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Going to Vegas 10/20 -10/23


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A bunch of us (5 guys and 1 girl, possibly 6 and 2) are going to be in vegas that weekend and would like suggestions in clubs and/or guestlists. We are looking to hit Jet and/or Ice and possibley Empire or Drais for afterhour on Saturday. Friday and Sunday probably just a lounge or a club. We like House music, whether it be Tech, tribal or progressive. Thanks.

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Ice i think is a good choice one night maybe even tao. Afterhours is a must. Empire always has something good going on as weel as drais. Lounges maybe hit voodoo or even tabu.

It also depends to if your wanting table service or to just get in. Maybe hit lounge ,club then afterhours each night

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A bunch of us (5 guys and 1 girl, possibly 6 and 2) are going to be in vegas that weekend and would like suggestions in clubs and/or guestlists. We are looking to hit Jet and/or Ice and possibley Empire or Drais for afterhour on Saturday. Friday and Sunday probably just a lounge or a club. We like House music, whether it be Tech, tribal or progressive. Thanks.

Thanks, limodriver. About table service, what do I do just call up the club and ask for a table? How many bottles do you have to buy and how much is a bottle of lets say Belvedere?


Hey buddy I just wanted to offer some advice. For about the past 3 years I have been a Non-Local Local partier in Las Vegas. Just recently decided to open a hosting company in Las Vegas. To utilize all the contacts I have made partying over the past 3 years. You can check out my splash page at Untitled Document. It is just the coming soon page with our logo as well as my contact information. Everett Pope.

Now in regards to the upcoming weekend. As limodriver has noted everything depends on what you are wanting to do. Typically if your a partier like myself and know your going to be out late. I would recommend leaving later in the evening and getting a table at an after hours spot. Reason being is if your going to spend hours upon hours in one place you have to have a spot you can call home base.

In regards to house music there are...




Parlor Room @ Body English

Small Terrace @ Tryst

Downstairs @ Tao

Afterhours Friday:



Seamless (However not dedicated to house music)


Same Clubs

Afterhours Saturday:

Same Afterhours


Body English Parlor

Sunday Afterhours:



Now what I did for you is posted the lineups according to "The most popular hang out spots"

ICE will trypically have a special venue for Friday's and Saturday Nights. However it is off the strip and attracts a little different crowd.

Jet is a more upscale club being that it is located inside a Major Strip Casino. It attracts a mixed group with the majority being Tourist. It is very new Opened New Years 06'.

So there is just a brief run down of what our city has to offer. There are a lot of different things to do however this is how I would map out my weekend for myself as well as my friends coming to town.

Friday Night -

Hang out and then head over to the Venetian and check out the downstairs at Tao. They have a mix of music from R&B Hip Hop until about 12:30. Then it switches over to House for about an hour.

Then leave Venetian head over to ICE at about 2. Relax hang out for a few hours at ICE. Typically a well recognized DJ. (You can probably find a ad on CP for this weekend at ICE.) Then call it an early night.

Saturday - (The Go Big Night)

(Depending on your budget). I would head over to JET around 11:30 (If using a host. If booking your own table arrive no later than 11) get a table in the house room. Enjoy some of the best House DJ's Vegas has to offer. At about 3:00am. Head over to Empire. Depending on how you define your partying you may be tired and not up for staying very long. However if your up for the long haul (i.e. 7-8am.) I would recommend getting a table there as well.

Sunday - Dollar Vs. Fun Level Probably The Best Night in Las Vegas!!

Body English @ the Hard Rock. In the Parlor. Just so you know this Parlor is probably the VIP VIP of Las Vegas. If your face is not recognizable or if your not with someone who knows someone you will not make it in. On Sunday Night it goes down in the parlor. There are a total of 7 Tables. The room will fit about 175 people max. However it is packed wall to wall every Sunday. This is a Table must. The DJ is the Head Promoter for the party "Rehab" and I would probably say he is Top 5 DJ in Las Vegas. Everyone loves his sound. As a matter of fact last night I stopped in Tao for Sharam from Deep Dish and made my way over to Body English around 2. To find Jack hanging out and spinning tracks with Dirty South!! If you know house music they remixed the tracks Evermore - It's Too Late, Fedde Le Grand - Put Your Hands Up For Detroit, Chris Lake - Changes...It was awesome...Any how this is an awesome crowd and some of the best house music in Las Vegas. And you can only catch him on Sundays.

Then at about 4:30 you can head over to Drai's. Because its not a Vegas trip with out Drai's...lololol...

Well I have given you the game plan out my own book. Hahahaha if you have any questions go to my splash page and leave me an email.

Untitled Document

In regards to bottle pricing. A bottle of Grey Goose or Belvedere runs about 325-375 depending on the club.

I will say this by using a host there are certain ways that we can work around the system to get you a good deal on tables as well as I can help you out with guestlist across the city.

Not to say that you can't book your tables through the clubs however we can certainly take the headache out of it for you.


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Thanks, epope, great post. I'm just upset that this being the weekend before Halloween, the clubs don't have headliners. Even If I was in Vegas this past weekend, there would have been no-brainers, I would have told you that I WANT to see Lawler, get me into ICE! Then, I want to see Creamer get me into Empire. But this weekend, I really have no preference. It looks like Tao or Jet on Friday and Saturday for the multiple venues (some in our crowd are not real house-heads). Other than that I will have to think on it.

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No I completely understand. The market for the industry slows down after Labor Day Weekend. Reason being Summer is over. People go back to school. People have less time off.

And with Halloween been such a big weekend in LV. They want to create a demand and an anticipation for Halloween. That is why last weekend was a decent weekend for Talent.

Alright what I would recommend is this...

Tao and stop in ICE or Empire on Friday. On Saturday Night I would recommend Jet. Just because they have a dedicated house room. Unlike most of the other clubs in Las Vegas. And in the main room they have the Hip Hop/Top 40 sound.

Or if a majority is not a house fan and you can suck it up. You can always go to Tryst. They are at capacity every Saturday so if your looking to book a table there you must use a Host. However you will see some of the hottest girls. They have the best scenery in town. However it will cost you.

And on Sunday you can't go wrong with Body English. I can recommend you my table that I used to have every Sunday. It over looks the Main Dance Floor. It seats about 8 people comfortably and can party with about 15 in the booth. It is awesome....And a great view. And you the house fan can go in the Parlor to party for house music.

Email me and let me know what your budget is and I will see what I can work out for you. Also it helps if you can lock down an exact guy/girl ratio.

You can also message me on myspace www.myspace.com/ep3

You have to let me know who you are in a message because I don't approve all and my profile is locked.

Take care buddy..

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I knew him when he used to live in Cincinnati several years back. Good guy. I forget his other buddies names who are also from the Nati...maybe Todd and Cory?

I think your probably thinking of Corey. I don't know a Todd at Body E. Yup seen all those guys out last night for Carl Cox at Tabu. I love Body E peeps. Good people...

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