrost you ever heard) is in the booth it's his booth. I'm sure there was some miscommunication bet/ the owner him and you. Like you said you worked with him before and he wasn't a "5 star Jerk off". You tell him to fuck off and don't expect a reaction... C'mon MAn!!! Especially in Clubland where everyone even the busboys have attitudes.

Serioulsly you come out looking like a real Bitch with this post. You got shafted with no lube. Bend over and bite down hard because this is bound to happen again.

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Ok... point taken. you are right about most of the things you said.. and my words were harsh... My point is you know who you are and what you do...You shouldn't let people in the business.. get to you like that. Like i said there are a lot of Assholes in the business...and they will act up...

Quick story:

I threw a magazine party at Luhan a couple of years ago. Our friend Arimis was a guest.. he sat at my table, girls all over him... drinks my booze..He and I actually had a good hour conversation talking about a bunch of things.

So the wednesday after I had a three hot chicks with me and i took them to Sarafina...Arimis was at the door, we walk up i say hello, he looks at me and says. "are the ladies with you?' i say yes... and he replied..."I can only do the girls.. you're gonna have to wait." so i asked him it's it was a capacity thing or ratio... if it was about ratio.. it's me and three girls and the ratio is taken care of. He says. It's neither. so i said what's the Problem. he turned his back to me and walked away. tells one of the bouncers Who i knew.. not to let me in. So i said nothing and went to Pangea.

I had every right to curse him out or even choke his ass.. but i didn't. i was with ladies and like you said... i wasn't going to spoil my reputation. the crazy thing is a few weeks later.. he showed up at one of my events...I was at the door...he was with some people who looked important... He came up to me... and said hello...i said hello back. turned my bac to him and told my door person that he was not allowed to come in....Arimis turn purple he was so upset...One of he's guest pulled me aside and asked me to let them in.. i said ok but Arimis is not allowed. so they came in and told him they would call him later.

There are better ways to deal with assholes.. then a web post.

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although your VIP princess is pretty hot, she looks oh-so-lonely... where are her bootyful friends?

you really should realize it takes a primadonna to piss off a primadonna.

if you had respect for the music, you would respect the dj; if you showed respect for the dj, regardless of the skill-level, there is a 99% chance you would not have had trouble. prima donna or no.

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although your VIP princess is pretty hot, she looks oh-so-lonely... where are her bootyful friends?

you really should realize it takes a primadonna to piss off a primadonna.

if you had respect for the music, you would respect the dj; if you showed respect for the dj, regardless of the skill-level, there is a 99% chance you would not have had trouble. prima donna or no.

I agree..you showed one picture of a girl ...

where are the rest..

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