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Why is Dance Music so Anti-producer/ Pro-DJ?


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no! a DJ's secret weapon should be their OWN remixes, not someone elses...

how should DJ's keep their edge, by making their OWN remixes! Thats cutting edge, cutting edge is NOT playing other peoples music, and hiding it, thats selfish!

my whole thought on the dance genre has changed now that I do more production work. Especially in hip hop, where I have given out my beats, only for it to be copied and then I heard this other kid saying HE made the beat, to impress his friends, girl or what ever. I feel that if a DJ is playing a mix, and hiding it, how is that any different from someone taking someone elses music and claiming it as theirs????

before I got into production I use to hide the names of tracks when I DJed. Even people I was close with I never gave them or told them what it was... if they wanted it, I could make them a mixed CD.. there u have it now, leave me alone.

but that is selfish, because who makes music just for one person, or certain Dj's? maybe a producer among the an elite circle, but in general, if a record is out, its released, and how many great producers have made tracks only for the DJ to selfishly hide the name and producer who made it?

If you want to stay cutting edge, IMHO make your own beats! Dont player hate on others!

not player hating on others bro. first off i do have my own tracks and remixes that i play. i also do edits of original tracks to fit in my sets. my point is, that if you spend ours a day, shopping for music, why the fuck should i tell someone what the track is and cut the work out for them?? why should i make it easier for them? who are they to me? maybe for a fan ill tell em, but to tell another dj what the track is, is giving potential competition your edge. its all part of the game....thats one thing u still have to learn.....

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not player hating on others bro. first off i do have my own tracks and remixes that i play. i also do edits of original tracks to fit in my sets. my point is, that if you spend ours a day, shopping for music, why the fuck should i tell someone what the track is and cut the work out for them?? why should i make it easier for them? who are they to me? maybe for a fan ill tell em, but to tell another dj what the track is, is giving potential competition your edge. its all part of the game....thats one thing u still have to learn.....

it makes no sense.

today in hip hop, you hear a song, you might like the lyrics alot, but with out the beat, the song is lifeless.

so, many people ask, that shit is fire, WHO MADE THAT BEAT?

It works in 2 ways, 1) the artist needs a beat to rhyme over, and 2) the producer needs someone to put on his beat. Peanut butter and jelly. The artist makes the beat hot by rhyming over, he gets credit for the rhymes and the producer(hopefully) gets credit for his production. that way other artist can come to that producer and ask them to make beats for them....

same way in dance, 1) the DJ needs music to play, and 2) the producer needs to get his track heard...

Am I missing something here?

How is it NOT player hating, if you have a good track and dont want to promote it? Correct me if I am wrong, but shouldn't you be morally and ethically responsible for helping this producer get their track heard,and...

oh..shit, GOD FORBID!!

actually have the producer make SOME money in sales for his production work? Its bad enough that producers in dance music are already working in a niche and fragmented market, but we have DJ's who dont want to help promote a record the right way!!!

Am I missing something here?

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no! a DJ's secret weapon should be their OWN remixes, not someone elses...

It doesn't work like this. If you're a dj and don't know what the competitor dj's playing then you didn't do your homework and too bad for you!

How about you're the anti-producer for not spending enough time listening to all the possible track and (therefore undirectly) willingly let an amazing producing talent unknown?

No offense but you have to stop whining.

Also if a track's a bomb it's only a matter of time before it gets the credit it deserves --it's just too bad for the djs who slept on it in the beginning.

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It doesn't work like this. If you're a dj and don't know what the competitor dj's playing then you didn't do your homework and too bad for you!

How about you're the anti-producer for not spending enough time listening to all the possible track and (therefore undirectly) willingly let an amazing producing talent unknown?

No offense but you have to stop whining.

Also if a track's a bomb it's only a matter of time before it gets the credit it deserves --it's just too bad for the djs who slept on it in the beginning.

jesus christ!!! fucking thank you!!!


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It doesn't work like this. If you're a dj and don't know what the competitor dj's playing then you didn't do your homework and too bad for you!

