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Did You Know WMD's Have Been Found In Iraq?


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1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents

Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

This is only a PARTIAL LIST of the horrific weapons verified to have been recovered in Iraq to date. Yet, Americans overwhelmingly believe U.S. and coalition forces found NO weapons of mass destruction.

The question is... WHY do they believe this lie?


Dear Fellow Conservative,

This is an email about one of the most powerful weapons of our time... "disinformation."

It's a weapon that is used on all of us over and over every day of our lives. You know this now, since you have already read a chapter of Disinformation, by Richard Miniter. But there is more, much more.

Have you heard that Osama bin Laden is on kidney dialysis? I'll bet you have. Much of the Western media report bin Laden's presumed affliction as a matter of fact -- and most Americans believe it. But...

...it's just not true.

Now, you may well be thinking: "Why would the news media want to make me believe that Osama bin Laden is a very sick and perhaps dying man?" Well, here's why...

The news media are -- overwhelmingly -- against the Iraq War. The image of an aged, 6-foot, 8-inch Arab limping from cave to cave, trailing a camel loaded down with dialysis equipment -- eluding George W. Bush and the most powerful military in the world -- appeals to them enormously.

And so the myth lives on -- for SEVEN YEARS now! -- long past the normal life expectancy of patients hooked up to dialysis in the best hospitals, let alone the freezing, rugged mountains of the Afghan-Pakistani border.

There is a name for this phenomenon -- disinformation.

The term refers to the deliberate dissemination of FALSE information (and the intentional omission of TRUE information) for the purpose of confusing rivals or influencing public opinion.

Indeed, the false conclusion that "Bush lied, there were no WMDs in Iraq," is the main supporting claim of the anti-war Left. Without it, the movement collapses.

My name is Tom Winter, Editor in Chief of HUMAN EVENTS. It grieves me to admit that millions upon millions of Americans unknowingly accept blatant falsehoods as facts due to the power and prevalence of disinformation.

Take a look at some of the most pernicious lies that you have no doubt read or heard:

There is no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda

The U.S. funded the Taliban in the 1980s

Suitcase nukes are in place across America

Osama bin Laden was trained by the CIA

Halliburton made a fortune in Iraq

There were no Jews in the Word Trade Center on 9/11

What do each of these widely publicized, widely believed "facts" have in common? Here's what:

They are undeniably false... as you will discover in Disinformation, the new blockbuster book by veteran reporter Richard Miniter, and it will be my pleasure to send it to you FREE in hard cover, just for trying HUMAN EVENTS.

Rich Miniter's career sounds like something out of a spy thriller

-- except it's real. In addition to writing for newspapers in the U.S., Western Europe, Africa and Southeast Asia, he has traveled with rebels into war zones in Uganda, Sudan and Burma and along smugglers' routes in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia.

Few reporters are more familiar with the methodology of disinformation -- the clever misdirection, false rumors, press manipulation, and endless repetition of falsehoods until they morph into "truth." Disinformation is a dark art, and Richard Miniter understands its shadings and subtleties.

In Disinformation, you'll delve into this shadowy world and discover...

Why both the CIA and al Qaeda prop up the myth that Osama bin Laden is immensely wealthy. (The reality of his so-called "wealth" will surprise you)

The truth about Halliburton's "war profits." (If Dick Cheney steered Iraq contracts to the company, Halliburton should sue!)

Who started (and spread) the insidious myth that no Jews died in the 9/11 attacks. (Actually, more than 500 Jews perished in the World Trade Center, in addition to those who were passengers on the doomed planes)

Why it was so important for the airlines and the U.S. government to spin the myth that "box cutters" were used to commandeer the planes on 9/11

The true story of the Canadian woman (a convert to Islam) who duped the eager-to-believe media into reporting rapes that never happened at the Abu Ghraib prison

Did the U.S. -- as charged by the Left -- fund the Taliban in the 1980s? (Answer: Impossible! The Taliban wasn't even formed until 1995)

There's so much more in this enthralling and disturbing book... How Bush-hating civil servants quietly sabotage the War on Terror... Pro-al Qaeda websites the global press treats as "impartial"... The country that acts as a pipeline for terrorists into the U.S. (It's not Mexico)... How the media continue to give Bill Clinton a "free pass" on bin Laden.

As I said, most Americans do not begin to comprehend how the Left is determined to undermine U.S. efforts to bring democracy to Iraq and win the War on Terror.

You'll be one of those in the know as soon as I send you a just-published hardcover edition of Disinformation FREE, just for taking a no-risk look at HUMAN EVENTS.

Why is HUMAN EVENTS for you?

Here's why. The treacherous strategy of disinformation goes far beyond the Iraq War.

