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iran and iraq


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SO the majority of the people in iraq are friends with Iran. No wonder we are still there. Help me out igloo, when we leave would iraq turn into iran?


its doubtful. The Kurds and Sunnis are not fans of Iran. The only way I see Iraq turning into another Iran is if there is a civil war in which most of the Kurds and Sunnis are killed or kicked out.

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SO the majority of the people in iraq are friends with Iran. No wonder we are still there. Help me out igloo, when we leave would iraq turn into iran?


BBC? C'mon????

They're just as much invested in the defeat of America as are today's modern Democratic leaders.

Might as well ask Zarqawi what he thinks.

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BBC? C'mon????

They're just as much invested in the defeat of America as are today's modern Democratic leaders.

Might as well ask Zarqawi what he thinks.

CAn you actually post some reasons on why you disagree instead of always just attacking deomocrats. You eaither cut and paste shit or make comments like that. That is why I aksed for igloo, atleast he seems to know what the hell is going on.

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SO the majority of the people in iraq are friends with Iran. No wonder we are still there. Help me out igloo, when we leave would iraq turn into iran?


I do not believe Iraq will turn into Iran....worst case scenario, as bigpoops pointed out, if the U.S. pulls out prematurely, and civil war breaks out, a piece of Iraq could look like Iran......a key point to remember though is the most powerful Shia cleric in Iraq does not favor an Iranian type theocracy.....and Iraqi's have shown signs of Iraqi nationalism as well....but the Iranians, particularly the intelligence services and IRGC, have done more than their fair share of meddling in Iraq (supporting and funding Badr for example) and when it suits their needs, supporting the Sunni insurgents....big time.

The Shia-Sunni difference is powerful....but they quickly join together when it serves their needs....Iran's underreported and powerful support for Al Qaeda for example......or joint Syrian-Iranian support for Hezbellah...

Iranian influence was to be expected, and their direct involvement in making things difficult for the U.S. in Iraq is also not unexpected.....a successful Iraq is not a good thing for the ruling mullahs (which is just one more reason to justify the invasion)........what is interesting is that despie the U.S. and Iran being enemies, Iraq cooperated with the U.S during the invasion of Afghanistan, and an anti-Saddam coalition group, trained, funded, and housed in Iranian territory, had a part in the invasion of Iraq.....I could only imagine on the back-channels diplomacy that went on, and is still going on...and let's not forget the nuclear card the Iranians are holding....things get any worse politically in this country, I could defintely forsee the U.S. trading sanctions against Iran for stability in Iraq....not pretty

I think the way we need to look at this situation is Iraq's PMs obviously has to reach out to the government of his neighbor, and how that relationships grows is certainly something that the U.S. has to be mindful of........but how about the U.S., and the West need to do everything in their power to make sure Iraq grows into a Democratic government that exerts influence in Iran....whose young population would love nothing more than to have......that is how this needs to be framed......Syria and Iran are supporting efforts to make the U.S. fail--that alone should give pause to those who don't understand the stakes, and why this Iraq was is just part of what will be a decades long national security strategy for the U.S.

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CAn you actually post some reasons on why you disagree instead of always just attacking deomocrats. You eaither cut and paste shit or make comments like that. That is why I aksed for igloo, atleast he seems to know what the hell is going on.

Well, first I disagree w/ the premise of the argument. Do you really think I'm gonna change your mind? You're going w/ your gut and to hell w/ any explanation that nukes the angle you've invested your emotions in.

In a nutshell: The seriousnes of the charge or implication made by blatantly bias outlets is not something which merits rebutal. I've heard nothing but acusations and implications from today's democratic leaders in Washington in direct contrast w/ their own previously stated public statements. Go fig'r?? I think the burden of proof lies w/ the critics making the acusations, not in the accused to prove the charges false(that's probably where you and I part ways).

They've yet to be right. As soon as one lie is nuked, they move on to another. They just keep tossing lies around like one would toss wet toilet paper to see what sticks.

