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Ecstacy report on 60 Minutes II tonite 9pm

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I watched the report on 60 minutes and i have one question, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Can these people really sit there and say that extacy is the most dangerous drug in the US. I really don't think so. Yes the drug can be deadly if you are a stupid ass and take 5 or 6 pills or what ever. Why do people in the US have to over indulge in all that they do??????? Use things in moderation be smart about it. Why do they make these reports have so much drama there is no need for it. They need to just let people have fun.

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actually urssie it takes something like 14 pills to physically od on e. Anyoe who dies(rare) might do so of dehydration, especially if they drink on it.



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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did you notice at the end when they asked the guy if he will ever do e again and he said something along the lines of "out of all the drugs i have done, e was the most beautiful one...and i will never ever ever do it again" you just know he was lying wink.gif

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I saw it too. Of course it's the usual bullshit. Could've that kid's friend died from from OD on E? He said he only took 5 pills, and he started havin' ceizures. I've never seen anyone like that on E. He must've taken something else witha combo of E or he must've had a bad batch. Poor guy. Shitty report though.

I agree, it was a great quote he said. biggrin.gif


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My old flate mate had 35 over two days, he was OK afterwards..... tho he was in an interesting mood the following week wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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i did not see the special .. but allow me to speak a minute about drugs... especially the "x to the c".. it scares me how much this drug has infiltrated the mainstream party scene.. i hear about it wherever i go and see people i would never think would do hard drugs on this stuff.. (like dorks i went to high school with)

basically what im trying to say is that this drug is easily availble and since "everyone is doing it" people dont realize bad it really is for you.. just please dont take this stuff lightly.. it is a hard drug.. it may contain speed, heroine, whatever.. and MDMA itself is suposed to drain your spinal fluid and destroy your neurons.. give you alsheimers or something.. now you can dispute the facts with me all you want but the bottom line is that it is messing up your brain and your body in one way or another... so let it open your mind .. expand your consiousness.. whatever.. just realize the risks and the sacrifices your taking.. just seems like the stakes are being raised..


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by the way.. i did see an good friend have a siezure on that stuff.. it was a speedy hit.. only took one.. maybe 2.. i thought he was gonna die in my arms.. pretty scary.. but he finally came out of it.. the ambulance came.. we almost got busted by the cops...

..it took a while but i still did it numerous times since then.. (go figure).. i think im through with it now tho..since i started thinking aobut that alzheimers shit... i wanna be sharp when im old... live to 180.. yah know?

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Someone having a seizure would seem to indicate a pre-existing condition....we had a situation in Sydney where I guy collapsed and died in the best run club in Sydney, complete with St Johns Ambulance first aid......after initial scandal, it quickly went away because the guy had a pre-existing heart condition, took GHB, and then Amyl Nitrate........

I say this again and again but say KNOW to drugs and you'll be OK!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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The problem with these kinds of news specials is that they are completely fictitious. By trying to make e sound like heroin, they lose all credibility. Kids watching will say "what a bunch of crap, i bet they make up stuff about all drugs, and they're all OK." The media has blatantly ignored the fact that GHB is far more dangerous than K, which is considerably more dangerous than E. It is an important distinction. By the way, alcohol is legal and has been actually shown to cause heart disease, obesity, liver failure in the long term, and overdose deaths, automobile accidents and extremely violent behavior in the short term. I've seen people get drunk and go looking for a fight. Ever hear a story about someone rolling hard and deciding to beat the shit out of someone for no reason? I doubt it. Why does alcohol enjoy its exalted legal status, while e is an "epidemic"? What about the alcohol epidemic?

Also, the notion that they have established causality between ecstacy and alzheimer's is ridiculous. They don't even know what causes alzheimer's. How could they prove that ecstacy triggers it? By giving rats 6000 pills and seeing if they have trouble negotiating a maze? Give me a break. The spinal fluid thing is a complete urban legend too. I'll be the first to admit that e's long term effects haven't been studied. But at the same time alcohol's long term effects are known to be terrible, yet it is a legal drug and somehow the country goes on. Stop making such a big deal about E.

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The problem with these kinds of news specials is that they are completely fictitious. By trying to make e sound like heroin, they lose all credibility. Kids watching will say "what a bunch of crap, i bet they make up stuff about all drugs, and they're all OK." The media has blatantly ignored the fact that GHB is far more dangerous than K, which is considerably more dangerous than E. It is an important distinction. By the way, alcohol is legal and has been actually shown to cause heart disease, obesity, liver failure in the long term, and overdose deaths, automobile accidents and extremely violent behavior in the short term. I've seen people get drunk and go looking for a fight. Ever hear a story about someone rolling hard and deciding to beat the shit out of someone for no reason? I doubt it. Why does alcohol enjoy its exalted legal status, while e is an "epidemic"? What about the alcohol epidemic?

Also, the notion that they have established causality between ecstacy and alzheimer's is ridiculous. They don't even know what causes alzheimer's. How could they prove that ecstacy triggers it? By giving rats 6000 pills and seeing if they have trouble negotiating a maze? Give me a break. The spinal fluid thing is a complete urban legend too. I'll be the first to admit that e's long term effects haven't been studied. But at the same time alcohol's long term effects are known to be terrible, yet it is a legal drug and somehow the country goes on. Stop making such a big deal about E.

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Here's my .02..