Indeed, it is employed by liberals throughout American culture as a means of indoctrination to glorify sex and violence, to trivialize family values, to glamorize drug consumption, to promote the tax-and-spend "social justice" agenda and, of course, to demonize anyone who dares disagree with the liberal orthodoxy.

HUMAN EVENTS is the antidote to disinformation -- the weekly newspaper that zeroes in on the real story like a truth-seeking laser beam!

A few recent examples...

LIBERAL DISINFORMATION: "George Bush killed the Kyoto Treaty that would 'save' the world from global warming."

Nonsense! Reports HUMAN EVENTS. Liberal reporters know perfectly well that the U.S. Senate voted 99-0 against ratifying the Kyoto Treaty during the Clinton administration... and, moreover, that global warming is a dubious theory disputed by many leading climatologists.

LIBERAL DISINFORMATION: "The Bush Administration was slow to send help to New Orleans... and FEMA failed to rush in to rescue stranded citizens."

Baloney! Reports HUMAN EVENTS. Informed Americans fully realize that Louisiana Governor Blanco at first refused help from President Bush and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin did not issue an evacuation notice until it was too late. Both are Democrats. FEMA, which has no police, firemen, planes, trucks or boats, cannot rescue people and is a secondary responder.

LIBERAL DISINFORMATION: "GOP tax cuts have caused the budget deficit to explode."

Hogwash! Reports HUMAN EVENTS. The budget deficit exists because of the cost of The War on Terror and excessive government spending (much of it "pork") at home. What's more, the deficit has been dropping sharply because President Bush's tax cuts have increased government tax revenues as the economy has strengthened.

See what I mean? HUMAN EVENTS is not afraid to buck the conventional journalistic "wisdom" and reveal the politically incorrect truth... no matter whom it offends!

(Which probably explains why there is no faster-moving object in Washington than a liberal politician trying to duck a tough-questioning HUMAN EVENTS reporter!)

What's it like to read HUMAN EVENTS? Well, let's try this: Would you like to know...

WHICH group of American citizens will soon be allowed to virtually secede from the United States? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Native Hawaiians who, with Senate approval, could have their own separate, race-based governing authority.)

WHO demanded that attorney-client privilege be waived on memos written by Judge John Roberts? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Sen. Ted Kennedy -- whose attorney-client discussions about a young girl drowning in the waters off Chappaquiddick Island have remained secret for 36 years.)

WHAT do radical Islamists mean when they speak of "The Caliphate"? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: They are referring to bringing about the overthrow of existing Mideast regimes and replacing them with a chain of theocratic Islamic dictatorships stretching from Morocco in the West to the Philippines in the East... holding control over 60% to 70% of the world's oil reserves.)

WHICH group sponsored a drug conference that included a lecture titled "You Don't Have To Be Clean and Sober... Or Even Want To Be"? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: The United States Department of Health and Human Services.)

WHAT single act would free America from depending on Middle East oil? (HUMAN EVENTS answers: Liberating U.S. companies to find, drill, refine and deliver gas to our pumps from ANWR and other places -- which they are NOT permitted to do now.)

In addition to independent reporting like this, the best columnists in the country are writing for HUMAN EVENTS -- Robert Novak, Michelle Malkin, L. Brent Bozell, Terence Jeffrey, Bruce Bartlett, Thomas Sowell, David Limbaugh, Phyllis Schlafly, Oliver North and, as the icing on the cake, the peerless, priceless Ann Coulter.

The most hated (by liberals) woman since Margaret Thatcher, Coulter had this to say about Jimmy Carter's demand that the U.S. shut down the Guantanamo Bay detention center for terrorists:

"Here's a foolproof method for keeping America safe. Always do the exact 180-degree opposite of whatever Carter says, as quickly as possible."

News Max

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1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents

Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

This is only a PARTIAL LIST of the horrific weapons verified to have been recovered in Iraq to date. Yet, Americans overwhelmingly believe U.S. and coalition forces found NO weapons of mass destruction.

The question is... WHY do they believe this lie?

perhaps because the White house itself says that no WMDs were found :rolleyes:

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link please..


eat it.


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. inspectors have ended their search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in recent weeks, a U.S. intelligence official told CNN.

The United States is taking steps to determine how it received erroneous intelligence that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing and stockpiling nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.

"Our friends and allies had the same intelligence that we had when it came to Saddam Hussein," he said. "Now we need to continue to move forward to find out what went wrong and to correct those flaws.


CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq

Updated: 9:24 p.m. ET April 25, 2005

WASHINGTON - In his final word, the CIA’s top weapons inspector in Iraq said Monday that the hunt for weapons of mass destruction has “gone as far as feasible” and has found nothing, closing an investigation into the purported programs of Saddam Hussein that were used to justify the 2003 invasion.


