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Just got back from LA, and I've never been happier to be a GOD DAMNED NEW YORKER!


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

I wouldn't say "best city in the world" but def. the best in the US!

How about "Center of the World" - that can hardly be disputed......lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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Originally posted by russ reign:

Jesus, LA sucks. On top of all the smog and traffic, the night life is non-existent. Sometimes we don't realize how lucky we are to live in the best city in the world...

On top of all that, snowstorms at Chicago O hair airoprt delayed our flight on the ground for like 7 hours during our supposed 45 minute stopover there.....


I hear you!!! I lived in LA for 3 1/2 years and it sucked donkey balls!!!

Orchid -- What's so bad with San Francisco?!?! It may not have the club scene like NYC, but there's are a bunch of things that NYC can't compete with SF... I consider them equal, but different...




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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Guest crystalmethodny

The worst is being stuck next to Russ Reign on the entire flight, just think of the torture I went through!



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

"I think of you, how I used to do on Sunday Afternoons."


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Twas in Los Angeles for 4 months from October until February this year on a project for Disney. I was so happy to get back east when that project was over! I think I actually got homesick (friends and good damn clubs - Giant hadn't taken off yet). I think the only thing I miss from LA is the mexican food: Poquito Ma's!



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not yet lol....cancun is probably the coolest place I've spun to date...

when I said ny is the best city in the world I meant overall though, not just for clubbing...and i guess it's just my opinion

we went to rodeo drive and it's NOTHING compared to 5th AVE... Manhattan any day baby!

Originally posted by apotheosis:

Have you ever spun in Europe?


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Originally posted by russ reign:

not yet lol....cancun is probably the coolest place I've spun to date...

when I said ny is the best city in the world I meant overall though, not just for clubbing...and i guess it's just my opinion

Each place has what I call there "weird" song. In Greece it was "Fame" and "I was made for loving you" by Kiss.

Dont ask me why or how, but at almost every club, the DJ would slam into it at some point of the night. weird! lol


Use email DJmikeDR@aol.com

PM way too slow!

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Gotta say, I'm with you Russ.

I was supposed to move to LA and I'm grateful every day that I never did it.

I'll spare you all my anti-LA tirade but gads do I hate that place. There's something just sick and wrong about a city built on a dessert in which everyone is in "the industry" and if you're not in "the industry" you're still "in the industry." Whole place feels/looks and acts like a set. <shudders> Yep yep, hate LA.

Welcome back, Russ!!!!



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image."

---"You have wings! Why don't I have wings?!"

---"Cause you're a boy, silly."

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Originally posted by russ reign:

not yet lol....cancun is probably the coolest place I've spun to date...

when I said ny is the best city in the world I meant overall though, not just for clubbing...and i guess it's just my opinion

we went to rodeo drive and it's NOTHING compared to 5th AVE... Manhattan any day baby!

I am with you on that. its tough to find everything but NY comes close


[img]http://www.pharaoh1.com/images/pharaoh.gif/IMG] </A>

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Whoa, whoa, let's backtrack here a bit.

Cali has it pluses, weather, peeps are more laid back... a bit fake, but still laid back... and plenty of transplanted NYCers over there...

I have delayed going to Cali for the past seven years when I should have been out there... the thing of it is that you can make yourself home anywhere in the freaking world with some good friends...

The minuses are obvious... no subway, LIRR, earthquakes, smog, etc... but you have to admit NY can be brutal, personality wise you mold with it and become somewhat brutal... we take it for granted to be become rude as in fuck everybody else... it doesn't have to be that way, but sadly it is in NYC... we're so accustomed to this shit that when bouncers treat us like shit, we expect it and brush it off... I say this is bullshit.

I used to be very laid back, but now I'm so fucking hyper that it makes the rest of NYC seem laid back...

Soon I'm gonna take LA... and you know what they say... if you can make it in NY you can make it anywhere... and LA doesn't scare me one bit... well, the earthquakes do.


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Originally posted by nycdiva79:

does LA really SUCK???

Where did you go??

I'm planning on going in JAN...=(

No, LA does not suck... I used to think that LA sucked... but that was cause I was making excuses left and right... all my family and friends being in NYC and all... but you can make any place home... I tell ya... You just have to know how to have a good time and have some good friends around you or make some new ones...


Dream a little dream... and fawk the dejavus and nightmares!


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Jesus, LA sucks. On top of all the smog and traffic, the night life is non-existent. Sometimes we don't realize how lucky we are to live in the best city in the world...

On top of all that, snowstorms at Chicago O hair airoprt delayed our flight on the ground for like 7 hours during our supposed 45 minute stopover there.....



Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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in my opinion it does... there is so much smog the clouds are brown, so much traffic the streets are parking lots (cause there's virtually no mass transit), and the crowds that flock to their clubs are basically 100% fake - they have tons of $$ and STILL can't dress to save their lives but walk around with their heads up in the air because they live in Beverly Hills or Hollywood...

my 2 cents...

Originally posted by nycdiva79:

does LA really SUCK???

Where did you go??

I'm planning on going in JAN...=(


Upcoming Gigs:

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Webster Hall

12/30 - Webster Hall

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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I'm with russ on that one.....I went out there last year and everyone is all about flash and pizazz......it's all about who has the money and everyone was very judgemental.......for christ's sake, I was wearing ankle socks and a bunch of skaters were looking at them and laughing.......they obviously knew I wasn't from there so they decided to make fun.....shit like that makes me happy I'm in NY because I just can't deal with it........to be hones, all the nice weather and lanscape doesn't even come close to outweighing the great vibe and personality that NY has......I like the "attitude" of NY.......makes your skin thick like Charlie mentioned.......in NY, anything goes and everyone respects other's decisions to do whatever no matter how outlandish it is.......I am a pretty open minded person and I have many friends from there but from a global standpoint, I can honestly say fuck 'em.........sorry Cali.



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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