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Hate being sick


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Okay so this isn't really an important topic nor something to lead to a discussion. I'm purely commiting taking up valuable board room to bitch and complain. You are forewarned!

I hate being sick!!!!!!!!

Crossing my fingers that I'm better by tomorrow so I can meet you guys that are heading to America.

I've such a bad case of cabin fever that if I don't get out of this apt tomorrow I'm gonna start dressing my poor kitty in doll clothes. LOL!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Wanna get a pre-America meet up tonight? What say?

If you wanna get outta the house, and I wanna get outta the house, let's both get outta the house together. Maybe I can help cure your sickness!!!

Anyone else wanna assist her in her "healing". Set the time and place. I'm always down (me and my crazy ass)


"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . .

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

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I've got the best Mom there is. Brought me chicken soup, some homemade salad etc etc. I'm set when it comes to home remedies but thanks a bunch ;-)

Would join ya all for some fun but I'm afraid if I overdo it at all, I'll be down and out all week. :-( Thanks though!

Lets see...reorganize my closet, yeah that's something to do. <bangs her head against her desk and mutters>


"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Originally posted by ooana:

I've got the best Mom there is. Brought me chicken soup, some homemade salad etc etc. I'm set when it comes to home remedies but thanks a bunch ;-)

Would join ya all for some fun but I'm afraid if I overdo it at all, I'll be down and out all week. :-( Thanks though!

Lets see...reorganize my closet, yeah that's something to do. <bangs her head against her desk and mutters>

so is that your way of saying you dont want me to bring you chicken soup ?



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<laughs> No its my way of saying, trust me...NO ONE wants to be around me right now. I'm probably a walking contageon!(spelling?)Not to mention my coughing will probably bust someone's ear drum.

MUST be better by tomorrow though..must must must must must. I'm so damn booooooooored! <throws a mock temper tantrum>



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Originally posted by ooana:

I've got the best Mom there is. Brought me chicken soup, some homemade salad etc etc. I'm set when it comes to home remedies but thanks a bunch ;-)

Would join ya all for some fun but I'm afraid if I overdo it at all, I'll be down and out all week. :-( Thanks though!

Lets see...reorganize my closet, yeah that's something to do. <bangs her head against her desk and mutters>

If you don't want joeydollaz to bring it alone, I'll accompany him. Maybe we can all watch Buffy and Angel together?



"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . .

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

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Originally posted by ooana:

<laughs> No its my way of saying, trust me...NO ONE wants to be around me right now. I'm probably a walking contageon!(spelling?)Not to mention my coughing will probably bust someone's ear drum.

MUST be better by tomorrow though..must must must must must. I'm so damn booooooooored! <throws a mock temper tantrum>


my offer still stands .. .



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I second that!! I HATE being sick. I feel like i have been sick for the past three weeks... I get over one illness and catch another. I lost my voice 2 weeks ago, had a 102 degree fever last week, and now I have pink eye. To top it all off, I still have a cold. I hope I will be better by the weekend.

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

I second that!! I HATE being sick. I feel like i have been sick for the past three weeks... I get over one illness and catch another. I lost my voice 2 weeks ago, had a 102 degree fever last week, and now I have pink eye. To top it all off, I still have a cold. I hope I will be better by the weekend.

Yikes. Damn woman. I hope YOU feel better.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Originally posted by ooana:

Yikes. Damn woman. I hope YOU feel better.


Uhm. . . damn, for real, I think I'll stick with trying to help oona get better. Sorry Jen I gotta work almost everyday until 12/28 (After which I have a fabulous ten day vacation). If you'd like me to come around that time, I'll think about it, however, it's gotta be worth my while!!! cwm4.gif

Meanwhile, oona, I'm still down to come and watch Buffy and Angel w/ you. Please huh, please?? I'll make you MY special Chicken soup, with a side order of a full body massage and a large order of pampering!!!!



"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . .

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

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