"Although we have not found stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, we were right to go into Iraq."

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i'm sure we have that and more...

we difinitely didn't find what we were looking for.... so yes, the mission was pointless

1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents

Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin (a nerve agent five times more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas

This is only a PARTIAL LIST of the horrific weapons verified to have been recovered in Iraq to date. Yet, Americans overwhelmingly believe U.S. and coalition forces found NO weapons of mass destruction.

The question is... WHY do they believe this lie?

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eat it.


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. inspectors have ended their search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in recent weeks, a U.S. intelligence official told CNN.

The United States is taking steps to determine how it received erroneous intelligence that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing and stockpiling nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.

"Our friends and allies had the same intelligence that we had when it came to Saddam Hussein," he said. "Now we need to continue to move forward to find out what went wrong and to correct those flaws.

so where does it say in the article that the White House said there were NO WMD.

sorry but i dont eat anything fruit flavored riaa.gif

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This was a BS email that was sent out. When News Max was questioned on this I belive they could not provide any back-up details.

Enriched Uranium is not even bomb grade material. Enriched Uranium means it is at a higher percentage of U235 than is found in nature, roughly 5% (IIRC, natural sources are about 3%). Bomb grade Uranium is nearly 100% U235. And all of the enriched Uranium was kept away from Saddam's regime, and they didn't have to invade to do so.

Not to mention the fact that there are no major reputable news outlets that are reporting this and if for one second this was true don't you think that Bush would immediately be using this information to validate his initial reasons for going in and invading Iraq.

The CIA's official report ordered by Bush and drawn up by Charles Duelfer sums it all up. Nothing was found.

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so where does it say in the article that the White House said there were NO WMD.

sorry but i dont eat anything fruit flavored riaa.gif

"State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said though the search for WMD yielded no results, the United States, based on "extensive intelligence," believed before it invaded Iraq that Saddam was intent on acquiring them."

"In October, Duelfer released a preliminary report finding that in March 2003 -- the month of the invasion -- Saddam did not have any WMD stockpiles and had not started any program to produce them."

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those aren't weapons of mass destruction.

That is a list of items used in the creation of mass destruction.

It's the equivilant of saying a farmer has bombs because he has fertilizer or a country is a nuclear threat because they have a nuclear power plant.

It's just more spin and rhetoric from the right to scare people into giving them anything they want.

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those aren't weapons of mass destruction.

That is a list of items used in the creation of mass destruction.

It's the equivilant of saying a farmer has bombs because he has fertilizer or a country is a nuclear threat because they have a nuclear power plant.

It's just more spin and rhetoric from the right to scare people into giving them anything they want.

comparing uranium and fertilizer is a little ignorant..and kinda of a spin within itself hypocrite

regardless if they never will be found.. he did have them at some point..

he got rid of them in time.

and prove to me there werent any and ill prove to you there were some

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those aren't weapons of mass destruction.

That is a list of items used in the creation of mass destruction.

It's the equivilant of saying a farmer has bombs because he has fertilizer or a country is a nuclear threat because they have a nuclear power plant.

It's just more spin and rhetoric from the right to scare people into giving them anything they want.


If there was even the slightest trace that there might have been, do you not think that the Bush administration would have been all over it tell us "see, we told you so"?

You should get a copy of the Duelfer Report and give it a good read.

Actually, here you go, here is a link to it


Charles Duelfer works for the CIA and was contracted by the Bush administration to put together a definitive report to presented on the WMD situation in Iraq.

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those aren't weapons of mass destruction.

That is a list of items used in the creation of mass destruction.

It's the equivilant of saying a farmer has bombs because he has fertilizer or a country is a nuclear threat because they have a nuclear power plant.

It's just more spin and rhetoric from the right to scare people into giving them anything they want.

Thank goodness we have an omnicient patriot like yourself to clear up the spin for us sheep.....

How do I get out of this vast right wing conspiracy crew?


Read the report, check your recent history and get skooled on the lies you've built your house of cards to hide in.

WARNING! Know how to play 52 pickup? Learn quick before you skool yourself?

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WTF..... what is the lie?

Again, Karl Rove spin...........

they lie (WMD's, Uranium in Niger, Al Qaeda bases in Iraq), and then turn around and tell anyone that disagrees that they are a liar and unpatriotic.

Look, why dont we just Dig up Senator McCarthy, and the republican party can rename itself the Nationalist party.

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WTF..... what is the lie?

Again, Karl Rove spin...........

they lie (WMD's, Uranium in Niger, Al Qaeda bases in Iraq), and then turn around and tell anyone that disagrees that they are a liar and unpatriotic.