How about you're the anti-producer for not spending enough time listening to all the possible track and (therefore undirectly) willingly let an amazing producing talent unknown?

No offense but you have to stop whining.

Also if a track's a bomb it's only a matter of time before it gets the credit it deserves --it's just too bad for the djs who slept on it in the beginning.

I am not whining, just pointing out that the dance music genre truly is anti-producer.

it doesn't make any sense when you say that a DJ didn't spend enough time listening through records, there for labeling them anti-producer, and at the same time defending the fact that when another DJ does find a track, doesn't give out the name or who made it.

a Dj should not keep a track secret. Its plain selfishness. When a DJ doesn't give out the name of a track, it shows they are insecure about their skills or insecure about some aspect of their Djing in general.

its even worse if a DJ doesn't let another DJ know the track ID, because its the DJs job to help promote for the music and the genre in general, and the only people who can really do this, are other DJs.

So basically what it comes down to, if a DJ doesn't give out the ID of a track, they are selling out on the genre and the person who made that track..... You can say its about a Djing having a secret weapon for the dance floor, but it doesnt work.

Imagine if you made a track, heard it in a club, it had the floor going crazy and asked the DJ, "hey where did you get this", and you were shunned by the DJ......

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a Dj should not keep a track secret. Its plain selfishness. When a DJ doesn't give out the name of a track, it shows they are insecure about their skills or insecure about some aspect of their Djing in general.

its even worse if a DJ doesn't let another DJ know the track ID, because its the DJs job to help promote for the music and the genre in general, and the only people who can really do this, are other DJs.

So basically what it comes down to, if a DJ doesn't give out the ID of a track, they are selling out on the genre and the person who made that track.....

I understand what you are saying but I think your reasoning is oversimplifying a lot of things and you're streching out the argument to the point of manichaeism, in my humble opinion of course.
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I understand what you are saying but I think your reasoning is oversimplifying a lot of things and you're streching out the argument to the point of manichaeism, in my humble opinion of course.

manichaeism, there is a new word...

but seriously, take any artist or producer, tell him to make a track, and that the DJ will play it on the radio, and hundreds of people will be able to hear it...

but sadly, the people who hear it will never be able to find out who made it or who is on it.... yet, the radio station and the DJ will get all the credit and money... see what they say...

they would think they probably say, where do I sign up, for manichaeism 101...

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manichaeism, there is a new word...
not really ....

Man·i·chae·ism Pronunciation Key (mn-kzm) also Man·i·chae·an·ism (-k-nzm)


1. The syncretic, dualistic religious philosophy taught by the Persian prophet Manes, combining elements of Zoroastrian, Christian, and Gnostic thought and opposed by the imperial Roman government, Neo-Platonist philosophers, and orthodox Christians.

2. A dualistic philosophy dividing the world between good and evil principles or regarding matter as intrinsically evil and mind as intrinsically good.

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a Dj should not keep a track secret. Its plain selfishness. When a DJ doesn't give out the name of a track, it shows they are insecure about their skills or insecure about some aspect of their Djing in general.

its even worse if a DJ doesn't let another DJ know the track ID, because its the DJs job to help promote for the music and the genre in general, and the only people who can really do this, are other DJs.

So basically what it comes down to, if a DJ doesn't give out the ID of a track, they are selling out on the genre and the person who made that track..... You can say its about a Djing having a secret weapon for the dance floor, but it doesnt work.

Imagine if you made a track, heard it in a club, it had the floor going crazy and asked the DJ, "hey where did you get this", and you were shunned by the DJ......

A DJ who is playing his music is obligated to no one but himself...

He only shares if he chooses to, but never has to and should never be expected to.

You can call it selfishness, "secret weapon", or whatever you want....just because he plays doesn't mean that he has to follow any sort of protocol to provide you (or anyone else) any information on what he's playing.

It's not the DJ's objective to promote the music, it's his objective to play. The result of playing and creating a following is what promotes the music.

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A DJ who is playing his music is obligated to no one but himself...

