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jp's b day"nice turn out standing outside with a ticket"cant get in go "copa

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the only "dip- shit " here is this jerkoff stringent or wuteva the fuck... sitting back and reading all this i had to say somthing cuz u are scary...by reading one comment u can tell u are a real looser that has nothin else better to do then stalk... u claim to care less.. why are u writing novels each post.. somebody must have hit a nerve..ur tryin to prove a point that everyone knows is bullshitt give it up.. seriously WOW give it up..

i love that you put a peace sign up as the symbol <3

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I don't have to grasp at anything.

Im the one sitting here laughing while you are attempting every trick in your OLD book to try to get me to either call you out (which I WON'T do) or present to you the reasons why I know what I do.

I want nothing from you.. I need nothing from you

you are the one wanting something from me.. info I'm not giving up!!

now stew in it

Well, looking at your response, obviously you need to grasp at everything you can, since you're unable to support your useless and meritless accuasations. The length of my responses....my edits...come on you silly little kid. You can do better than that. At this point, I've given up trying to get you to speak about this *mystery figure* who's stalking you, or whoever may be in on the plot, lol. Now, I'm just insulting you, and it's pretty entertaining.

Citing to my writing habits doesn't really add up to much at this point, Dee. Just get some sleep. Maybe when you awaken, the conspiracy will be over.

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the only "dip- shit " here is this jerkoff stringent or wuteva the fuck... sitting back and reading all this i had to say somthing cuz u are scary...by reading one comment u can tell u are a real looser that has nothin else better to do then stalk... u claim to care less.. why are u writing novels each post.. somebody must have hit a nerve..ur tryin to prove a point that everyone knows is bullshitt give it up.. seriously WOW give it up..

LOL...you've joined in the party too, eh? Trying to expose my plot, aye?!??!?!

You want some too?!?!?

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jp is not the man anymore, to stand in a line at copa, how sad is that .. u should kill your self . jp dont even have a home anymore

.steve lawler is the man

well, yes, Lawler is the man, but its wierd to compare the two... hes still one of the best tho!

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Well, looking at your response, obviously you need to grasp at everything you can, since you're unable to support your useless and meritless accuasations. The length of my responses....my edits...come on you silly little kid. You can do better than that. At this point, I've given up trying to get you to speak about this *mystery figure* who's stalking you, or whoever may be in on the plot, lol. Now, I'm just insulting you, and it's pretty entertaining.

Citing to my writing habits doesn't really add up to much at this point, Dee. Just get some sleep. Maybe when you awaken, the conspiracy will be over.

14 pages and you still dont get it? I'm not going to give up anything online, Be thankful for it. For real. You'd be suprised...and what has kept you online for more than 6 hours with the rest of us idiots with too much time on our hands is wondering if I was going to call you out.

Dont worry, I'm not.

If you want to REALLY know, be man enough to email me under your REAL name.. not this bullshit and then I'll let you know how I (and my lil helpers) figured you out.

until then, until I see the name in My inbox that I know is you, i will no longer address you or read any of your bullhonkey under this fake ass name of yours.

Thats it.. GoodNight.. Buona Sera and Its been fun.

not IGNOREEEEEEEEEEEE feature in full effect.. BOO YA KA

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14 pages and you still dont get it? I'm not going to give up anything online, Be thankful for it. For real. You'd be suprised...and what has kept you online for more than 6 hours with the rest of us idiots with too much time on our hands is wondering if I was going to call you out.

Dont worry, I'm not.

If you want to REALLY know, be man enough to email me under your REAL name.. not this bullshit and then I'll let you know how I (and my lil helpers) figured you out.

until then, until I see the name in My inbox that I know is you, i will no longer address you or read any of your bullhonkey under this fake ass name of yours.

Thats it.. GoodNight.. Buona Sera and Its been fun.

not IGNOREEEEEEEEEEEE feature in full effect.. BOO YA KA

Dee, you don't need to give up any info. The conspiracy lives on.


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Dee, you don't need to give up any info. The conspiracy lives on.


Classic closing line.

