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I personally very rarely hook up in clubs, although there's been a couple of occassions. I usually go to 'bug out', but if the right opportunity presents itself...

Besides in NYC clubs girls have to have their asshole radar on, and its hard to get past that device,


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I go to 'bug-out', dance, and hang out with people. I don't even try to hook up. Considering what nycetouch said, it sounds like the ladies have their defences up, not that i blame them.

Nycetouch: it kind of sounded like you are calling yourself an ass-hole. That's not what you meant, right?


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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not at all what I meant; ooppps

simply stated: there are a lot of assholes in clubs that do not come for the music or to enjoy a good vibe, as a result every guy has to suffer the fact that almost all girls will consider you a possible asshole until you prove otherwise if they dont know you.


you see what I'm saying?

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well usually to bug out . . . but hey hook-ups happen, don't usually look for them. not anymore at least, in my naivete in the beginning the attention was cool but after a few bad experiences no thanks! i'll give out my number, if they really want to get to know me they can call and chat and maybe i'll hang out with them later. as for in the club now i am usually fending off those aforementioned assholes wink.gif though i know if i ever have the urge for a booty call i can dress up, head out to a club, and pick some guy up - he he he cwm11.gif

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I go to clubs to DANCE for the MUSIC . . . no more drugs for me. i was *never* into the whole go out and hook-up scene - too many nasty nasty people. i *hate* when guys feel that because i'm dancing that it is their god-given right to get all up on me and start dancing with me. if i wanted to dance with you, i'd say it. ICK.

sweaty prickly nasty guys who are all fucked up and think their god's gift to women. gross.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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No offense man, but there are a million more reasons to be at a club. Number 1 being for the music followed VERY closly at number 2 for the dancing. Hook-up in clubs aren't worth the hassel. I would much rather have a bang-up time with friends.



P eace

L ove

U nity

R espect

"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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I think its kinda cool that the guys responding are at least claiming they're there for the music and not to hook up. Maybe we're not all ass-holes after all. ;-)

and I gotta agree with Az-tec, enjoying the company of the beautiful CP ladies is a def plus in my book.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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I go for the whole experience, the music, dancing, the people, the atmosphere. Hooking up usually isn't part of it. If it happens, great, but I never look for it.

It's always fun meeting a girl at a club and just hanging out with them and having fun. I usually won't bother with a phone number - hopefully I'll just see them out the next time...

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it certainly isn't the "hooking up" that gets me to a club. And I must admit, I am spoiled because many of my close friends happen to be the best DJ's I have heard...Other than the occassional Jeff Mills, or Paul Van Dyk...I often find myself dissappointed in the music (I like a very particular style) As far as rollin' goes...I certainly don't need to be in a club to do that! cwm30.gif My point is...when you combine the excitement of hundreds of other people, the music, the lights, the endless possabilities...there is nothing else like it...that's why I do it!


"And that is what empower-meant when she said; you'll miss me baby but I'm not going anywhere." - mbd

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