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BUSTED: N.O. Cops caught on video beating elderly man...


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Bush trained them..


Actually, let's flip da' script......

So, when blacks riot, loot, kill, etc......The "usual suspects"(aka-liberals) try to justify their actions by saying "blacks are too poor, racist America denies them opportunity so they act out of rage, We need to understand them by "FEELING THEIR PAIN"....etc..etc..etc.....

Basically, just a bunch of excuses for INEXCUSABLE behavior.

So, why don't these same people use that same logic in this scenario?

N.O. cops fighting hard to bring back law and order to their destroyed city. Many of them commiting suicide due to the added stress that has fallen upon them, they've lost their homes, friends and relatives,,,etc..etc..etc....

Have a heart, guys!!!! LOL LOL LOL

So, maybe we all need to better understand the stress the poor cops are going through in N.O. and we need to "feel their pain" before we judge them?


Sound asinine? Now you know how asinine you like minded folks sound when you justify inexcusable behavior,,,be it by blacks, latinos, Saddam, UBL, terrorists, etc...... GET IT?

Seriously, from the video I saw, the cops fucked up! Granted, I don't know what this guy did or said to warrant the attention from the cops? As for the journalist, HE WASN'T ASSAULTED! I saw the video! He was pushed back onto a car. ONLY A FUCKING PUSSY BITCH would call that an "ASSAULT"......The brotha,,,,HE WAS ASSAULTED! The grandstanding AP guy? I don't think so! The AP reporter was playing to the camera. You can see him looking back to the camera man after he got pushed onto the car hood making sure he was recording.

At the end of the day,,,,,,,,,,I'm sure that brutha won't do that again...(whatever it was he did? who knows? I wasn't there and the video does not show what instigated the cops). Those cops are done too! They better start looking at a change in careerers.


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Maybe they were inspired by William Bennet's comments about how if blacks aborted their babies then the crime rate would go down. LOL


Now dat's da troof! LOL

Actually, those comments were taken out of context. I heard the entire statement by Bennete. In today's PC environment, conservatives don't have the luxury of commenting on anything racial.

How less than 14% of America's population commits nearly 70% of the crime is sad? Factually speaking, the comment made by Bennet which was merely an answer to a question posed to him by a caller would factually be correct. I think Bennet's comment which seems to elude the press was that that premise would be "reprehensible" being that he's a staunch PRO-LIFER...He was offended by the question posed to him by the caller. He probably should have never repeated the callers question......Anyway.......

Personally, I'm PRO-LIFE but if my political "enemies" are so PRO-ABORTION, then by all means,,,,,,,They're only aborting themselves and their future "liberal" generation into irrelevance and non-existence, hence, ABORT....If they were aborting conservatives, that's another story. But they're obviously aborting future liberals........(Yes, I'm generalizing.)

Hello??? Mc Fly?????

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SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!!!!!

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (CNN) -- A retired teacher injured during a videotaped beating by New Orleans police says he feels no anger toward the department.

"I hold no animosity against anyone. I want to thank the new police chief for his quick action. I really do," 64-year-old Robert Davis said Tuesday.

Three officers have been suspended and local and federal authorities have launched investigations into the October 8 incident.

Joseph Bruno, the attorney for Davis, said his client does not believe the assault was racially motivated.

"I know there is a big temptation to go there, but my client firmly believes that is not what is involved here," Bruno said in an interview.

Instead, Bruno said, Davis believes he was assaulted by "a couple of rotten apples that need to be dealt with."

Davis is scheduled to appear in court this week as federal authorities investigate whether his civil rights were violated.

Davis faces charges that include public intoxication, battery on a police officer and resisting arrest. He denied he was drunk. (Video: Davis denies drinking -- 5:22))

"I haven't drank in 25 years," Davis told CNN. "That's the amazing part."

Davis said he stopped drinking 25 years ago after he had a black-out incident.

"Since then, I have put alcohol down. I don't even entertain the thought of alcohol," he said.


My guess is this guy has either not been contact by Jesse Jackson and his ilk yet,,,,or maybe someone slipped his lawyer a briefcase full of cash?

waddaya tink?

Personally, I agree,,,,bad apples that need to be dealt with. If sincere, kudos to Davis for taking the high ground. We'll see what happens....Money does corrupt.

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LIMBAUGH: Hey, hey, hey! Did you -- did you see -- we've got a videotape of three New Orleans police officers, beating and punching a 64-year-old man accused of public drunkenness? The third officer grabbing and shoving an AP TV news producer who helped capture the confrontation on tape. The police spokesman in New Orleans, Marlon Defillo, said, "Well, the police are promising a criminal investigation." It's a troubling tape. No doubt about it. The tape -- the tape shows an officer hitting the suspect, Robert Davis, at least four times in the head Saturday night outside a French Quarter bar. Davis appeared to resist, twisting and flailing, as he was dragged to the ground by four officers. Another of the officers then kneed Davis, punched him twice. Davis was face-down on the sidewalk with blood streaming down his arm, and into the gutter. Then a fifth officer ordered the producer of the -- Associated Press Television News producer Rich Matthews and a cameraman to stop recording. When Matthews held up his credentials, the officer grabbed the producer, leaned him backward over a car, jabbed him in his stomach, and unleashed a profanity-laced tirade. "I've been here for six weeks trying to keep alive! Go home!" shouted the officer, who identified himself as S.M. Smith.

Now clearly, folks, we have a Rodney King moment here. But we don't have a Rodney King moment at the same time. Why don't we have a Rodney King moment? I mean -- I mean, we've got the video, and it's been a story, but have you seen -- have you seen much news about this? Have you? Have -- well, now, no, no, I mean, we haven't, not every second.
We haven't seen anybody getting outraged outside of New Orleans about this. Maybe it's not a Rodney King moment because it's in a Democrat-run town and state. And I think probably people end up saying we should understand the rage of the New Orleans police.
We need to understand the rage, folks. That's -- you know, when rage is good, we need to understand it. When rage is bad, it's horrible and rotten, and we need to put the people who rage in jail.

I'm not saying it's common city [sic] in Democrat-run towns. I'm just saying it's no big deal.
When -- for example, look at the -- look at the Sunday shows this week. They went out there, and they did everything they could to find conservatives to rip on Bush. The only time they notice conservatives is when conservatives -- I was invited. I didn't go, folks. I want you to know. I was invited this weekend, but this -- I said this is not the time for me to do it. They want to talk about the status of the conservative movement, and I said I'll be glad to do it, but this is not the time. I had a weekend from hell, but anyway, this is not -- meaning busy. But still, it's --
but by the same token, you know, when a Democrat -- a bunch of cops in a Democrat town beat up a suspect, well, we've got to understand the rage of the cops. They've been there six weeks. A lot of stress. So forth and so on.

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Anyone who listens to Rush understands the sarcasm that's part of his show.

Anyone who does not listen and tries to pull snippets from the show to induce a pseudo-emotional outburst,,,,Well, LOL LOL LOL LOL

After all, the guy has the largest audience in America and I assume it's not for nothing. He's been doing it for over 15 yrs.

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Anyone who listens to Rush understands the sarcasm that's part of his show.

Anyone who does not listen and tries to pull snippets from the show to induce a pseudo-emotional outburst,,,,Well, LOL LOL LOL LOL

After all, the guy has the largest audience in America and I assume it's not for nothing. He's been doing it for over 15 yrs.


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