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Outofthebox Hip Hop Lesson 101


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Who are *your* forefathers. Who do you give respect?
as for DJ's.

1) DJ Cool hurk(the god father of hip hop)

2) DJ Grand wizard Theodore (Creator of Scratching)

3) DJ Grand master Flash (The first DJ to cut fastest)

4) DJ Charlie chase (DJ for the cold crush brothers)

5) DJ master Don (first to rock incredible mixes)

6) DJ Africa Bammbataa (Almighty Zulu Nation)

7) DJ grand Mixer DST (first DJ to calibrate with great jazz artist and producer herby handcock and created the song rocket)

8) DJ jazzy Jay (Zulu DJ)

9) DJ Hollywood From The Bronx (The first DJ to rock a Crowd while djing and on the mic.

If you at all interested get the documentary the freshest kids that gives a great break down on some history.www.thefreshestkids.com/bounce.html

click on the photo it will take you to the freshest kids trailer..

Mr Freeze

Rock nsteady crew




Thank you

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Not hating on anyone here. Just popping in to provide some history.

Every type of music is inspired by that which came before it. Claiming that hip-hop has no roots prior to 1970 is blissful ignorance.

Rapping was born largely from reggae "toasting," and Jamaicans had been freestyling over their rhythm sections since the 50s; Kool Herc brought it from the islands to NY.

Instrumentally, hip-hop isn't responsible for creating any type of music. It is responsible for combining a variety of styles in a new way, but the music itself was simply born out of the evolutionary paths taken by soul, blues, jazz and rock. By the late 60s, funk had already established itself as a unique form of music.

The only true, never-done-before innovation of hip-hop is scratching. Before Grand Wizard Theodore, it was never used intentionally, at least not with music.

Going beyond the music, other elements of hip-hop were hardly created from the void. Graffiti had existed as a form of expression since the early 60s, exploding during the political unrest of the second half of the decade. Breakdancing grew out of the increasingly energetic stage performances delivered soul (and funk) pioneers like James Brown, which in turn grew from inner city swing dancing; dancers were battling long before 1970.

As for rock...

Led Zeppelin and the hard rock explosion of the 70s did have it's predecessors. They along with every other major rock band of the decade (e.g. the Stones, Sabbath, the Who) grew up on American delta- and rock blues explosions of the 60s, artists like Howlin' Wolf, Willie Dixon, Leadbelly, and Muddy Waters, among others.

They were all in turn largely inspired by the man many consider to be the grandfather of rock, Robert Johnson. Considering he cut his licks between 1920 and 1940, that not only shows rock as having a long, trackable history but it also makes the suggestion that "there was no rock in the 20s " laughable.

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Not hating on anyone here. Just popping in to provide some history.

Every type of music is inspired by that which came before it. Claiming that hip-hop has no roots prior to 1970 is blissful ignorance.

Rapping was born largely from reggae "toasting," and Jamaicans had been freestyling over their rhythm sections since the 50s; Kool Herc brought it from the islands to NY.

Instrumentally, hip-hop isn't responsible for creating any type of music. It is responsible for combining a variety of styles in a new way, but the music itself was simply born out of the evolutionary paths taken by soul, blues, jazz and rock. By the late 60s, funk had already established itself as a unique form of music.

The only true, never-done-before innovation of hip-hop is scratching. Before Grand Wizard Theodore, it was never used intentionally, at least not with music.

Going beyond the music, other elements of hip-hop were hardly created from the void. Graffiti had existed as a form of expression since the early 60s, exploding during the political unrest of the second half of the decade. Breakdancing grew out of the increasingly energetic stage performances delivered soul (and funk) pioneers like James Brown, which in turn grew from inner city swing dancing; dancers were battling long before 1970.

As for rock...

Led Zeppelin and the hard rock explosion of the 70s did have it's predecessors. They along with every other major rock band of the decade (e.g. the Stones, Sabbath, the Who) grew up on American delta- and rock blues explosions of the 60s, artists like Howlin' Wolf, Willie Dixon, Leadbelly, and Muddy Waters, among others.

