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Tunnel last nite . . .

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The Tunnel was terrible last nite . . the music was good on and off but ZOMBIE NATION?????? you've gotta be kidding me!! while i sat bashing myself in the head with a water bottle wishing it would stop, the club cleared out . . . and those who stayed were SINGING ALONG. ICK.

did get to see some little guy getting kicked out by like ten bouncers . . . that might have been the hi-lite of the nite. rolleyes.gif

We were on our way to factory - those zorros kicked the shit out of everyone, we ended up sitting outside the Javitts Center for 45 minutes then decided to head home . . . judging from what my friends looked like, and the way they were acting, i def. wouldn't take those pills at a club. ICK. and my tummy was too upset for me to take them, so while they admired how BIG that truck they saw was, and how long it was taking us to cross the street cause it too was SOOO big, i just wasn't having too much fun. frown.gif oh well.

All in all . . . not too great a nite - i mean i knew the tunnel was nothing to get too excited about (nothing like it used to be, i didn't expect that, but we went last week and it wasn't THAT bad . . .)




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Guest clubkid77

What do you expect on mainfloor? You say "Zombie Nation" as if tunnel's the only club your gona hear that track. Sure it's played out, but hey its mainfloor, thats where the "comercial dj's" play. If you wana hear less comercial music stick to twilo fridays, or maybe try tunnel's OTHER ROOMS? Its really funny how people sweat JP and Factory when 9 outa 10 big mainstream club hits are probably played at soundfactory first. I mean thats like the prooving ground for anthems, and cheeze

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Originally posted by clubkid77:

What do you expect on mainfloor? You say "Zombie Nation" as if tunnel's the only club your gona hear that track. Sure it's played out, but hey its mainfloor, thats where the "comercial dj's" play. If you wana hear less comercial music stick to twilo fridays, or maybe try tunnel's OTHER ROOMS? Its really funny how people sweat JP and Factory when 9 outa 10 big mainstream club hits are probably played at soundfactory first. I mean thats like the prooving ground for anthems, and cheeze

Your only saying that cause you still play Zombie Nation brotha..


Hit My Damn Music...

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i am the LAST person on earth to sweat JP or Factory - the only reason we were going there last nite was because my best friend and her boyfriend wanted to go . . . and it was my friend's birthday and they were taking her out for it, so i told them we'd meet up . . . i don't think JP is such a terrific dj like so many other people do . . . i don't think factory is the greatest place on earth . . as a matter of fact, i'm NEVER there. so don't tell me that loving JP is why i disliked the tunnel last nite, cause you're wrong. sorry.

and i do go to twilo on fridays - but yesterday was SATURDAY . . . and i was in the Tunnel's other rooms . . . i certainly didn't stick around to hear out zombie nation. rolleyes.gif

i have no problem with the tunnel - i used to have so much fun there - so you don't need to get all defensive . . . it's otay . . . - i'm just sayin' that last nite, the music was poor, and as soon as a good song came on, they mized in a different song, of course, a shitty one.

tranza - you are TOO funny!! biggrin.gif i'm sure he's only defending the fact that it's where he works . . . i would do that too - esp. if where i worked was getting shit on for something like ZOMBIE NATION when it's august now and that song is soooo played out. rolleyes.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Ponderous.. fucking ponderous... how you people blame Zombie Nation for having a bad time at a club. First off, you're pill toting E-tards that probably have never really enjoyed themselves at a night club without doing enough drugs to kill a horse. I dont care if the dj is spinning "Ice Ice Baby" as long as people are having fun and enjoying themselves. Loosen up or you're in for a lifetime of boredom. I'm an advocate for fun, not zombie nation. Raise your spirits a little, or dont go out.

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e-tards? i take offense to that comment b/c i can and do have just as much fun w/o the drugs as i do w/ them.

And as far as the music, THATS WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT!! I'm an advocate of fun just as much as anyone, but listening to a crowd sing along to kernkraft is not my idea of fun whatsoever. So if hearing that god awful song makes me wanna leave b/c i'm not having fun than that is my choice. I'm supposed to try and enjoy something i don't like? rolleyes.gif I'm not in for a lifetime of boredom b/c i know what i like rolleyes.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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well i normally go to the club totally sober, but usually there's at least one other sober person there for me . . . music is like a drug for me, so don't tell me i need to run around and eat a bunch of pills . . .

i'm entitled to my opinion, and i said that i thought the tunnel wasn't that good BECAUSE THE MUSIC WASN'T. Therefore, it's no FUN for me when i don't like the music . . . music makes me happy - usually - and saturday nite, it didn't. i'm sure there were plenty of people there that had fun. i'm not shitting on the tunnel, i was stating what i thought. sorry. rolleyes.gif i mean hey, if you find enjoyment from 'ice ice baby' be my guest. but since i'm there for the music - if that song came on, no matter we were, i'd leave, just like i left the tunnel the other nite.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


[This message has been edited by brandie (edited 08-07-2000).]

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brandie, I totally sympathize what you went through. Zombie Nation?? as-green.gif Isn't it about time we put that song to rest??

You poor, poor thing! wink.gif



Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.

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thank you Blue!! i'm glad there are some people here that still go out for the music! biggrin.gif



Blue - by the way, email me when you get a chance. biggrin.gif thanks!!


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


[This message has been edited by brandie (edited 08-07-2000).]

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