Look, why dont we just Dig up Senator McCarthy, and the republican party can rename itself the Nationalist party.

Hey! That's low! Shame on you! How can you trash Sen. McCarthy like that? He was a war hero just like Murtha was! If Murtha is "untouchable" cause he's a decorated war veteran, then so is McCarthy (based on the standards liberals set w/ Murtha). Again, just illustrating the absurdity w/ liberal logic. LOL Don't tell me you're gonna demand standards from Repz you're unwilling to live by yourself?

Anyway, you were saying.....

"WMD's, Uranium in Niger, Al Qaeda bases in Iraq"

Plz tell me you're kidding? Plz tell me you still doubt Iraq had WMD, Iraq "sought", not "bought" Uranium in Niger and the connection/s Al Qaeda had in Iraq? If so, then you haven't been doing your homework. You brought it up, so I can only asume you "genuinely" care and aren't just stuck in Michael Moore land, right?

And for the record, here's a free tip I'll share w/ you to help you decipher media reports. If you want to know what Washington Demz are up to, just listen to what they accuse Repz of doing. Demz always expose who they are and their intentions w/ their rhetoric. You can call Bush tons of names, but a waffler he is not. Unlike folks you probalby agree w/, his core principles are not fluid and subject to change w/ the direction of the wind.

ps. You forgot to blabber about Haliburton. lol

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WTF..... what is the lie?

Again, Karl Rove spin...........

they lie (WMD's, Uranium in Niger, Al Qaeda bases in Iraq), and then turn around and tell anyone that disagrees that they are a liar and unpatriotic.

Look, why dont we just Dig up Senator McCarthy, and the republican party can rename itself the Nationalist party.


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If there was even the slightest trace that there might have been, do you not think that the Bush administration would have been all over it tell us "see, we told you so"?

You should get a copy of the Duelfer Report and give it a good read.

Actually, here you go, here is a link to it


Charles Duelfer works for the CIA and was contracted by the Bush administration to put together a definitive report to presented on the WMD situation in Iraq.

I wonder if you TRULY read the Duelfer report, or just the parts the media wanted you to hear...

If there is one thing the Duelfer report did clarify, was that NO ONE LIED about WMD. case closed.

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LOL!....It is just not complete without Haliburton!.....I hear Michael Moore is a Haliburton stockholder!

That's just Karl Rove spin......

Liberal critique just isn't complete w/ out squeezing in Haliburton. LOL

PS..Yo Igloo, is it me or is DETROIT swirving right into Destruction/Michael Moore/Maureen Dowd land? You're either licking your lips to crush that softball DETROIT laid out over the plate or you're throwing your hands in the air and banging your head against the wall????????

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That's just Karl Rove spin......

Liberal critique just isn't complete w/ out squeezing in Haliburton. LOL

PS..Yo Igloo, is it me or is DETROIT swirving right into Destruction/Michael Moore/Maureen Dowd land? You're either licking your lips to crush that softball DETROIT laid out over the plate or you're throwing your hands in the air and banging your head against the wall????????

I was actually enjoying you pummeling him.........I am having a hard time dealing anyore with the clowns sticking to the "Bush Lied" mantra...it is so intellectually bankrupt, and a ridiculous waste of time........

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I wonder if you TRULY read the Duelfer report, or just the parts the media wanted you to hear...

If there is one thing the Duelfer report did clarify, was that NO ONE LIED about WMD. case closed.

I posted the report there did I not? It does say it quite clear no? They had them but the materials were pretty much destroyed about 15 years ago, they have nothing now, and if anything they have plans to re-establish in the future with the intent to guard themselves against Iran. Correct?

Dubya said they had weapons that were a threat to us. The report showed very clearly that they did not, and even if they did they had nothing with the capabilities to hit us.

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I was actually enjoying you pummeling him.........I am having a hard time dealing anyore with the clowns sticking to the "Bush Lied" mantra...it is so intellectually bankrupt, and a ridiculous waste of time........

Waste of time is right. They only start twitching and shooting sparks from their ears when they're blasted w/ truth.

I'm out. It's my bday this wknd and I'm going to Disney World tomorrow. It's Mickey's Very Merry Christmas when they deck out the Magic Kingdom w/ Christmas stuff and fake snow on Main St., fireworks, toy soldier parades, etc...The kids will have blast and seeing my wife and kids happy makes me happy. You know the saying "happy wife, happy life"..LOL

I'll be 32! Damn! I'm an old bag-o-dirt! LOL Anyway, I'm packing and getting everything ready. You know us "rich" republicans, always living the good life while poor democrats suffer.....LOL

Take care and have a good wknd!

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