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Sound Factory this sat

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Originally posted by ghostfacekilla:

Exactly, and that's why i'm saying, In my opinion, (and i'm sure the majority of people's opinions), i do like going to a club that good-looking people frequent, as i'm sure 90-95% of people going to clubs do. Yes, i go for the music as well. But honestly i don't care if someone has a heart of fuckin gold, who would you rather see in a club, Tyra Banks or Whoopi Goldberg?. Get my point.

The people that go to a lounge,like China CLub, NV, Chaos, FLoat, Spa, etc, aren't going for the music, they are going to see a well-dressed, good-looking crowd. Hell, they even promote the parties as such. So, Yes, the Looks of the crowd, DO contribute to the vibe of a club, whether youm want to beleive it or not.


Guess you're in it for the scene and people watching more than the music and dancing. Thats cool - thats your prerogative. I'm in it for the music - I don't give a f**k if the person next to me is CIndy Crawford or the latest entry into the Guiness Book of Records freak category. If they're having a good time, and giving out an awesome vibe then they're cool.

I have noticed that people who think themselves gods gift to humanity usually walk around with their noses in the air, thereby killing the vibe.

Foxyroxy - nah, I wasn't at the America's meet-up. I live in Baltimore, but drive upto the city 2 or 3 weekends a month for partying (I have a lot of friends in the city). I have yet to make one of the club meet-ups...I'm usually either too messed up or busy elsewhere. Hoping to move to NYC early next year.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

I was there most of the night...

They really did a great job with that place.

Mikey, are you f'in kidding me!!!!

I was there Sat also. It wasn't for as long as I had intended. Unfortunately Mike and I had to take off at 5:30 or 6:00. Too early. The place does look much better though. I hadn't been there in a while and I have to say that the upstairs was very cool to just hang in.

I guess I should have found out who was going frown.gif



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~*~*~Don't use time or words carelessly, neither can be retrieved.~*~*~

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dude get the picture....twilo has world class dj's but its all cracked out ravers....that look cracked out. And ya china club and all those places have great looking ppl...but the vibe isnt all too well everyone seems like they got a pole up their ass and barely anyone dances. See i like Sf cause the crowd looks hot and the music is great( not like twilo's)and the environment is chill not uptight. What i meant to say in my last reply is that the ppl at SF are good looking but they are not shallow and boring..theyre fun, friendly, and they look good. u know what i think ... i know this is bad but ugly ppl usually have a great personality and are more fun cause they have to make up for the looks they dont have, so they depend on personality to attract ppl. ( the hardest part for them is to get their foot in the door if they are accepted then they act really nice and cool, then the good looking person cant help but think WOW this person is ugly but they do everything for me...others like myslef will never let them in the door). see good looking ppl depend on their looks to attract ppl. and once u get to know them u find out that theyre cool too but they dont try as hard as the other group to be so cool and overly friendly. i'm not saying u have to be drop dead gorgeous but damn work out, get a nice hair cut, dress trendy, and try to have some funk and style in ur look with sex appeal. Seriously though like fox said earlier when a non attractive person approaches u ur not gonna think oh why not lets give it a shot we might be really good friends in the future. U work from outer to inner, first comes attraction then comes the person's personality( not visa versa). If u work out and take good care of ur appearance ur not gonna want someone who can careless bout what they look like, u have to be compatible. Thats the way i feel bout clubs. I dont wanna go to a club with ppl that take care of their appearance and who know how to have a blast.

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This past Saturday at SF was amazing! JP was off the hook from the moment I stepped in the place (3 am)! The only gripe I have was the 4th floor...what's up with that? I didn't like the fact that they covered up the stairs and I also didn't like the music that was playing up there. It killed the whole vibe. I hope that doesn't last too long.

I was wondering if anyone will be there this Saturday? Wanna meet up? Let me know...

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originally posted by sasha4321.. dude get the picture....twilo has world class dj's but its all cracked out ravers....that look cracked out. And ya china club and all those places have great looking ppl...but the vibe isnt all too well everyone seems like they got a pole up their ass and barely anyone dances. See i like Sf cause the crowd looks hot and the music is great( not like twilo's)and the environment is chill not uptight. What i meant to say in my last reply is that the ppl at SF are good looking but they are not shallow and boring..theyre fun, friendly, and they look good. u know what i think ... i know this is bad but ugly ppl usually have a great personality and are more fun cause they have to make up for the looks they dont have, so they depend on personality to attract ppl. ( the hardest part for them is to get their foot in the door if they are accepted then they act really nice and cool, then the good looking person cant help but think WOW this person is ugly but they do everything for me...others like myslef will never let them in the door). see good looking ppl depend on their looks to attract ppl. and once u get to know them u find out that theyre cool too but they dont try as hard as the other group to be so cool and overly friendly. i'm not saying u have to be drop dead gorgeous but damn work out, get a nice hair cut, dress trendy, and try to have some funk and style in ur look with sex appeal. Seriously though like fox said earlier when a non attractive person approaches u ur not gonna think oh why not lets give it a shot we might be really good friends in the future. U work from outer to inner, first comes attraction then comes the person's personality( not visa versa). If u work out and take good care of ur appearance ur not gonna want someone who can careless bout what they look like, u have to be compatible. Thats the way i feel bout clubs. I dont wanna go to a club with ppl that take care of their appearance and who know how to have a blast.

first and foremost...JP is an awesome DJ the most underrated DJ..I am a dancer and have been since HighSchool...I judge dj by the way they make me dance or just chill (can't be dancing all the time) Point is this. I am a regular at twilo and SF. I love both clubs...I respect JP for all the years he has spun there and made my night memorable. My cousine is a very close friend of JP and Paris and the whole crew but that doesn't influence my feelings for the club it's music or it's patrons.