You give yourself away alot more than you realize.

in a few days when your head is clear go back and reread some of the phrases, catch lines, exit remarks and insults you've flung at me in the last 10 pages or so. You get so caught up in the heat of the moment you dont realize how much you recycle shit I've heard before.

De Ja Vu my friend De Ja Vu.

now One more time I'll ask you.....

Leave me the Fuck alone for Good :)

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Classic closing line.

You give yourself away alot more than you realize.

in a few days when your head is clear go back and reread some of the phrases, catch lines, exit remarks and insults you've flung at me in the last 10 pages or so. You get so caught up in the heat of the moment you dont realize how much you recycle shit I've heard before.

De Ja Vu my friend De Ja Vu.

now One more time I'll ask you.....

Leave me the Fuck alone for Good :)

Awww...so now you've gone from "I know you're mad cuz you can't know what I have" to "you've revealed yourself online, ha!!"

I'm glad you remember my speech patterns though. It shows you care, and that you actually loved me once. That makes senility a little bit more bearable.

I will be boyfriend all week if you want, sound good? You can view this whole thing as therapy. Say all things you never got to say.

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I'm glad you remember my speech patterns though. It shows you care, and that you actually loved me once. That makes senility a little bit more bearable.

Whatever helps you make it through the day ;)

Keep telling yourself that, and keep convincing yourself that you are sane while you are at it.

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LOL...you've joined in the party too, eh? Trying to expose my plot, aye?!??!?!

You want some too?!?!?

bring it dingle-berry....ur plot is exposed.. i never thought u'd stoop to this psychotic level.. u are pathetic...waste of life.. its so sad... please stop u are making yourself look worse and worse...

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Whatever helps you make it through the day ;)

Keep telling yourself that, and keep convincing yourself that you are sane while you are at it.

Deelite1, you're still at it, aye?

Tell me something. Let's assume I am your ex. Why do you bother dating guys who hunt you down and stalk you on messageboards? You really know how to pick'em, don't you? I suppose that's why you are so confused and really don't know who's telling you how stupid you are. The really sad part is that, even though I'm not your mystery person, I recently learned of the individuals on the board that you've had involvement with, and they are losers in every sense of the word. That's why it's really not surprising to see that they would be stalking you.

Keep your personal shit off the board, Dee. Don't get involved with people who post, then maybe you wouldn't be running in circles like a chicken with its head cut off.

Sleep well last night?

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Deelite1, you're still at it, aye?

Tell me something. Let's assume I am your ex. Why do you bother dating guys who hunt you down and stalk you on messageboards? You really know how to pick'em, don't you? I suppose that's why you are so confused and really don't know who's telling you how stupid you are. The really sad part is that, even though I'm not your mystery person, I recently learned of the individuals on the board that you've had involvement with, and they are losers in every sense of the word. That's why it's really not surprising to see that they would be stalking you.

Keep your personal shit off the board, Dee. Don't get involved with people who post, then maybe you wouldn't be running in circles like a chicken with its head cut off.

Sleep well last night?

I'm nowhere NEAR confused, and you know this which is the precise reason you are going above and beyond to shoot down my credibility, make me look emotional and irrational then eventually doubt myself. That's not going to happen so save your typing. Been through that lesson once before.

Go ahead, write me a few more 50 paragraph posts calling me names and telling me I don't know anything. I'll still be 189% sure of exactly WHO you are and why you are doing this.

No really, Lets go back and forth for another 7 hours.

You know for someone who is supposedly a stranger.. you SUREEEE do know an awful lot about me and really want to get to me huh?

Give it up and stop bickering with a message board parasite such as myself and move on to bigger and greater things.... EH?

There is not anything you can do, say or try to convince me you are just some random person who dropped in out of nowhere, went from being a female to a male in about a 3 month span and now this.

It's done.

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I'm nowhere NEAR confused, and you know this which is the precise reason you are going above and beyond to shoot down my credibility, make me look emotional and irrational then eventually doubt myself. That's not going to happen so save your typing. Been through that lesson once before.

