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Halloween Costumes For Pets~


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I think you should get him a little "speaker city" t-shirt and attach a beer bong to him... he should go as Frank the Tank from Old School!!!


Good Idea...I'll see if I can get some things together. He's so little so its going to be hard to find stuff that will fit him.

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please tell me you are joking...any person who would dress their dog up in a costume for halloween or in any clothes for that matter should not be able to have a pet

main.gif ZIP it dickwad...just because you NEGLECT poor little Cognac, dont make fun of everyone else who loves there doggies.

so I called you at work the other day...I dont like the new greeting on your voicemail. Do something with that...

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I have a greeting?

here's another idea for you...why not make some delicious halloween cookies to feed to your dog...you know, the ones that Cognac loved so much

sorry i haven't called, been really caught up getting drunk every night watching these mets games. i've been such an alcoholic the past month. it's been great

i <3 nmn :heart:

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Heres something that looks great on all dogs .....


dont embarrass him by dressing him up

the other dogs will make fun of him

did you see the easter episode of the girls next door when bridget dressed up her dog in a bunny costume? as soon as she got it on her, the dog started whimpering and played dead! poor thing :( .
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