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Our Troops Must Stay - BY JOE LIEBERMAN


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Congratulations, you're a repulsive cunt.

that's right. collaborate with the enemy.

closet neocon.

Go suck on Raver's cock, faggot.

Damn, I think we have an unanimous agreement that this guy is a moron. Go for anger therapy or even better, get laid, little man.


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Congratulations, you're a repulsive cunt.

that's right. collaborate with the enemy.

closet neocon.

Go suck on Raver's cock, faggot.


So what do you think about my proposition?

Im dead serious...

and I would be completely mature about it all.. I swear...

Are you worried that I may perhaps convince you otherwise?

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Damn, I think we have an unanimous agreement that this guy is a moron. Go for anger therapy or even better, get laid, little man.


Shut the fuck up useless one. Go root for Bush and help run America to the ground. Show your true neocon self by sending someone elses' kid off to die in a war that was built on lies while you root for the slaughter of innocents when you could be signing up and fighting the same quagmire you love so much.

Yeah, we know.... "We send your kids off to die so us neocons won't have to."

Seriously, if you do actually enlist and go off to the quagmire, I hope you get blown away by a roadside IED.


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Shut the fuck up useless one. Go root for Bush and help run America to the ground. Show your true neocon self by sending someone elses' kid off to die in a war that was built on lies while you root for the slaughter of innocents when you could be signing up and fighting the same quagmire you love so much.

Yeah, we know.... "We send your kids off to die so us neocons won't have to."

Seriously, if you do actually enlist and go off to the quagmire, I hope you get blown away by a roadside IED.


This guys reminds me of that other moron who used to post here a long time ago. He was also forty-something (or so he claimed) and supposedly had a daughter. Anyone remember his name?

I'm sure its the same person.

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This guys reminds me of that other moron who used to post here a long time ago. He was also forty-something (or so he claimed) and supposedly had a daughter. Anyone remember his name?

I'm sure its the same person.

raver--I think that was normalnoises...

Anyway, destruction called you a neocon---I fell off my chair laughing....

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raver--I think that was normalnoises...

Anyway, destruction called you a neocon---I fell off my chair laughing....

Yeah, thats him. I think its the same guy.

Well, destruction called me out. I'm actually a closet neo-con. I have a room in the back of my closet that opens out into this huge space with an altar to God Bush, Holy Cheney, and Prophet Rumsfield. I pray in there every day that Bush will attack Iran and install destruction as the new Mullah.

God thats a scary thought! He would make the the mullahs look like Mother Theresas!!!

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Yeah, thats him. I think its the same guy.

Well, destruction called me out. I'm actually a closet neo-con. I have a room in the back of my closet that opens out into this huge space with an altar to God Bush, Holy Cheney, and Prophet Rumsfield. I pray in there every day that Bush will attack Iran and install destruction as the new Mullah.

God thats a scary thought! He would make the the mullahs look like Mother Theresas!!!


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As long as my tax dollars pay for your service to the US I am your employer.

Nice try... By avoiding such offer I put across plate... by means of attempting... keyword "attempting" to instigate and provoke me to carry on like a little retard. Good attempt.

But you failed.


I am curious though.. if you ever ever ever.. get the chance to ACTUALLY answer my question...

How about it?

Or are you really scared that I indeed will convince you of being wrong?

Could it be... that you fear......... understanding?

God forbid you leave fort bragg a little more compassionate or aware of what reality and the situation is really about.

ONce again... can you answer my question... SINCERELY...

not this.. FUck you fuck face bush clone child killer oil raping commy android bastard who worships the new world of oil mongule bullshit?

I dare you....

in fact...

I triple dog dare you to be serious in a reply to me....



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If I can come... I'll even pay for lunch.

I dont know though... even though I like everything from sushi to rice and beans... I have this gut feeling that eating alive a liberal pussy... may taste a bit sour.

So I may end up just chewing him up and spitting him out.

phew.. that felt good.

In other news...

I loved that article, really did.

and with what you said doc...

