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Can a blowjob save America?

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From Capitol Hill Blue

The Rant

Can a blowjob save America?


May 15, 2006, 08:00

"You're in more dire need of a blow job than any white man in history!"

--Robin Williams to the late J.T. Walsh in Good Morning Vietnam

At lunch the other day, a relatively-refined female friend blurted out: "I wish somebody would catch George W. Bush getting a blowjob from an intern so we could impeach him."

Kind of says a lot about where this country is headed. We can impeach a President for cheating on his wife and then lying about it but we can't seem to do a damn thing about one who lies, spies on Americans without legal authority, consistently abuses the power of his office and sends thousands of Americans to die in a baseless invasion founded on deceit.

Polls show Bush sliding into that nether region of political hell occupied by other Presidential failures like Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover but while we know he lies, cheats, ignores the law and runs roughshod over the Constitution, those charged with removing despots from office sit frozen like deer in headlights, unable to move while a freight train of corruption barrels down on them.

You don't need the latest polls to know George W. Bush is in trouble. Just look at the prime-time TV schedule. When Bush schedules another 8 p.m. EDT speech to the nation it's a sure sign he's trying to squirm his way out of another mess.

Tonight's speech topic, we are told, is immigration. In other words, the Prez wants to try, once again, to sell his failed immigration reform to a nation that no longer listens to him, certainly doesn't believe him and just wishes he would go away.

So the networks, in the midst of May sweeps, will shuffle their schedules so Bush can trot out the snakeoil once again to see if there is anyone left out there to buy his failures and missteps.

Then Americans will do what they wanted to do in the first place: Settle into their recliners to see if Jack Bauer can save America on 24 and if Horatio Caine's new bride gets bumped off in CSI:Miami.

On Tuesday, pundits will pontificate, the loyal opposition will respond and the immigration reform bill will sit stalled in a Congress paralyzed by political polarization. In Iraq, more Americans will die. In Washington, a grand jury will decide whether or not to indict Presidential guru Karl Rove for his role in the shameful outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame.

I'll join friends for lunch to listen to the usual mantra about how Bush has destroyed America and we need to do something to stop him.

But Bush will remain President. Congress will remain mired in gridlock as any real chance of change sinks into the toxic cesspool of politics. A new poll will come out and show Bush's job approval rating falling even lower.

Nothing will change, unless...

Anybody got Monica Lewinsky's phone number?

© Copyright 2005 Capitol Hill Blue


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