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Whats your stance on steroids in professional sports?

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Are these athletes ever going to fuckin learn? You would think the whole barry bonds and balco situation would have taught them a lesson but it hasnt. Raffy Palmeiro still was shootin himself in the ass and lost ANY chance at becoming a hall of famer. (and he had a great shot too) Now Landis tests positive, not only tarnishing his image but also raising more suspicion about lance armstrong and us athletes in general. If you want to take steroids and you are the average person, that is your personal choice. But when you are on the professional level , this shit has to stop. All professional sports should adopt the olympic system of testing to end all this bullshit. Especially in baseball, there still is no test for hgh and you better believe atleast 5 - 7 % of the players are using it. Baseball is the one sport that relies on stats more than any other. off the top of your head can name how many yards emmit smith has all time? or how many lifetime points wilt chamberlain scored? No but everyone knows the the hammerin hank hit 755 hrs, that babe hit 714, that willie had 660....everyone knows dimaggios 56 game hittin streak, that pete rose had over 4000 hits........ how do you guys feel? am i off-base here or are you guys tired of hearing this in the news all the time aswell?

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Clubber, I hear ya. These guys have all the talent and ability in the world, why fuck with what you have. These athletes are doing something that 95% of us would love to do. It ruins the integrity of the games wether it be football,baseball or any other sport for that matter. Its a fucking joke. Your right they should have the Olympic testing in all sports. If you get caught using, they should be banned from the sport. Screw all of these chances they get.

Not to change the subject,but what worse for sports, steroids or gambling?

I could rant and rave longer,but no one wants to hear it.

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The MLB steriod testing policy is a joke. They don't even test for HGH. And labs will always be a step ahead of the tests by developing new steroids that are undetectable by the current tests. It's all MLB's fault for letting things get out of control by turning a blind eye to everything. It's sad that every player who puts up big numbers from this point on will always be scrutinized, whether he's using shit or not.

What I find kinda ironic though is that back in day, guys like Gaylord Perry were nortorious cheaters, but you don't hear of anyone questioning his Hall of Fame credentials today.

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The MLB steriod testing policy is a joke. They don't even test for HGH. And labs will always be a step ahead of the tests by developing new steroids that are undetectable by the current tests. It's all MLB's fault for letting things get out of control by turning a blind eye to everything. It's sad that every player who puts up big numbers from this point on will always be scrutinized, whether he's using shit or not.

What I find kinda ironic though is that back in day, guys like Gaylord Perry were nortorious cheaters, but you don't hear of anyone questioning his Hall of Fame credentials today.

well they dont test for hgh because right now there is no test that exists for it, but they are in the process of developing one. gambling is bad for sports only when ita the athletes themselves doing the gambling, so id have to say steroids are alot worse. my 2 cents

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