He only shares if he chooses to, but never has to and should never be expected to.

You can call it selfishness, "secret weapon", or whatever you want....just because he plays doesn't mean that he has to follow any sort of protocol to provide you (or anyone else) any information on what he's playing.

It's not the DJ's objective to promote the music, it's his objective to play. The result of playing and creating a following is what promotes the music.

very well said!

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I am not whining, just pointing out that the dance music genre truly is anti-producer.

it doesn't make any sense when you say that a DJ didn't spend enough time listening through records, there for labeling them anti-producer, and at the same time defending the fact that when another DJ does find a track, doesn't give out the name or who made it.

a Dj should not keep a track secret. Its plain selfishness. When a DJ doesn't give out the name of a track, it shows they are insecure about their skills or insecure about some aspect of their Djing in general.

its even worse if a DJ doesn't let another DJ know the track ID, because its the DJs job to help promote for the music and the genre in general, and the only people who can really do this, are other DJs.

So basically what it comes down to, if a DJ doesn't give out the ID of a track, they are selling out on the genre and the person who made that track..... You can say its about a Djing having a secret weapon for the dance floor, but it doesnt work.

Imagine if you made a track, heard it in a club, it had the floor going crazy and asked the DJ, "hey where did you get this", and you were shunned by the DJ......

edm is not the same as hiphop, they are different animals.

in EDM, a lot of DJs do a lot of digging for tracks that fit their sound and separate themselves from the rest.. if you are a fan of the dj (follow his sets, comps) you will get to know the name of the track thru tracklists, internet; etc

i dont hear producers complaining so why are you?

what about all the producers that produce thru aliases..

its jsut a different game then hip hop. and that why i love it.

fuck hip hop.

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edm is not the same as hiphop, they are different animals.

in EDM, a lot of DJs do a lot of digging for tracks that fit their sound and separate themselves from the rest.. if you are a fan of the dj (follow his sets, comps) you will get to know the name of the track thru tracklists, internet; etc

i dont hear producers complaining so why are you?

what about all the producers that produce thru aliases..

its jsut a different game then hip hop. and that why i love it.

fuck hip hop.

I am not complaining... its just a strange genre, from a producers standpoint.. I guess you gotta just put tracks out there, and somehow? get your name known? but talk about a hard market to crack, lol...

from a DJ stand point I can understand why Dj would want to hide tracks, but at the same time, as a producer, if I made a track, and I wasnt known, and it was fire, I would want the Dj(s) to not hide it, but if someone asks them who made it or the name ,ect,ect... to tell them who made it.

I dont know, sometimes I wonder, when I use to go hard core record shopping, at half the stuff the put out on vinyl...

seriously, any DJ can back me up on this...

you listen to a record and are like, WTF!!! they spent money to press this on viny? Who or what made this and why.... I know the thought has to have run through some DJ's heads...

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I am not whining, just pointing out that the dance music genre truly is anti-producer.

it doesn't make any sense when you say that a DJ didn't spend enough time listening through records, there for labeling them anti-producer, and at the same time defending the fact that when another DJ does find a track, doesn't give out the name or who made it.

a Dj should not keep a track secret. Its plain selfishness. When a DJ doesn't give out the name of a track, it shows they are insecure about their skills or insecure about some aspect of their Djing in general.

its even worse if a DJ doesn't let another DJ know the track ID, because its the DJs job to help promote for the music and the genre in general, and the only people who can really do this, are other DJs.

So basically what it comes down to, if a DJ doesn't give out the ID of a track, they are selling out on the genre and the person who made that track..... You can say its about a Djing having a secret weapon for the dance floor, but it doesnt work.

Imagine if you made a track, heard it in a club, it had the floor going crazy and asked the DJ, "hey where did you get this", and you were shunned by the DJ......

i agree about the insecure part. shit i used to be like that. (long time ago) But i def aint insecure and i want people to knwo more about hosue music so i always tell them the producers name first then the track title, i even write it down for them. Sure they gonan go download it but at least the producer gets the credit

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