Igloo has nuked tons of posts in these brds only to be called a sheepboy, nazi, racist, etc....Sometimes, when common sense is unable to break through the self-imposed barrier of Democrat talking points, the only thing one is left w/ is pure amusement.

If/when Igloo or anyone else lays out the realities which lend perspective via public and historical record, are you willing to say "Okay, that makes sense" or will you just leap frog to the next lilypad of anti-American conispiracy?

I know you're not in the destruction camp, but I will continue to hope common sense will prevail and shed light on whatever you don't yet understand.

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I do not believe Iraq will turn into Iran....worst case scenario, as bigpoops pointed out, if the U.S. pulls out prematurely, and civil war breaks out, a piece of Iraq could look like Iran......a key point to remember though is the most powerful Shia cleric in Iraq does not favor an Iranian type theocracy.....and Iraqi's have shown signs of Iraqi nationalism as well....but the Iranians, particularly the intelligence services and IRGC, have done more than their fair share of meddling in Iraq (supporting and funding Badr for example) and when it suits their needs, supporting the Sunni insurgents....big time.

The Shia-Sunni difference is powerful....but they quickly join together when it serves their needs....Iran's underreported and powerful support for Al Qaeda for example......or joint Syrian-Iranian support for Hezbellah...

Iranian influence was to be expected, and their direct involvement in making things difficult for the U.S. in Iraq is also not unexpected.....a successful Iraq is not a good thing for the ruling mullahs (which is just one more reason to justify the invasion)........what is interesting is that despie the U.S. and Iran being enemies, Iraq cooperated with the U.S during the invasion of Afghanistan, and an anti-Saddam coalition group, trained, funded, and housed in Iranian territory, had a part in the invasion of Iraq.....I could only imagine on the back-channels diplomacy that went on, and is still going on...and let's not forget the nuclear card the Iranians are holding....things get any worse politically in this country, I could defintely forsee the U.S. trading sanctions against Iran for stability in Iraq....not pretty

I think the way we need to look at this situation is Iraq's PMs obviously has to reach out to the government of his neighbor, and how that relationships grows is certainly something that the U.S. has to be mindful of........but how about the U.S., and the West need to do everything in their power to make sure Iraq grows into a Democratic government that exerts influence in Iran....whose young population would love nothing more than to have......that is how this needs to be framed......Syria and Iran are supporting efforts to make the U.S. fail--that alone should give pause to those who don't understand the stakes, and why this Iraq was is just part of what will be a decades long national security strategy for the U.S.

thanks for clearing up. I read something about there being meetings in Iraq between the tribal lords (yesterday I think) and they as a group said their biggest threat after the us leaves is Iran. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

On a bad note I heard that the translators suck.An example given was the us marine said something like "we want to help you and it is going to be hard" and the translator said something like "I have no time for you".

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thanks for clearing up. I read something about there being meetings in Iraq between the tribal lords (yesterday I think) and they as a group said their biggest threat after the us leaves is Iran. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

On a bad note I heard that the translators suck.An example given was the us marine said something like "we want to help you and it is going to be hard" and the translator said something like "I have no time for you".

Yeah, the main Sunni tribal leaders possibly working out a deal.....if there is going to be peace, they have to figure out a way to fold the moderate Sunni's into the political process, and further isolate the leftover Saddam loyalists and jihadists....I believe during the meeting Zarqawi lanuched an attack against them.....

I heard the same about the translators......and some not only suck, but deliberately translate incorrectly............I wonder if our government has initiated a plan to foster learning of Arabic language at our Universities and military colleges....

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Yeah, the main Sunni tribal leaders possibly working out a deal.....if there is going to be peace, they have to figure out a way to fold the moderate Sunni's into the political process, and further isolate the leftover Saddam loyalists and jihadists....I believe during the meeting Zarqawi lanuched an attack against them.....

I heard the same about the translators......and some not only suck, but deliberately translate incorrectly............I wonder if our government has initiated a plan to foster learning of Arabic language at our Universities and military colleges....

Probably for spies, not translators.lol

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