Twilo isn't all cracked out raver boys that you think it is..If you think SF attracts cooler more mature peeps than twilo..well I guess i just blew your theory away cos I'm a regular at both clubs...

Cathyo as for what mike said...I agree SF did a nice job of the place..the music was nice..

I'll admit one thing though and excuse me for being shallow. Since I admit to being shallow how shallow am i really being? But heres what i will admit. SF that nite was mostly guys. The girls were not even half as friendly as the girls in Twilo....

But both clubs Twilo and SF are my favorite for different reasons...

I can not over emphasize that JP is the best underrated dj and he now has access to producer just as oakenfold and big dj's do...

that is some of the reason the songs/music you heard that nite you were not able to identify...

JP is in my opinion the best dj that plays vocals/remix...

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Originally posted by bevilea:

This past Saturday at SF was amazing! JP was off the hook from the moment I stepped in the place (3 am)! The only gripe I have was the 4th floor...what's up with that? I didn't like the fact that they covered up the stairs and I also didn't like the music that was playing up there. It killed the whole vibe. I hope that doesn't last too long.

I was wondering if anyone will be there this Saturday? Wanna meet up? Let me know...

i agree SF was good this past saturday. JP was spinnin great and i think the place has improved alot with its new makeover. it wasnt that crowded there and the dancers with the santa outfits were cool. i agree the 4th floor isnt what i was expecting...and yes, the music was horrible up there, but hopefully they'll start playing different stuff up there....and besides, has anyone ever seen a person actually USE the showers/jacuzzi?!?!?! despite a run in with a crackhead getting in the face of a girl friend of mine (he fell to the floor pretty fast after i took care of him...hehehee), and people constantly asking me for a sip of my water bottle (u fawkin kidding me!!!!)

dont know as about SF for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">new years</a> ...still debatting it with my friends, or gonna go on a massive gambling binge at AC. we shall see.

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Originally posted by sasha4321:

dude get the picture....twilo has world class dj's but its all cracked out ravers....that look cracked out.

Hmmm...when was the last time you went to Twilo? And what day? I've been to both quite recently (within the last 3 months), and IMO, its the other way - in SF I saw scores of people walking around in k-holes (or whatever other holes they'd dug for themselves), whereas it wasn't as bad at Twilo. The energy level is intense, even when 10am rolls around and its closing time.

Originally posted by sasha4321:

u know what i think ... i know this is bad but ugly ppl usually have a great personality and are more fun cause they have to make up for the looks they dont have, so they depend on personality to attract ppl. ( the hardest part for them is to get their foot in the door if they are accepted then they act really nice and cool, then the good looking person cant help but think WOW this person is ugly but they do everything for me...others like myslef will never let them in the door). see good looking ppl depend on their looks to attract ppl. and once u get to know them u find out that theyre cool too but they dont try as hard as the other group to be so cool and overly friendly. i'm not saying u have to be drop dead gorgeous but damn work out, get a nice hair cut, dress trendy, and try to have some funk and style in ur look with sex appeal. Seriously though like fox said earlier when a non attractive person approaches u ur not gonna think oh why not lets give it a shot we might be really good friends in the future. U work from outer to inner, first comes attraction then comes the person's personality( not visa versa). If u work out and take good care of ur appearance ur not gonna want someone who can careless bout what they look like, u have to be compatible. Thats the way i feel bout clubs. I dont wanna go to a club with ppl that take care of their appearance and who know how to have a blast.

Your theory (that "ugly" people have to be friendlier) makes sense...however, I also think that "ugly" people might be ruder and more introverted due to the fact that people look down on them so much - their only defense is to erect a wall. I'm not saying that one party is friendlier than the other - I'm saying that it all depends on the individual. I guess that where I'm different from you - whereas you won't give them a chance to even talk to you, I welcome the opportunity to meet a potentially cool person (as long as you don't disturb me when I'm in my "zone" dancing my ass off). However, thats not to say that I won't walk away in two minutes, but at least I gave them a chance.

OK, in all fairness, reality isn't all that easy - I TRY to be nice but doesn't happen all the time.

Hey, I guess each person is different, and each to their own. My point basically boils down to this - everyone's at a club to have fun...lets not spoil this by being rude to a person just cuz they seem "ugly".


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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It appears that its the case with life. Girls that are not hot or good looking are much, much nicer on average than hotties are. It seems like most hot girls think its their job to give attitude and act stuck up, while worse looking girls are usually sweet hearts…You gotta find someone in the middle, that’s the only trick.

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Originally posted by sosultan:

It appears that its the case with life. Girls that are not hot or good looking are much, much nicer on average than hotties are. It seems like most hot girls think its their job to give attitude and act stuck up, while worse looking girls are usually sweet hearts…You gotta find someone in the middle, that’s the only trick.

i dont think looks have anything to do with attitude, yeah there r ppl who r good looking and stuck up, but there's also ppl who r ugly and they think they're all that. Looks have nothing to do with personality. I know some good looking ppl that r sweethearts, and i have the heart of gold, i have a good personality, and i am not ugly, yeah i am not gonna say i am hot, cause i am not stuck up or concited , beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but ur comment bothers me casue ur saying if someone is ugly they're sweethearts and someone who is good looking is stuck up, and heartless, no personality, which isnt true at all.



aim: amafrk1


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