Go ahead, write me a few more 50 paragraph posts calling me names and telling me I don't know anything. I'll still be 189% sure of exactly WHO you are and why you are doing this.

No really, Lets go back and forth for another 7 hours.

You know for someone who is supposedly a stranger.. you SUREEEE do know an awful lot about me and really want to get to me huh?

Give it up and stop bickering with a message board parasite such as myself and move on to bigger and greater things.... EH?

There is not anything you can do, say or try to convince me you are just some random person who dropped in out of nowhere, went from being a female to a male in about a 3 month span and now this.

It's done.

LOL....Do you realize how much fun I can have now that I realize you really do believe I'm one of your stalker ex's? lol.

How could you be stupid enough to get involved with people on a board where you talk most of your shit?? LOL...I mean, as a chronic shit talker, common sense should tell you that's not a good idea.

Listen, I have no reason to continue to bash you, especially now that I know who you're mistaking me for. I mean, you've already shown through your responses that there exists an emotional weakling beneath all that shit talking.

Try dating people who don't post on boards next time. That way, you don't have to look over your shoulders every time you write your nonsense on a messageboard. You can talk shit freely.

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LOL....Do you realize how much fun I can have now that I realize you really do believe I'm one of your stalker ex's? lol.

How could you be stupid enough to get involved with people on a board where you talk most of your shit?? LOL...I mean, as a chronic shit talker, common sense should tell you that's not a good idea.

Listen, I have no reason to continue to bash you, especially now that I know who you're mistaking me for. I mean, you've already shown through your responses that there exists an emotional weakling beneath all that shit talking.

Try dating people who don't post on boards next time. That way, you don't have to look over your shoulders every time you write your nonsense on a messageboard. You can talk shit freely.

There is no rationalizing with you at this point. You win.

You are who you say you are.. You are Stringent, I dont know you, and I am just a paranoid emotional mess deep down and am in the middle of a mental breakdown, taking it out on you... a poor innocent half female half male poster who doesn't know me from a hole in the wall.

Now Please leave me alone... Being that you don't know me, and I dont know you, there really is no reason for us to ever cross paths...

So again? Make pretend I am dead please.

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There is no rationalizing with you at this point. You win.

You are who you say you are.. You are Stringent, I dont know you, and I am just a paranoid emotional mess deep down and am in the middle of a mental breakdown, taking it out on you... a poor innocent half female half male poster who doesn't know me from a hole in the wall.

Now Please leave me alone... Being that you don't know me, and I dont know you, there really is no reason for us to ever cross paths...

So again? Make pretend I am dead please.

Agreed. And next time, verify your facts before you expose yourself to such dumb shit online.

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internet sleuth....

how is it possible, you know no one on this board or NCC....

you apperaed as if from the mist...

and suddenly, in the time that most ppl were asleep or getting ready for work, you have miraculously made such keen connections in internet land that you know this and that? that you know off MULTIPLE ALLEGED ppl that she has dealt with that post on a messageboard?

the funny thin about lying is that when ppl do it chronically...when they are always deceptive to others, they start to believe their own bullshit.

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internet sleuth....

how is it possible, you know no one on this board or NCC....

you apperaed as if from the mist...

and suddenly, in the time that most ppl were asleep or getting ready for work, you have miraculously made such keen connections in internet land that you know this and that? that you know off MULTIPLE ALLEGED ppl that she has dealt with that post on a messageboard?

the funny thin about lying is that when ppl do it chronically...when they are always deceptive to others, they start to believe their own bullshit.

Shadddddddddddap, lol.

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internet sleuth....

how is it possible, you know no one on this board or NCC....

you apperaed as if from the mist...

and suddenly, in the time that most ppl were asleep or getting ready for work, you have miraculously made such keen connections in internet land that you know this and that? that you know off MULTIPLE ALLEGED ppl that she has dealt with that post on a messageboard?

the funny thin about lying is that when ppl do it chronically...when they are always deceptive to others, they start to believe their own bullshit.


Thank you.

I'm just running out of patience and energy at this point to point the obvious out.

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