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Hi everyone.. I've been meaning to post this since last week but never got around to it. At the last meetup there were a LOT of new faces and I didn't even get a chance to talk to any of them. So at least help put faces to all these names. Thanx smile.gif

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-16.htm - you two were sitting right across from us but I don't know who you are on the board frown.gif

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-21.htm - the guy on the right

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-25.htm - the guy on the left

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-34.htm - the guy on the right

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-37.htm - met both of you on the way but don't remember your screen names ;(

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-41.htm - no clue who you are!!!........

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-44.htm - guy on the right

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-48.htm - girl on the left

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-74.htm - girl on the left

http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-79.htm - guy on the left

Thanks guys! At least next time I'll know all your names smile.gif

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>http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-37.htm - met both of you on the way but don't remember your screen names ;(

I haven't met any of you yet... but I think that girl is "eggplant" or something... she posted her pics awhile ago and I think she looked something like that...

Have Brandie, Rob, or Eggmok & Co. even been to a meet-up? I know they're the people I'm really interested in getting together with... Brandie, I'm sorry if there was some confusion this past weekend... I'll definitely be visiting the HDrome with friends next semester... we won't need VIP passes to get in then, will we? wink.gif *hugs* Talk to you soon, hon...


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Okay! I don't know everyone but I know most of it!

#25 is Sinem's friend suade on the board

#37 is eggplant and dsgeorge2 (wrong spelling)

#41 is King Pharoh

#44 on the right is nyc420

#74 is dee's friend that doesn't post

and #79 is ich_gami and shadowcaster


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Originally posted by happykittn:

I haven't met any of you yet... but I think that girl is "eggplant" or something... she posted her pics awhile ago and I think she looked something like that...

Have Brandie, Rob, or Eggmok & Co. even been to a meet-up? I know they're the people I'm really interested in getting together with... Brandie, I'm sorry if there was some confusion this past weekend... I'll definitely be visiting the HDrome with friends next semester... we won't need VIP passes to get in then, will we? wink.gif *hugs* Talk to you soon, hon...

eggplant???? i've never even seen a screen name like that. I only met Rob, haven't met Brandie or Eggmok myself frown.gif Hope to meet them and you some time soon smile.gif

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Rachel.. Thanks. 79 on the right is Brian (crossy) smile.gif I know him already.. What about the other ppl??

I don't know! frown.gif

I talked to them too, and don't know their names! frown.gif


genie.gif This genie grants 3 wishes... Hey I'm not sharing! He's all MINE!

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Okay! I don't know everyone but I know most of it!

#25 is Sinem's friend suade on the board

Of course you picked the worst picture of me to inquire about. The 3 Tequila shots had kicked in by that time!!!

Here's a better pic of me with Sinem: http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-39.htm


Peace,Love & Hairgrease,

Rich Suede


[This message has been edited by suedenyc (edited 12-22-2000).]

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