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Thank You Ralph Nader

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thank you Ralph Nader....

for ensuring that for the rest of our lives we will have a right wing conservative supreme court.

for gauranteeing an economic recession

for making sure a man who barely made it through college is the leader of the free world

for putting a man in office who will finally get rid of that damn economic surplus and put us back in debt

for making sure that a party most opposed to your issues and point of view is in power

thank you Ralph Nader for getting rid of whatever faith I had in the fairness of our electoral system

you put on a wonderful show, your greatest trick was convincing the world you weren't a Republican

great job. cwm23.gif



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I hate Bush as much as the next guy. Hell I moved here from Texas thinking I was away from the man. But, I STRONGLY belive that this country needs a 3 party system!

Two things in the world cause war and hate... Religion and Politics. To each his own!!!!!




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Not everyone understands house music. It's a spiritual thing... a vibe thing... a soul thing.

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get over it. if ppl voted for ralph nader, they did so because they *liked ralph nader*.

you ought to try it sometime (rather than just voting *against* someone else). its ppl like *you* who we have to thank for the losers in DC.

conservative? how liberal is a southern democrat from the rich, *white*, good-ol boy network, who thinks homosexuality is a "sickness." yeah right, but at least hes not a republican. i guess to some ppl thats all that matters.


i love music!

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if it meant Bush not getting elected, I would sacrifice the fucking THird party in a SECOND!!! I'm going to write a personal letter to Nader cursing that fuck out!!! Damn, I'm mad! I hope at least that we will NEVER see him or hear his communist remarks ever again.....

I see Gore cracking and murdering Nader before commiting suicide...... hmmmmm...it could happen...


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Interesting theory. Blame Nader, a man with actual platforms and principles, instead of Gore and the Democrats.

How about blaming Gore for being so unsavory as to lose that boob. How about blaming the Democrats for losing their ideals and being just as in bed with corporate interests as the Republicans.

Nader realizes the party won't last forever. Our wonderful economy and luxurious lifestyles destroy our planet. Sure, it probably won't happen in your lifetime, but it all comes down to what you believe in.

If Gore was really such a better man he would have won anyway.

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in response to your "voting against someone else..."

when that someone else is an uneducated imbecile such as George Buah, I think people haev a right to vote against him. I mean, the guy admitted to "not reading the newspaper everyday". Do you want a president who is so clueless about the world?? The guy just knows how to regurgitate what his advisors tell him! What is the point of having a president at all then??

Hopefully, Bush will be tooo stupid to do anything and will not mess anything up..


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Hell I know people that voted for Bush or Gore just because they did not want the other to win. Thats the real problem. If Nader would have gotten 5% of the vote then he would have gotten goverment funding for the next election and we would have a real three party race. But when the Bush and Gore do things like not letting Nader into the debates or even letting him on the property of where they are taking place to do a scheduled tv interview its our whole country that loses out.

Im not saying im am for Nader but I am for getting all of the sides of a story. And I am for people taking a stand in what they believe in and not what is popular.

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Originally posted by sirdante:

get over it. if ppl voted for ralph nader, they did so because they *liked ralph nader*.

you ought to try it sometime (rather than just voting *against* someone else). its ppl like *you* who we have to thank for the losers in DC.

conservative? how liberal is a southern democrat from the rich, *white*, good-ol boy network, who thinks homosexuality is a "sickness." yeah right, but at least hes not a republican. i guess to some ppl thats all that matters.

oh so its people like me we have to thank that bush is in office right? makes a lot of sense, fact of the matter is bush is the president now, just think about that for a minute, george bush's prodigal son is president of america, if nader was not in the election do u think this would of happened? what exactly did nader accomplish? who did he help in his big third party revolution?



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Originally posted by nightcrawler:

oh so its people like me we have to thank that bush is in office right? makes a lot of sense, fact of the matter is bush is the president now, just think about that for a minute, george bush's prodigal son is president of america, if nader was not in the election do u think this would of happened? what exactly did nader accomplish? who did he help in his big third party revolution?

i wasnt saying people like you put bush in office. i meant ppl like you put generally useless elitists in office.

unless u r a politician, a political lobbyist, or have insider connections to DC, it is the same to you (as it is to me) if either bore or gush got elected. politics is just talk for us. it is only meaningful to the direct benificiaries of the dispursement of resources culled from the labor of civilians (ie the "hacks").

hey, if you like what gore stands for, i am glad you voted for him. if you dont like what nader stands for, i am glad u oppose him. but it sounds like you are sayin new ideas are ruining this country. look at it this way: you only have to suffer through 4 years of bush to see your beloved dems become a better party. maybe if the dems gave the nader supporters (and other independants like myself) a reason to vote democrat (other than "vote for us cause repubs are snotty noses nya nya") they would get the votes.

a vote for nader is indeed a vote *against* gore, but that does not make it a vote *for* everything the dems oppose. it makes it a vote for change. nader needs to be thanked by ppl who dont like the repubs. he needs to be thanked by ppl who dont like the dems as well. both bush and gore *combined* did not receive a majority of support from eligible voters in this country. the parties clearly do not appeal to enough of us. if another 4 years of an out-of-touch, elitist, corporate simulacrum is all it takes to feel the benefits of every 3rd party vote this year, then i am all for it.

imagine an election with a pair of candidates, say a republican and a democrat, that most of us can look at and think "hmm, i like this guy/gal, but the other one has alot to offer as well. this is a tough decision." every vote *for* a belief system that you support (green, libertarian, reform, whatever) brings us closer to having actual representitives *of the people* rather than representitives of the organizations that sell stuff *to* the people.


i love music!

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As Nader once said, "if Al Gore can't beat that bumbling Texan with the horrible record on his own, he shouldn't be running." I may have misquoted slightly though.

But as I recall, in 1992, Ross Perot got 15 percent of the vote taking almost 12 percent from George Bush Sr. Nader took 2, this just goes to show what horrible candidates the Democrats have put forth. That 12 percent would have given Bush a 52-47 percent mandate over Clinton and continued the Republican Dominance in the presidency. Same thing happened to Dole in 1996.

The problem with the 3rd party is that it allows candidates that do not reflect the views of a decent percentage of the counrty to get elected. Remember Hitler only got 31 percent of the popular vote in Germany. More candidates make it easier for political minorities to elect crazy leaders.

My $.02


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