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It's official. Walmart hates freedom of speech


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...and America.

Wal-Mart Turns in Student’s Anti-Bush Photo, Secret Service Investigates Him

By Matthew Rothschild

October 4, 2005

Selina Jarvis is the chair of the social studies department at Currituck County High School in North Carolina, and she is not used to having the Secret Service question her or one of her students.

But that’s what happened on September 20.

Jarvis had assigned her senior civics and economics class “to take photographs to illustrate their rights in the Bill of Rights,” she says. One student “had taken a photo of George Bush out of a magazine and tacked the picture to a wall with a red thumb tack through his head. Then he made a thumb’s down sign with his own hand next to the President’s picture, and he had a photo taken of that, and he pasted it on a poster.”

According to Jarvis, the student, who remains anonymous, was just doing his assignment, illustrating the right to dissent.

But over at the Kitty Hawk Wal-Mart, where the student took his film to be developed, this right is evidently suspect.

An employee in that Wal-Mart photo department called the Kitty Hawk police on the student. And the Kitty Hawk police turned the matter over to the Secret Service.

On Tuesday, September 20, the Secret Service came to Currituck High.“At 1:35, the student came to me and told me that the Secret Service had taken his poster,” Jarvis says. “I didn’t believe him at first. But they had come into my room when I wasn’t there and had taken his poster, which was in a stack with all the others.”

She says the student was upset.

“He was nervous, he was scared, and his parents were out of town on business,” says Jarvis.

She, too, had to talk to the Secret Service.

“Halfway through my afternoon class, the assistant principal got me out of class and took me to the office conference room,” she says. “Two men from the Secret Service were there. They asked me what I knew about the student. I told them he was a great kid, that he was in the homecoming court, and that he’d never been in any trouble.”

Then they got down to his poster.

“They asked me, didn’t I think that it was suspicious,” she recalls. “I said no, it was a Bill of Rights project!”

At the end of the meeting, they told her the incident “would be interpreted by the U.S. attorney, who would decide whether the student could be indicted,” she says.

The student was not indicted, and the Secret Service did not pursue the case further.

“I blame Wal-Mart more than anybody,” she says. “I was really disgusted with them. But everyone was using poor judgment, from Wal-Mart up to the Secret Service.”

A person in the photo department at the Wal-Mart in Kitty Hawk said, “You have to call either the home office or the authorities to get any information about that.”

Jacquie Young, a spokesperson for Wal-Mart at company headquarters, did not provide comment within a 24-hour period.

Sharon Davenport of the Kitty Hawk Police Department said, “We just handed it over” to the Secret Service. “No investigative report was filed.”

Jonathan Scherry, spokesman for the Secret Service in Washington, D.C., said, “We certainly respect artistic freedom, but we also have the responsibility to look into incidents when necessary. In this case, it was brought to our attention from a private citizen, a photo lab employee.”

Jarvis uses one word to describe the whole incident: “ridiculous.”


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I hope you werent refering to this thread as ghey ...

and a big whooping FUCK YOU to wal-mart .. i would love to have spent a year or two fucking with the stupid cuntflap that called the police on this poor student .. and then the secret service taking this seriously just pisses me off even more. Tax dollars to follow up on some kids high school project ... fucking pathetic

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I hope you werent refering to this thread as ghey ...

and a big whooping FUCK YOU to wal-mart .. i would love to have spent a year or two fucking with the stupid cuntflap that called the police on this poor student .. and then the secret service taking this seriously just pisses me off even more. Tax dollars to follow up on some kids high school project ... fucking pathetic

yea this thread is gay

the only purpose it serves is to further demonstrate how much of an ignoramus you are

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This is one of the dumbest things ever! Calling the secret service because of some kid in a photo with his thumbs down next to a Bush picture! Some people are just plain morons. I think the employee should be charged for the tax dollars spent on flying the SS agents over, hotel (if used) and the agents' wages.

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So in your opinion its OK for Secret Service to waste resources and time on some kid who took a picture of himself with a Bush picture with a thumbs down? Just because of some Walmart loser?

Or are you saying lame to that Walmart employee's actions?

He's saying "lame" for the kid who exercised his first amendment rights.

I bet DrLogic would hate it if he was told what to say, what and how to think, how to feel, what kind of pictures or posters to draw or make the same way he believes people should be told how and what to think, say and express themselves. In other words, FALL IN LINE AND OBEY! DO AS YOU'RE TOLD! Never mind your free concience. Let us think for you because WE KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU!

He believes nobody is allowed to criticize the AWESOME George W. Bush. If you do, you are a terrorist and you hate America. He believes that Bush is America and America is Bush which is comparable to a quote by Goebbels, "Germany is Hitler, Hitler is Germany."

He believes nobody is allowed to criticize a US president unless he or she is a democrat or any other party except Republican.