They were all in turn largely inspired by the man many consider to be the grandfather of rock, Robert Johnson. Considering he cut his licks between 1920 and 1940, that not only shows rock as having a long, trackable history but it also makes the suggestion that "there was no rock in the 20s " laughable.

well said.

Mr freeze

rock steady crew

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I agree, that is were alot of where rock and hip hop steamed from....

You said taken by soul, blues, jazz and rock. those were elements that it all came from but there was never really hip hop till the 70's...

Same with rock... Robert Johnson sold his soul at the crossroads and all that... But alot of that was Blues it really wasn't rock n roll, it didn't form into rock n roll till later on.

You definately layed some history.... but I feel without all the elements you talked about coming together, it doesn't make hip hop. The 70's is when a new culture or subculture was formed from people taking different pieces of history and brining it to the table from what I have read. The building blocks were there prior to that but I feel it wasn't built till the 70's

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Here are some facts not opinions.

1. Looser is spelled Loser.

2. You never graduated first grade.

3. Tabu has never brought more people on a Sunday all night than the "fake" hip-hop club on their slowest two hour Sunday start.

4. This message board encourages opinions, not just facts. This is what adults do.. discuss each other's opinions and facts. This is how adults grow and learn.

5. It is 2006, not 1982.

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Here are some facts not opinions.

1. Looser is spelled Loser.

2. You never graduated first grade.

3. Tabu has never brought more people on a Sunday all night than the "fake" hip-hop club on their slowest two hour Sunday start.

4. This message board encourages opinions, not just facts. This is what adults do.. discuss each other's opinions and facts. This is how adults grow and learn.

5. It is 2006, not 1982.

1) who cares if i can't spell.

2) school was and is a waste of time for me...

I learned at a young age that i needed to make money and not work for people.

3) I never have to work for the next 30 life times.

4) Opm is about 20 times bigger then tabu so ya it gets more people.

Wow you said OPM was fake,that intresting...

5) theres no denying your a LOOSER YAAAAAAAAAAYA.

Mr freeze

Rock steady crew

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1) who cares if i can't spell.

2) school was and is a waste of time for me...

I learned at a young age that i needed to make money and not work for people.

3) I never have to work for the next 30 life times.

4) Opm is about 20 times bigger then tabu so ya it gets more people.

5) theres no denying your a LOOSER YAAAAAAAAAAYA.

Mr freeze

Rock steady crew

1. Obviously YOU don't care.

2. Amazing kid, making career moves in kindergarden.

3. ... according to you.

4. If the demand was equal, then there would be a line outside Tabu.

5. Ra Ra Ra Yap Yap Yap Widdle cry baby.

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*That* was my point by the way.

No it wasn't your point..... The reason this whole war started is because you ask Freeze what HIS forefathers were..... He told you and then you started running your mouth, and said you were looking for something like James Brown.... You never asked him to break down hip hop history for you, a hip hop break down is what it turned into and Greenie did a great job of telling us whats up. See when someone comes correct we respect that. Even though it makes me look wrong.

I personally think Greenie and I are both right, we both had our facts and it comes down to what you consider the line is of what Rock or Hip Hop is.

His opinion is that the early elements that were the main influence of both cultures is where it started, My opinion is it wasn't truly born till all the pieces were put together.

And the FACT IS you are not even debating any of this information, no matter how false any of us are, you are still stuck on me not liking opinions, Freeze can't spell looser and didn't pass 2nd grade, you have nothing to say about the topic. And I made the topic just for you to learn something, and then someday you will have voice someone will actaully care about.

Ill say it again you are such a waste of time, and my dumbass continues to waste time on you.

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1. Obviously YOU don't care.

2. Amazing kid, making career moves in kindergarden.

3. ... according to you.

4. If the demand was equal, then there would be a line outside Tabu.

5. Ra Ra Ra Yap Yap Yap Widdle cry baby.

Ya nobody comes to Slide on Sunday night,MGM keeps there doors open and losses money just for me, because they love my pretty face..You make no sense LOOSER.…

Look at you, You cant even come up with your own words you got to copy me, wow you are a real LOOSER Rah Rah Rah.

