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Slippin' stuff to friends for fun...

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Have you ever surprised a friend by slipping them something? I have heard a lot of stories about giving peeps brownies and not telling them their is hash/weed in 'em. But, the worst story I have ever heard was when someone slipped my friend a hit of acid after he fell asleep! He woke up SO FUCKED UP! Thought their were bicycles all around him!

Anyone have any good "slipping" stories?


If ignorance is bliss, then you must be rolling!

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yeah, slipping mickey's is a really cool thing to do.

let's see, of the two friends i know to have been slipped, on got od'ed on GHB, ended up nearly choking to death on his own vomit in a parking lot somewhere before getting his stomach pumped and staying the night at the hospital.

the second wasn't so much of a friendly 'slip', and the girl ended up getting raped, or at least the evidence pointed in that direction. she had no recollection of the transponding events.

really cool


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Slipping your friend something is messed up. What the hell kind of friend are you if you would do something like that????

My girlfriend told me a story of when she was younger how her friend and that girl's boyfriend slipped her a pill of E telling her it was tylenol. I ever find that stupid girl's boyfriend i'll crack that boy's head open on the pavement. You don't do shit like that, ESPECIALLY to your friends!!!


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Squid.. you know I request for friends to secretly slip me prizes.. Remember my birthday last year??


However I do show some respect to few

This ecstacy has got me standin next to you

Gettin sentimental as fuck, spillin guts to you

We just met, but I think I'm in love with you..... Eminem

AIM: slimchezdy


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My friends and I have a drive-by rule when in Vegas. That means that anyone in the group can walk by and slip a little pill in your mouth at anytime during the day and you have to down it, no questions asked.

It really fucks you up when you get multiple drive-bys in one night. cwm12.gif

yet, this is a rule between very close and experienced group of friends. It's not something we do to newbies and not recommended to any body else.


"Money is one thing, but soul is another."


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the idea sounds fun and amusing, and maybe with just weed brownies it's not too dangerous.

the father of a family we know was at a baseball game, bought a hotdog at the concession stand. shortly after, he started freaking out: hallucinations and acute paranoia. he was institutionalized. this was probably more than ten years ago. as far as i know, he's still there

my brother has rounds at a hospital in south Boston. he told me a patient was brought into the ER mumbling incoherently. he was with friends and unknowingly consumed something that no one knew or wanted to admit knowing. his 6-year old son came into the hospital and was at the gurney's side saying, "Daddy? Daddy? are you okay?" his father couldn't even acknowledge the boy's presence.

one time, i was with some people who i thought were my friends. we were indulging on goodies all night. after a certain point, i realized that i was getting some strange effects that were not characteristic of what i knew i had consumed. i didn't become fully incapacitated (i think because the other stuff were stimulants, or i didn't consume enough of whatever), and i eventually managed to get out of the situation. i still think everyday about how scared i was then, and if i could ever hate anyone entirely, it would be those people for what they did and tried to do to me

as much as i hate them, i don't think i could hate anyone enough to want to fuck with them like that. i'd rather take a baseball bat to their head; it's more respectable and humane

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I know a guy that I was supposed to meet @ SF a year ago that was cracked out there due to his friends slipping him some drugs in his drink...He was so paranoid there and freaked out and didn't know why...poor thing frown.gif.



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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When I was younger, I'd try all the time.

I'd buy prank gum, the kind the turns your mouth blue, and slide it into a juicy fruit wrapper. It really didn't work often, but when it did, it was funny as hell.

Same thing with that super spicy candy.

But, would certainly not slip anyone anything that affects brain chemistry - that's just a dick move.


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Not cool at all, how do you know how it will affect the person? what if they had some med. condition you weren't aware of.

There was a kid I went to school with who worked at a Roy Rogers or someplace like that. I heard that he put blotter acid on a burger...not even knowing who would get that burger. It could have been a baby, an old lady... Now THAT is really fucked up! I always hoped that it was just one of those stories that dumbasses like that make up to look "cool".



A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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THis is a REALLY fucked up story but I can't help but laugh every time I think of it.

This kid I used to know, his parents went on a cruise and he was in charge of his 6 year old sister and the dog for the week. The kid threw a party and fed his sister and dog each half a tab of acid.

The dog fuckin bugged, and was barking at everything and jumping off the walls. Growling, biting everything. THey eventually had to lock it in the bathroom b/c it became so vicious. It ended up tearing apart the whole bathroom!

The kid sister was laughing uncontrollably and kept asking everyone if they "see the rainbows"! LMAO. She was asking people if they ever walked on a rainbow and was talking gibberish the whole night. I can't help but laugh, but it's SO WRONG!

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I see peeps feel pretty strong about this subject...

Another story along the same lines happened to someone I know when he was about 10. He was at a Dead Show with his hippy father, and some teenagers ran by and shot him with a water gun. Well, it appears that the water was more like acid. He freaked! Crazy story though!

For the record, I would never slip anything to anyone, except maybe Chez on his birthday. Chez, consider your request noted!



If ignorance is bliss, then you must be rolling!

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