He believes everyone MUST rally behind Bush and surrender their constitutional right to dissent and the right to their criticism of him.

Democracy is too good for him. He prefers dictatorship.

He lionizes Bush as being absoultely invincible, perfect in every way and no matter what he does, even if it shreads the very fabric of this country is perfectly ok. Comparable of those who were loyal to Hitler.

Typical of him. After all, he's the one who threatened me on this very forum.

He says I hate? Hate what? Who? When he's the one who has been trolling this board with racist retorts toward the hurricane victims because of their race and their financial statusus and I'm the one who hates... He's stuck in reverse logiclly.

He accuses others of hate when he is throwing the racist hate around himself.

Then he tells me to strap a bomb on myself, mecca is that way, etc... indicating of course his hatred toward islamic Arab people then making me out to be a terrorist simply because I disagree with him. We know this is the simple minded logic of those who attempt to force others to blindly follow their insane twisted agendas or else. In other words, another form of suppression of ones' right to express themselves no matter how diverse the opinion.

In other words, to him, freedom of speech only applies to those who agree directly with him otherwise it is revoked when you disagree with him.

I have been printing his (and other CP members) posts. You're not among the members involved in the printings. Dr Logic, headpusher, eccentricmofo and igloo (your buddy) are the players.

I have printed his threat and I also have the link. Read the last paragraph.


Here is the printed version.


I have more from him I have printed in a nicely arranged stack.

Since the CP staff conveniently ignored the first report I sent concerning this threat by him, I just sent them another report on this same threat and it's not pretty what I wrote this time. Come to find out, you're a mod. How come you or any of the other mods haven't taken any corrective action against him for this?

You know something else? He likes to hang out in politicalteen.net yet he's 31. A 31 year old man in a site for teens. Something's gotta to be wrong with that picture. It would not even surprise me that he has illegal child porn on his hard drive. I'm willing to bet he's a paedophile who hangs out in teen and kiddie chats soliciting sex to minors.

PS. You were right about the elderly lady in New Orleans with the gun who got arrested in the video. My mistake. I overlooked that part of the newsclip.

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yea this thread is gay

the only purpose it serves is to further demonstrate how much of an ignoramus you are

Ignoramus for what? Exercising the first amendment rights?

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile.
To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President,right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else."

Theodore Roosevelt

Source:"Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star",May 7, 1918

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Okay Wally??????????

Would you like some cheese w/ that whine?

I take it you're still working on getting laid?

You need help Scooter! Seek help!

Keep taking screen shots, keep printing posts....remember it, write it down, take a picture,,,I don't giveafohk!

You are the epitome of IRRELEVANCE!

One need not be omniscient to see just how pathetic you are.

Love ya' Tonz, honeybuns!

Why don't you go play in traffic?


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So in your opinion its OK for Secret Service to waste resources and time on some kid who took a picture of himself with a Bush picture with a thumbs down? Just because of some Walmart loser?

Or are you saying lame to that Walmart employee's actions?

IMHO, this post & the poster are a whole lot about nothing!

Nothing from nothing, leaves NOTHING!

My advise to that ball of naval lint posing as "destruction" is.......


I could give 3 craps about his pseudo-outrage.

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So in your opinion its OK for Secret Service to waste resources and time on some kid who took a picture of himself with a Bush picture with a thumbs down? Just because of some Walmart loser?

Or are you saying lame to that Walmart employee's actions?

IMHO, this post & the poster are a whole lot about nothing!

Nothing from nothing, leaves NOTHING!

My advise to that ball of naval lint posing as "destruction" is.......


I could give 3 craps about his pseudo-outrage.


I condemn the actions of the teenager and praise the actions of the Walmart employee because freedom of expression is anti American and must be outlawed and to do this we must revoke the Constitution. We must welcome dictatorship over democracy.
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Okay Wally??????????

Would you like some cheese w/ that whine?

I take it you're still working on getting laid?

You need help Scooter! Seek help!

Keep taking screen shots, keep printing posts....remember it, write it down, take a picture,,,I don't giveafohk!

You are the epitome of IRRELEVANCE!

One need not be omniscient to see just how pathetic you are.

Love ya' Tonz, honeybuns!

Why don't you go play in traffic?




If you really want to impress me, go to Baghdad.

So in your opinion its OK for Secret Service to waste resources and time on some kid who took a picture of himself with a Bush picture with a thumbs down? Just because of some Walmart loser?

Or are you saying lame to that Walmart employee's actions?

IMHO, this post & the poster are a whole lot about nothing!

Nothing from nothing, leaves NOTHING!

My advise to that ball of naval lint posing as "destruction" is.......


I could give 3 craps about his pseudo-outrage.


I condemn the actions of the teenager and praise the actions of the Walmart employee because freedom of expression is anti American and must be outlawed and to do this we must revoke the Constitution. We must welcome dictatorship over democracy.


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