Slide has been open a year know and still brings in the real, and no metal detectors.…

Mr. freeze

rock steady crew

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No it wasn't your point..... The reason this whole war started is because you ask Freeze what HIS forefathers were..... He told you and then you started running your mouth, and said you were looking for something like James Brown.... You never asked him to break down hip hop history for you, a hip hop break down is what it turned into and Greenie did a great job of telling us whats up. See when someone comes correct we respect that. Even though it makes me look wrong.

I personally think Greenie and I are both right, we both had our facts and it comes down to what you consider the line is of what Rock or Hip Hop is.

His opinion is that the early elements that were the main influence of both cultures is where it started, My opinion is it wasn't truly born till all the pieces were put together.

And the FACT IS you are not even debating any of this information, no matter how false any of us are, you are still stuck on me not liking opinions, Freeze can't spell looser and didn't pass 2nd grade, you have nothing to say about the topic. And I made the topic just for you to learn something, and then someday you will have voice someone will actaully care about.

Ill say it again you are such a waste of time, and my dumbass continues to waste time on you.

Wow, well said my freind...you see out box,im not the only one,you ask question?

i give you a dirrect answers,and like a widdle apple eating looser that you are,

you just avoid my direct answer to your direct question..Why is that?

PS... does anyone have a picture of out box so i can see who and what he looks like?

Mr freeze

rock steady Crew

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No it wasn't your point.

Yes it was. I pointed out the Mr. Freeze probably didn't even recognize the forefathers from 20 to 30 years before his time. And of course you jumped right in with one of the most moronic statements I've seen...

before them there was no hip hop. James Brown, wasn't hip hop, he has been sampled quite a bit, but that doesn't make him hip hop. Thats like asking Led Zepplin if Mozart was there influence.

You can try to cover up and twist that ignorant statement but no matter what you say now, my point still stands. Freeze doesn't give respect to the TRUE forefathers of "his" culture and music and you think Mozart is to Zepplin as James Brown is to Hip-Hop.


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Yes it was. I pointed out the Mr. Freeze probably didn't even recognize the forefathers from 20 to 30 years before his time. And of course you jumped right in with one of the most moronic statements I've seen...

You can try to cover up and twist that ignorant statement but no matter what you say now, my point still stands. Freeze doesn't give respect to the TRUE forefathers of "his" culture and music and you think Mozart is to Zepplin as James Brown is to Hip-Hop.


I respec the group you spoke about,i just don't respect you Loser.

Mr freeze

Rock steady crew

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Ok you got me with the Mozart thing..... cheers..... Bad example... Im not covering up anything. James Brown is still not hip hop. And you are still a looser.

No one can figure out the point you were trying to make... You still have never asked who his musical forefathers, or musical inspirations... you asked who are your forefathers... He asked you if you meant DJ's and you never responded. I asked you if you meant R&B, rock n roll and you never responded. You basically just responded I can't believe he didn't mention James Brown out of nowhere... He may have been an influence in many hip hop artist of all kinds, but he is still not hip hop.

You are still a looser and a waste of time.... and I am still a dumbass for wasting my time.

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*That* was my point by the way.

You put "*" around that? What is "That"? You can't even put it in your own words.

I understand you probably thought that you were always right around your circle of friends. But guess what, you are not in high school anymore. I'm not saying that I am right and you are wrong, I’m just saying that every day you should be ready to be taught and to learn something new.

Back to the hip-hop lesson:

This is a Quote from Cool Herc:

"To me(Herc), hip-hop says, "Come as you are." We are family. It aint about security. It aint about bling-bling. It aint about how much your gun can shoot. It aint about $200 Sneakers. It is not about me being better than you or you being better than me. It's about you and me, connecting one to one. That's why it has universal appeal. It has given young people a way to understand their world, whether they are from the suburbs or the city or wherever....hip-hop has bridged the culture gap. It brings white kids together with black kids, brown with yellow kids."

Again, Hip-hop is a culture. And the music was the medium. It was born from a peace treaty brought on between the gangs of the Bronx. The Ghetto Brothers (a gang in Bronx) band use to throw Friday block parties and invited all different kind of people from different gangs to party and celebrated "being young and free". They had to deal with a tough crowd, but they played funky songs to keep the crowd dancing.

