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Why is Dance Music so Anti-Old Music?


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why, when compared to the hip hop genre, is EDM so anti-old music, anti-classics?

For example, in hip hop clubs, you will hear new tracks, and also some old tracks, classics mixed in...

why, in dance music , must we have "classic nights"??

why cant classics be mixed in with new music?

this makes no sense to me, and I feel this is the reason why EDM has died off.

Is EDM so much of a boring genre that we must hear new tracks all the time? Is an old record, nothing more then an old record?

I like when I go out to hip hop parties, and hear an old record I havent heard, or when I listen to the old school at noon, I am like, oh shit, thats hot, I havent heard that in a minute.

Are Dj's scared to play that old track, because its old?

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Ditto! Depends on what DJ your listening to. Some DJ,s are all about playing the newest, most unreleased music. Others mix older music with whatever they are playing now.

David Morales plays older dance music with new when hes playing!

Timmy Regisford plays whatever he is feeling at the moment, be it new or old.

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well I guess it does depend on the DJ, but I find, speaking in terms of "in general" that most DJ's only play newer stuff, and hardly ever mix in older songs, with newer songs.

Like I hear the term "classic nights" alot these days, and its kind of weird...

I am just comparing it in a broad sense, vs hip hop, where you can hear stuff from 10 years ago, mixed it with the newest... no what I mean?

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It really all depends on the dj, a great dj can play music from over 30yrs and make it work. Then it also depends on the crowd and what typeof music their into. HIP HOP is just one style ofmusic HIP HOP, then theres countless styles of "EDM" (i hate that word) and some people only like stuff thats hard and fast and new constantly. Imagine crobar 5am danny t playing for thousands and all of a sudden he drops "BABY WANTS TO RIDE" from 1984 maybe only a few hundred will get it and love it. While the rest of the crowd will be like HEY WHERES MY HARD DARK SICK TRIBAL MAN. And thats the problem.

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What Is Edm?

How long you been in this game? Edm stands for Electronice Dance Music. Personally i cant stand that word. Another thing i wanted to add as to why sometimes OLDER music doesnt get played is cause nowadays the average clubber, downloads a song for free illegally he hears in a club the min he gets home, and plays it to death and so songs now lose thier NEW value much quicker than they once did. All IMO,of course.

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Another thing i wanted to add as to why sometimes OLDER music doesnt get played is cause nowadays the average clubber, downloads a song for free illegally he hears in a club the min he gets home, and plays it to death and so songs now lose thier NEW value much quicker than they once did. All IMO,of course.

yeah, this is true...

I think this is the reason why we have seen a decline in what we call classics...

how can a song become a classic if it doesnt get its proper "club only" play for at least a month.

What I mean is, when a hot song gets played, and nobody has it, it makes it more special then if that song could be downloaded the next morning.

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With DT you will always hear a wide variety of tracks.

Unfortunately, most don't know them because most of the people left on this board never stepped foot into Vinyl.

good one, and the the term EDM annoys the shit outta me. Its either HOUSE music or a derivative of it. Too many subgenres in my opinion.

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Out with the old in with the new. Dance Music should be fun, light, and all about surprise! Freshness is a plus!

When I'm in the club I want to be sent to the future, the unknown; not relive the great parties of the past when today's classics were the new amazing music.

There's nothing sadder than folks on a dancefloor reacting to the same tracks for the last 15 years (aka classics).

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Out with the old in with the new. Dance Music should be fun, light, and all about surprise! Freshness is a plus!

When I'm in the club I want to be sent to the future, the unknown; not relive the great parties of the past when today's classics were the new amazing music.

There's nothing sadder than folks on a dancefloor reacting to the same tracks for the last 15 years (aka classics).

seems to work with hip hop... maybe dance should follow the same formula...

for one, if people who liked dance/house back in the late 1990's and go out and dont hear songs they are familiar with, guess what happens... they go to a place where they do... hence, hip hop parties...

