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Hip Hop/Rap or House/Dance music


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I wanna see your opinions why you like one instead if the other.

where to start cee?


first off rap is so commercial.....i mean dont get me wrong I like some of it, and am forced to spin it ALOT, but thats what pays the bills. I find it so HILARIOUS that the biggest group of fans of rap is middle class white kids. They actually think they can relate to the lyrics, hystercial. Most lyrics are violent and negative, I know everyone has heard it a million times but rappers straight up degrade women, ying yang twins make a song sayin "all you bitches crawl" and just like chris rock said in his one stand-ups, girls fuckin dance to this shit and eat it up (blows my mind). MOST BUT NOT ALL RAP is about money, using or selling drugs, guns, fuckin people up, cars, jewelry, all material possesions, and its all about acting hard. but every rapper says 90% of rappers in the game are frontin and really are soft: not a gangsta like they say: so which ones are fake? I would really like to know this. There is so much beef in rap its fuckin ridiculous, way too much drama too me. Its far and few between that a rap song sends a positive message, just too much negativity in the genre all together.

House and other electronic dance music:

This is my shit. First off "abrooksbro" the biggest douche bag on this board said in other post: "dont you guys like music with real instruments and words" If you look at house music this way you are clueless. First off REAL house music includes pianos, guitars, violins, saxophones, a shit load of other wind instruments, and every percussion instrument under the sun. Secondly, my favorite vocals OF ALL TIME are from house songs so for anyone who thinks house music is just BOOM BOOM BOOM, you have no clue. House music has soul, it has feeling, just listening to certain songs gives me goosebumps and can give me euphoria, no rap song does this for me (and i dont do drugs anymore so dont try to make that argument) i really cant describe it, its something you have to understand. I cant think of one house song of the top of my head that delivers a negative message. House music in general is about togetherness, i mean look at bob sinclair, all of his songs are delivering a powerful message. House music is something you have to understand, and if you dont like it, it is understandable, but to me rap music is extremely inferior to house.

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out of these two choices, def. dance music because i prefer music w/ fewer vocals. however, good rap/hiphop music, especially something that has a message and says something about a culture or lifestyle most know nothing about, can't be discounted. there are some profound mcs that helped rap become many things, such as poetry or social commentary and it is as universal as edm; meaning it enjoys worldwide popularity and different cultures embracing the art, throughout africa, asia, europe, and yes, even the u.s. burbs. :)

imo, both deserve respect and it shouldn't be as either/or as some would like. but, i don't know the history of both genres, perhaps they were connected at some point or originated from the same place?

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out of these two choices, def. dance music because i prefer music w/ fewer vocals. however, good rap/hiphop music, especially something that has a message and says something about a culture or lifestyle most know nothing about, can't be discounted. there are some profound mcs that helped rap become many things, such as poetry or social commentary and it is as universal as edm; meaning it enjoys worldwide popularity and different cultures embracing the art, throughout africa, asia, europe, and yes, even the u.s. burbs. :)

imo, both deserve respect and it shouldn't be as either/or as some would like. but, i don't know the history of both genres, perhaps they were connected at some point or originated from the same place?

im def not arguing that, in the beginning of hip hop MOST OF IT was positive powerful messages, but the problem is that today this is opposite. the positive songs are hard to come by today and the stuff that is being produced now is just ridiculous. it is a art in the sense some of if it is poetry and they are creatvie in their rhymes/flows but the messages in the songs are garbage. this coming from some who spins rap/hip hop/r&b/reggaeton often

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K, glad you know about rap/hip hop today and the history. I am not a big fan, but I do know that some rap/hip hop artists have been amazing, and while the good ones may not be heard over all the bling boasting of late; I am sure they will make a return or new quality artists will emerge in the future. imo, there's a lot of garbage in edm as well, however the overall variety makes it easier to find quality music, whereas hip hop/rap tends to follow trends a bit more (gangsta, bling, etc.) making finding something different from what's popular extremely difficult... but not impossible. :)

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Been a fan of house music since 1989 when i first heard "TEARS" and have not looked back and dont plan on it either. I spend all day n night hearing house music and dancing as many hrs as i can during the week. Drug and alcohol free. Not everyone understands house music, i think that song about summons it up.

Hip Hop had its great era i think from 1978-1995, now its all water down commercial garbage that is package and sold to sheep.

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Been a fan of house music since 1989 when i first heard "TEARS" and have not looked back and dont plan on it either. I spend all day n night hearing house music and dancing as many hrs as i can during the week. Drug and alcohol free. Not everyone understands house music, i think that song about summons it up.

Hip Hop had its great era i think from 1978-1995, now its all water down commercial garbage that is package and sold to sheep.

i agree, i been a house music fan since i can remember but i also checked out few talents from different genres.....i must say the best years for hip hop was the late 80's and ealy 90s. I Artists like nas and mos def kinda caught my attention with his lyrical poems and different style of expression back in early 90's. But todays hip hop is entirely lack of skills........It lacks definition or even style.

On another note I think house music has progressed a lot with a much more defined style and creativity.

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