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bin laden's niece


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No shit, it's because she shares blood with that sick son of a bitch

True, but she's stated repeatedly that she's disgusted by his actions.

And hey, Bush allowed safe passage out of the country for a whole shitload of Bin Ladens right after 9/11 when all air traffic was to be grounded, so they can't all be bad right?

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True, but she's stated repeatedly that she's disgusted by his actions.

And hey, Bush allowed safe passage out of the country for a whole shitload of Bin Ladens right after 9/11 when all air traffic was to be grounded, so they can't all be bad right?

Contrary to what Michael Moore claims in his movie, Richard Clarke made the decision to allow that to happen......

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Whatever, he was one of Bush's advisors.

So then Bush didn't disallow it either. Ergo, end result is still basically the same. So them Bin Ladens can't be all bad right?

Actually, Clarke made the decision on his own, in consultation with the FBI. I believe he also publicly stated that order did not get higher than him. I think it is an important distinction because it is another example of anti-Bushies not knowing the facts (i.e. Moore, and sorry to say, you in this case), and looking to "get" Bush on something.

But when the true fact is exposed, all of a sudden Mr Clarke becomes part of "Bush's administration". Of course in fact he was, but again, is is funny how that distinction becomes a moving target, or is selectively used. As a matter of fact, I believe when this attempted lie by Moore was exposed, he used the same defense "oh well, I meant the Bush Administration". Sure you did Mr. Moore, and sure you did "other" anti-Bushies.

Just curious--is Mr Clarke still considered a "Bush advisor" when during the Clinton Administration he believed in strong ties between Saddam and Al Qaeda, and that UBL would seek refuge in Iraq by attacking Afghanistan, or when he believed that their was Sudan-Iraq-Al Qaeda joint cooperation for a Chemical/WMD plant, which Clinton ordered bombed. Or is Mr Clarke just considered a "Bush advisor" when it is selectively applicable to staple some form of negativity to Bush?

ou812--that type of shit bugs the snot out of me. I know you are an antiBushie, but I think you can see my point.

Anyway, with x amount of wifes, and x amount of children, and a father who had x amount of wifes, and x amount of children--yes, you are correct, they can't all be bad--at least we hope. Although intelligence services believe one of his "chosen" sons is a high ranking commander, under the protection of the Iranians.

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She's terrorist Binny's half brother's daughter. I read an interview with her - Californian born, and completely against terrorist Binny. I think she's pretty hot.

Didn't the bin Laden family officially disown terrorist Binny?

I think it was Zarqawi's family who recently "disowned" him.....but I do believe in the past some Bin Laden family members have done the same...

What I would like to see, although fantasyland, is for these family members who disown him actually to use their connections, whatever they may be and no matter how influential, to help locate these animals........

Although in UBL's case, I am starting to lean towards that the guy is dead....I resisted that thought for a while now, but I believe it has been over a year since he was heard from or seen, and I find it hard to believe that if he was alive, he would go that long without showing his face.......of course, the scary thought is he is waiting to "re-appear" either prior or right after a major terrorist attack....

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I think it was Zarqawi's family who recently "disowned" him.....but I do believe in the past some Bin Laden family members have done the same...

What I would like to see, although fantasyland, is for these family members who disown him actually to use their connections, whatever they may be and no matter how influential, to help locate these animals........

Although in UBL's case, I am starting to lean towards that the guy is dead....I resisted that thought for a while now, but I believe it has been over a year since he was heard from or seen, and I find it hard to believe that if he was alive, he would go that long without showing his face.......of course, the scary thought is he is waiting to "re-appear" either prior or right after a major terrorist attack....

To be fair, we really don't know how much the family members have actually contributed. Of course, they would have to be anonymous for fear of reprisal, so we won't really know. Also, at this point, after so many years apart, it would be a surprise if his family members actually knew anything more than the US government.

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To be fair, we really don't know how much the family members have actually contributed. Of course, they would have to be anonymous for fear of reprisal, so we won't really know. Also, at this point, after so many years apart, it would be a surprise if his family members actually knew anything more than the US government.

Understood, which is exactly why I would like for family members to publicly do someting......great if they are doing it in private......better, and more effective if they do it publicly....lead the way for others who may want to follow their lead.........dangerous yes.....easier said than done, of course.........but I think right now the ME needs exactly those types of leaders, or "martyrs" if you will.......let those be the examples that people should follow, and be proud of that "courage", not the so called "courage" of suicide bombings........

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