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thats why love djs like danny tenaglia, timmy regisford, roger sanchez,tedd patterson, danny krivit, louie vega, francois k, most of those djs play 30yrs or more of dance music and make it work with the exception of roger sanchez who doesnt play music thats goes back that far, but still drops some early to mid 80s stuff.

One of the best parts of the be yourself parties was when danny t would drop a track from 1968 and tell everyone how important and how great that song was when it first came out and how he loved having the original vinyl. And then follow it up with a todd terry or chus n ceballos.

Or how about the shelter and 718 sessions and deep space, roots, sacred rhythm parties when those djs play old and new music to a crowd ranging in age from 20-50 and all sexual orientations, straight,bi,gay,transgeder. All dancing to both new and old music, now thats special.

I also thinks its good for people to learn about music from the past, heres an example of people who dont care or who just dont know about dance music history: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?t=291940&page=6

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a classic hip hop track is easier to recognize because its so mainstream. hip hop is all over the radio and and owns mtv

classic house tracks are so much harder to recognize. allot stuff from the late 90s to now is remixed and reintroduced. if you're new to club music you could be hearing it for the first time while at the same time someone else might be like 'fuck, when are they gonna stop remixing this shit'. i kinda get tired some of it

classics nite is devoted to classics. dt's classics nites at vynil were spectacular events. i miss chillin on that stage all nite at those parties. even then he'd throw in some newer stuff

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seems to work with hip hop... maybe dance should follow the same formula...

for one, if people who liked dance/house back in the late 1990's and go out and dont hear songs they are familiar with, guess what happens... they go to a place where they do... hence, hip hop parties...

boy you sure like to go on and on about hip hop and how you have been in it for years and coming back to house, etc....perhaps you should go back to your thug stuff rhymin about killin and stealin' instead

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edm = clubplanet term ...never see that used anywhere else..and I garee..it is a annoying term ...sounds like something hippies would say...IMO

I think this is good topic and great ques raised, and I agree it is usually the DJ......

but on the same hand i think most people will rate a dj and hold it against them if they hear older tracks...

"oh he played old shit" like it is a bad thing..

DT threw on "work it to the bone" the other night and I loved it ....

Morillo threw on Gehts noch (sp) although not a old one persay, it is still outdated to be considered new, but the crowd loved it and it banged..

i think more or less people tend to rate a DJ on whether they can play the newest most recent stuff not released and shit like that,

but i rather see how they program and control the crowd with their trackas selection etc etc,

also i the way they work the tracks measures up pretty high in my eyes,

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seems to work with hip hop... maybe dance should follow the same formula...

House music (fuck that EDM label) is not the same as HipHop.

HipHop is so "dime a dozen", that whatever is hot today is old in about 2 weeks. The only exception is old school HipHop because unlike today's "thug bling-bling cristal MTV garbage", old school has actual substance.

House music on the other hand is cherished more, because it is actually something to dance to and "release" yourself. It's cherished enough to a point that over time, it's regarded as a "classic".

There is no rule or protocol in regards to music.

What's put out is weighed by those to listen to it. They then either choose to whether or not it works for them; be it a DJ, a clubber, or anyone else...

Unfortunately, you get way too wrapped around the detail as to what should be or what shouldn't be, as if there should be some set of protocol to be followed in the world that is dance music.

It's music....not a formula to be analyzed or argued as if some precedent should be set in stone.

This is why DJs can work the old stuff with the new and it still gains appeal from the masses, which is the beauty of it all.

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one of the biggest reasons clubs do "Classics Night" is for the dollar bill. they plan a classics night a few weeks in advanced, get the promoters to bomb everywhere with flyers and radio ads to get the word out. then the club will be bombed with people. just a simple promotion that does not need extra spending on the payout. some clubs like to get a live performance of a club classic as well. i remember the classics party at SF, place was mobbed all the time on the theme nights. and regular nights were not as packed. alot of places do it as well. like deko has diggin in the crates.

jack Z

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