"Unfortunately, liberal pussies try to use "civilian" logic to interpret military circumstances. BIG MISTAKE, HUGE! That makes the liberal perspective on this war flawed @ the root. In short, they just don't get it!"

So true.

Its as if the entire oppositional standpoint is based on a fucking star trek-like dream world. People fighting and stubbornly reaching for a foolishly ignorant perfect world. Where as there is always food, piece among everyone... hell even in the goof ball show there is war. ha.

and no .. Im not a treky.. just making a stupid reference.

But the world isnt perfect.. and some people will never wake up to that reality and just bitch and moan about such as opposed to taking the initiative.

Fuck... Im not even asking for that... its not like anyone is asking for everyone to up and join our brothers in arms..

Very simply... this would be nice..

You are going to hold your own views..and opinions... so be it.. its your right as an AMERICAN...

But when I decide to step up and fight for a freedom that I believe in... YOUR freedom included...

SHUT THE FUCK UP... and let me do my job.. ya know.

Its bad enough that your hypocrital about wanted freedom yet not fighting for it... but your BITching about how one must go abouts to get it.


Destruction... For the record... I dont hate you..

Hate is a powerful word.. and I reserve that for bad guys... who attacked the city that I love... and for rapists and anyone that upsets my mother..lol.

But I do hate your views...

Not because they are seeking peace.... etc.. but because they are naive and not well thought out...

But thats not your fault...

Its all about what information you are privied to .. and I cant help it if its soley some asshole written blogs and corrupt news stations...

But... Ill tell you this.. and I mean this with incredible sincerity...

If you came down to bragg, nc for a weekend... I will open your eyes..

and no.. not by giving you an introduction to the dance... "airborne stomp" which I may have mentioned before. :P

Seriously.. and politely I would have your mind changed by monday... and even it wasnt... Id be ok with that..

But really.. Id give up my entire weekend.. just to open up one person's eyes.. Even with my work schedule being so psycho...

it would be worth it..

What do you think...? We could call it... Road trip to enlightment? Or ooh ooh... better yet..

Liberal..... liberation tour....


I must go and play ARmy now..

Have an Airborne day!


Glad you liked it! By the way, I used to live in Fayetteville, N.C. when my dad was stationed @ Ft. Bragg. My dad is retired Army (22 yrs). I was an Army brat, born in Wurzburg, Bavaria, West Germany (I know, it's just "Germany" now. That's what my birth certificate says.

Anyway, I'd love to shake destruction until his teeth rattle! He's obviously a product of his environment. Poor bastard!

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Here is an ironic finding I brought back from Iraq. While U.S. public opinion polls show serious declines in support for the war and increasing pessimism about how it will end, polls conducted by Iraqis for Iraqi universities show increasing optimism. Two-thirds say they are better off than they were under Saddam, and a resounding 82% are confident their lives in Iraq will be better a year from now than they are today.

I wonder if the American media, led by the agenda driven, biased, NYT's, has as impact on polls in the U.S., impacted by how events (or lack thereof) are reported...........nah, never, that is just GOP spin that there is media, right?....the media as a whole have done an UNPATRIOTIC job of objectively reporting the war, and providing the American public with a BALANCED view of the war......

Oh shit, I threw out the word "patriotic".....watch the politically correct police emerge.................

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PRESIDENT BUSH – Overall Job Rating



what's most disturbing about those numbers is the thought that prior to the wars in afghanistan or iraq starting, most of those people were probably either war hawking or mired in inaction when their opinion may have made an actual difference. they should really just suck it up and stop taking part in meaningless polls. the u.s. can't back out now, it would plunge iraq into civil warfare and genocide.

As long as my tax dollars pay for your service to the US I am your employer.
this is untrue, u.s. soldiers do not pledge their oath to the tax payer, they follow their commander in chief's or superiors orders.
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I don't align myself with anyone. Never have.

For the Love of God dude....!!!

Can you reply to my proposition???

I asked like three different times and I know you dont over-look a word of each post that gets posted...


If your scared... so no.... if your interested ... say your interested...

Just dont avoid the question...

Id appreciate it...

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