Now do you understand why Mr. Freeze hates the word "hip-hop" being used by DJ Masterweb and OPM or corporate America? Because it doesn't represent any of that. It's not his fault, nor the people's fault, it's the "hunger for money" which made hip-hop such as disreputable idealism

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Yeah but don't you see the hypocrisy.

His own forefather include your quoted words...

"It is not about me being better than you or you being better than me"

That's Mr. Freeze's M.O.

Your Right Freeze is a Hip Hop Hypocrite..... Just like you have something important to say...

....waste of time

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Yeah but don't you see the hypocrisy.

His own forefather include your quoted words...

"It is not about me being better than you or you being better than me"

That's Mr. Freeze's M.O.

Mr. Freeze is proving nothing but the knowledge that you should have if you are going to be talking about hip-hop this and hip-hop that. He is not better than you or he is better me, he is trying to pass down the knowledge. Instead of learning, you criticize him of being a shit talker and a hypocrite. It sounds like it's the other way around DJ Outofthebox, it sounds like you were trying to prove that you are better than him and all of us.

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Nope not at all. How quickly you forget that until the Utopia threads, Mr. Freeze's only function on this message board was to call others fake, wack, this and that, oh and to promote his event by insulting others, still to this day actually. He didn't come here looking to educate people, or if he did, he had an interesting way of communicating that. Regardless, I am not here to say I'm better than anyone. I'm just keeping it real talk, which to aggressive people means if I disagree with you then I'm shit talking or asking for a violent reaction.

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I have nothing but ultimate respect for Freeze, both for or his unquestionable role in hip-hop history and for what he's promoting at Tabu. Despite the extremely large number of well-financed clubs on the Strip, Slide Sundays remains only single night that really attempts to embrace the original vibe that made hip-hop explode onto the scene.

His passion for the true culture and meaning hip-hop is extremely admirable, however his insulting and often exclusionary approach on this board is off-putting, to say the least.

I don't know what goes on in the business of Vegas clubs. I don't know if or how often Freeze has tried to work with other clubs to create other hip-hop nights like Slide Sundays.

All I know about Freeze and his pursuit of "trying to teach people the true meaning of hip-hop" is what I see here, and that is Freeze relentlessly going after someone like DJ MasterWeb. At the same time that he blasts OPM for its hip-hop ignorance, he repeatedly refers to his being honored by VH1. He can't stand the mainstream for its bastardization and misuse of the term "hip-hop," yet doesn't hesitate to take part in a crappy MTV reality show.

OPM may not be ideal for Freeze's tastes, but there's a reason for it's massive popularity, especially its massive growth in the past few months: OPM offers what no other club on the strip does. They promote themselves as a hip-hop club because they provide what the public considers to be hip-hop. They advertise on a radio station that refers to itself as hip-hop because its listeners will refer their music selection as hip-hop.

Whether right or wrong, this is what hip-hop has become in the 21st century. This is the evolutionary path that it's followed.

DJ MasterWeb is a businessman who caters the public's idea of hip-hop music. He and his crew at OPM promote their events without resorting to slander. They've identified a need among Vegas clubgoers and have nailed it on the head. It's no coincidence that the club has become so popular that their guestlist no longer offers free entry before 11pm, no coincidence that Sunday Night Hype has exploded.

If Freeze really believes that "It is not about me being better than you or you being better than me" then he'd stop the personal attacks and just be proud of what he's done in his life and what he's got at Tabu with Slide Sundays. As a member of Rock Steady Crew, he of all people should know that when you're the best, you simply maintain and progress on your own -- until someone attacks you.

Battling happened when an MC or a crew needed to prove that they were better than the top dogs -- at least, those who were top in the public eye. Put on a better show than the next guy and gain your respect. Simple as that. Freeze won't prove anything by talking, he's got to prove it by building his own following.

Otherwise he's no better than the wannabe MCs round the way who would always claim to be the best without proving it, offering to take on any challenger... provided they came to them.

Who knows. Perhaps Freeze will someday realize that OPM just might represent the best opportunity to educate people about the "true" hip-hop, to reach out to the same crowd that grew up with it.

Or maybe he'll find a way to get a second weekly event going. There's still tons of room on the club schedule, and with new spots opening left and right there's potential like never before.

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