First I thought that kid should be shot for continuing this media propaganda that will eventually ruin the scene for any and all responsible people. Second, I absolutley love the fact that every time there is a report on E, they show these 16 year olds at raves out in the Midwest, and third, back to that kid...what a lying hypocrite...based on his last statement

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Once again, im thinking these special reports are for money. No new agency will develop a segment on K or GHB cuz NO ONE KNOWS WHAT IT IS...hell if i was 50 years old, watching TV and something i never heard of, some stupid drug that goes in water and makes you gfeel drunk was reported on, I d sjut it off...now, if you said kids all across the US are doing G, kids are dying from it, then i might watch to see what it is...a lot of kids are taking what they tihnk to be ecstasy, the new-media catches wind of a kid dying from some adulterant, probably some kid overdoing the adulterant too..ive had bunk pills or dxm but i didnt over do them, or take more cuz they didnt hit or anything...i have rambled and gone on a tangent long enough, i leave you with this thought..

Fuck the media


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John58...I agree with you. First of all, there are more pressing problems than E and the media should be sticking their noses someplace else.

Secondly, alcoholism is MUCH MUCH more of a problem in this country than ecstasy will ever be. E isn't even addictive.....

I think that this &$#(*&%( country should be educating people about E instead of constantly telling people about how bad it is. Every day people die from alcohol poisoning and drunk driving accidents.....Hmm....Where is the media when it comes time to preach about that???

Anyway, that's just my 2¢

[This message has been edited by shinedancer (edited 08-09-2000).]

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First off...TO ALL THE NUMB NUTS on this board...its not alzheimers they say it causes..its Parkinsons. Sorry about that..but someone had to correct all of you. Secondly, this is my take on all the articles (TIME, NEW YORK, DAILY NEWS, TIMES) and news shows. These shows do not deter kids from takin E. It entices them.

Kids could hear all these horror stories these new programs could throw at them, but the minute they hear out of a kids mouth, "it is the most beautiful drug" they immeadiatly forget all previous warnings. The article in New York had even my sister who is in high school saying, "this i like a promotion" What are these authors and producers trying to portray? Are they just feeding off a trendy news topic? Are they trying to save today's youth? Hell no on that one.

One thing about these magazines is for sure, they are writing to make money. And a topic like this not only makes the usual demographic of 30-60 year olds buy TIME, but the 16-25 year old club kid is buying it as well.

I love the drug and think its one of the best times you can have, if used responsibibly. I definitly think that it causes you to slow down a little, and the depression, although I feel to be short term, i still feel it to be present at times.

I also feel that E is a gateway drug. All of you out there know that after a while the sensation of E becomes boring and almost regular. Your first trip is no where near as good as your 50th. Which leads me to say that I feel that if used too young, kids will jump into k,c, and whatever funky concoction they can conjure up to get them to the next level.

Although it might sound completely insanse, I feel that E should almost have a unwritten age limit. I feel someone should not roll until they are at least 19-20. At that point you are gaining enough maturity to control the drug and also have time on your side to prevent against future endeavours to other drugs. Meaning, by the time you are tired of E, there are too many important things occuring in your life to fuck with something so detremental. Furthermore,anything more is just plain old fuckin dumb.

Anyway, thats my 3 cents. I added another one in for good measure. Hope all your brains are in tact and that no one has gotten alzheimers, parkinsons, typhoid fever or Tiberculosis. Later kiddies.



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That report was horrible. Journalism is so slanted in this country. The government controls the media more than most people realize. In the late 80's it was all about crack now it's E. Yes, you can die from E but you can also die stepping off the curb in front of your house. This is just the new cause the politicians have concerned themselves with so they look good to the middle aged voters who will believe ant crap they read or see on TV. There are bigger issues to focus on than E. I think alcohol is a far more pervasive problem.

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Agree with you 100% Borkinj & JohnB! Its all about ratings and money...if they wanted a drug that kills people by the thousands, then they should turn to alcohol. But, they won't do that...why?...cuz once they write the report, screen it, etc...once they're done with work, where do they go?? To the bar round the corner and slam some drinks to get "high"!

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I read on one of the webstites a while ago that the only true way to die is if you take 70 PURE hits of MDMA. Thats supposively the only way you can die from E. Yet you can also die from heat exhaustion but thats if you dont at least take a 15 minute break from dancing and dont at least drink one glass of water. But thats the media for ya...making it sound worse than it really is. And I always that heroin or crack were some of the most dangerous drugs. At least E isnt addictive.

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Sorry but some of the views posted here are as nieve as some of the so called experts on the show.

A few favorite lines..

drug "expert" - "E is the only drug that causes brain damage."

The key word here is damage and the fact that it has not been proved in humans, change yes damage no.

Interviewer - "So how long will the depression and brain damage last"

Drugs "expert" - "A very long time"

That old scientific term "a very long time"

Police "expert" - "Light sticks, pacifiers & lollypops are all drug parifinalia"

I think the inclusion of the images of the kid in seizure were sensationalist but obviously justified. Some people that have posted are trying to push the fact that there is a possibility of lasting damage to yourself on every night out.

E is not 100% safe just don't shoot the message, shoot the messenger.

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"E" for Epidemic!

The Agony of Ecstacy

Those are just two of the played out themes that the media has been using over and over and over again. Is it just me or does every segment or story on E sound just about the same to you. "Using E could POSSIBLY lead to..." "This could POSSIBLY happen..." "BLah, blah, blah..."

Give us hard facts on any definite side effects. Till you can do that, don't feed me this useless information. Refer us to www.blulight.nu, where at least you can get an unbiased account about E usage.


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i missed that news report, but from the ones ive seen before, its not even worth watching them any more, unless u wanna see how blown out of proportion things get. first off, E has not been proven to cause parkinsons or any other medical problem. the long term effects are still not known, so if u choose to use or abuse the drug, then you are taking a big chance. and of course, before using any substance, u should do your research. if u do, then u know that u should never mix various substances, which is usually the reason people end up dying or in hospitals. there are plenty of websites that give u tips on how to make it as safe as possible, and home testing kits that you can buy. so please go out and do your homework on the subject so we can all go out and party safe.

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