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(My friend from Houston sent me this)

Bahahahaha..To all the Midtown Socialites..

Hi, I’m Ace... Look at my striped shirt. Look at it b!tch! You know what this kick ass shirt means?? It means I am the sh!t. I drive a Range Rover you know. Yes, I just got that sh!t. It is the new sport model. Have you seen the commercial? This car kicks ass just like my striped shirt. This shirt means Im rich. I am a commercial real estate broker mother fvcker! That’s right Look at my business card. Here I have tons of them. Take a stack and hand them out to your friends. Did you see my title?? Commercial Broker! This Range Rover gets me mad laid! That isn’t why I bought this sh!t though. I need this ride to take my clients out. This shirt? YeaIts tight! Im usually in a suit though. All my friends are commercial brokers. My friends are INTENSE. They close deals mother fvcker. I party in Midtown bitch. Thats right! Downtown is too ghetto for me, and uptown is too old. I love midtown. My Range Rover looks like the bomb driving in Midtown. All the door guys in midtown know my ass; Pub Fiction, Red Door, Hue, Escobar, Bond: Im a regular at all those sh!t holes. They know me there. Im going to get a bottle tonight. Fvck waiting in line for drinks. Im gonna pay $1, 000.00 to have some slut bring me a $35.00 bottle of belvedere. Fvck yea! Im gonna get a bottle, and everyone at Joia (or whatever crap trendy bar Im in that night) will definitely know Im rich! Thats just how I roll. Have you seen my place? I live in a LOFT! Post Midtown Loft! Have you seen that shit. It has security gates. If you want to get in, Ill have to buzz you in. My important ass cant risk being exposed to the unwashed masses. I have to grant you access to my place mother fvcker! Yea, the floors are stained concrete in my pimp ass LOFT.and I have exposed AC/Heating vents. That sh!t is PIMP. Bitches love that sh!t. I will get piss drunk and fvcked up tonight on Belvedere and possibly some cocaine. I will convince myself that is just the bad ass life my intense career has afforded me, but deep down I will know Im just trying to forget how miserable I am in this sh!t hole city! FVCK YEA! Im going to bring home some hot bitch tonight. By the time I get wasted this girl will look so fvcking hot. She will tell me how she is a model, but in the back of my mind I will know this bitch is 35 and she hasnt been paid for modeling since I was in high school. She will be impressed as hell by the bottle I bought. She will say she needs a drink, and I will feel like a man when I have a bottle on ice, ready to go, at my own private table. Did you hear me?? PRIVATE TABLE! Yeathat will impress this paradigm of moral enlightenment. I will bring that slut home, and she will love my Rover and the stained concrete in my LOFT! I will have a panic attack the next day. I will call all my friends and tell them I am never going out in this rotten city again. Next weekend I will be ready to go. Lock Load and FIRE!!!!BIAAATCH

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