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let down at twilo for S+D

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ok. for the last 6 months i have been trying to go to s+d, but things never worked out. the last 2 times, my 2 best friends went, and i couldn't go. friday night, we finally were all tgether and we headed out for twilo, planning the night for at least a month, since we all are in college far from each other. we hit sf and left at 5, and we arrived at s+d at 5:15. more excited than ever, i held my id out, only to be told that they were not letting any more guys in. wtf??? i was waiting months for this night. and the guy says, there are too many guys inside. go get some girls. are u kidding??? i almost cried. i asked him 50 times to please let us in. i don't get it. twilo is not a cheesy club like sf or exit, where you go to meet girls and hear cheap house tracks that are cool when ur fucked up. sasha and digweed are the greatest dj's in the world, in my opinion, and i don't think twilo should be about the girl/guy ratio. i just wanted to fucking dance and enjoy s+d for my first time, and i got flart out denied. i don't know. just telling you how shitty that was, especially after so much planning. respond with thoughts.


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Originally posted by 29bunkrolls:

we hit sf and left at 5, and we arrived at s+d at 5:15.

i don't get it. twilo is not a cheesy club like sf or exit, where you go to meet girls and hear cheap house tracks that are cool when ur fucked up.

wtf??? why do u go if its so cheesy , thats some stupid thing to say about exit and sf, especially that u went to sf b4 going to twilo, i really hate ppl like that , that go to a club and then diss it and go to the same club all the time.


aim: amafrk1


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That was your mistake; Soundfactory. What are you kidding?

For future reference:

You will not get in without some girls after a certain time. If you wanted some SF action you shoulda reversed the order.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Twilo is not the perfect club. They have the best soundsystem in the country. That's what they have going for them. Everything else is open for debate.

Go early to S&D next time and enjoy yourself.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by artful:

Sorry to burst your bubble, but Twilo is not the perfect club. They have the best soundsystem in the country. That's what they have going for them. Everything else is open for debate.

Compared to the other clubs in the city...Twilo is perfect...greatest music and the friendliest vibes around. cwm20.gif



close the world...open the next...the door is in your mind...


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Quick comment bout friendliness. I was sitting on the steps, and next to me was a person who I would normally see at another club "Wont name the club" (I knew this because his friends were talking about the other place a little earlier, a bit loudly and obnoxiously i might add hehe)

However, he asked me for a light and I obliged and he said something that made me smile. He said "Wow, the people here are so damned nice, Its a really cool place"

I told him thats how it usually is and should be and he agreed.

It was nice to hear a non Twilo head say something like that.

And of course, it was a fantatic night




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If you were so hell-bent on getting to S&D why in god's name would you hit Factory first?! And as others have noted, it's even MORE odd b/c you said yourself that you think SF and Exit are cheezy. You did it to yourself, dude... now you learned your lesson the hard way... Hope you make it to the next S&D at a respectable hour.

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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Let me give you the lowdown on what happend at 5 AM outside TWILO. I know because I had to wait out there for 25 minutes in the freezin cold.

Some jackel stood out there and argued w/ the bouncer, with other people in the line, with the club manager for half an hour after they told him that he couldn't come in. This guy was the biggest cheezeball I've ever seen. He wouldn't shut up. He wouldn't stop antagonizing everybody. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! He pissed me off sooo much.

Yes the bouncer was telling people no guys w.out girls, but he did start letting people in once this ahole shut up. He really f'd it up for everyone there. I hope to god this wasn't you, because that person deserved a major ass kicking. cwm23.gif

I think that people at the door are like any other human beings, treat them with some respect without looking like you'll take their shit and let them know what's going on and they will do the same.

It sucked to stand out there and I wish I'd known about this no girl deal bf hand, but it's SND at TWILO, it's like seeing the dead at Filmore at the hight of the 60s, I flew 3K miles for this show, so while I feel your pain, you're the one that makes decisions about where you go and how you spend your money. If you don't like a club for whatever reason, go somewhere else.



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lol its funny you diss on factory.. alot of clubs wont let guys in alone after a certain time.. go with a group of guys to sound factory ona sat at 5am.. and see if paris lets ya in.. i'm sure that goes for most other clubs.. IF YOU HATE SF SO MUCH WHY DID YOU GO? waste of money...




/>http://hometown.aol.com/lipzlipzlipz/LIPZ.html splash.gif

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Originally posted by herbalist:

Let me give you the lowdown on what happend at 5 AM outside TWILO. I know because I had to wait out there for 25 minutes in the freezin cold.

Some jackel stood out there and argued w/ the bouncer, with other people in the line, with the club manager for half an hour after they told him that he couldn't come in. This guy was the biggest cheezeball I've ever seen. He wouldn't shut up. He wouldn't stop antagonizing everybody. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! He pissed me off sooo much.

Yes the bouncer was telling people no guys w.out girls, but he did start letting people in once this ahole shut up. He really f'd it up for everyone there. I hope to god this wasn't you, because that person deserved a major ass kicking. cwm23.gif

I think that people at the door are like any other human beings, treat them with some respect without looking like you'll take their shit and let them know what's going on and they will do the same.

It sucked to stand out there and I wish I'd known about this no girl deal bf hand, but it's SND at TWILO, it's like seeing the dead at Filmore at the hight of the 60s, I flew 3K miles for this show, so while I feel your pain, you're the one that makes decisions about where you go and how you spend your money. If you don't like a club for whatever reason, go somewhere else.



Wow, hey Buddy, Very nice comment.

And i back ya 100%, you were cool to chill with. See you again. we be in LA in Feb wink.gif



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Originally posted by myrlin:

Wow, hey Buddy, Very nice comment.

And i back ya 100%, you were cool to chill with. See you again. we be in LA in Feb wink.gif

C, I'm just telling it like it iz.

BTW, likewise, cool to meet you.

I'll let you guys know when those tickets go on sale. Try getting your plane tix from priceline in January sometime. My RT fair for NY was 180 bonez and that was bought in November.

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bro, they were right about guy/girl ratio, i was there since like 2am, and the whole nite, there were way too many guys there, i mean the club is about the music and S+D , but u gotta understand, they wana keep a mixed crowd, so next time bring some honeys or get there b4 3am! ciao -mike


- music is the answer +

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