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ecstasy's original purpose(please read)!

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i recently found out the truth about E starting in early 1900's as a sort of therapy. ive had a bad car accident in which my friend died next to me...i also have a close friend whose best friend and cousin died in a car accident. after we both took a mitsuturbo and some other pill, we had a huge talk about our friends and death for like 3 hrs. it was a huge relief off both our backs-its like u talk about feelings youve never talked about and would never imagine talking about in your whole life.

try it--afterwards, remember that the original purpose of E was for therapy. i believe, as much as everyone wants to bug out and dance on it, they should try this once...trust me...it was the best $40 i ever spent.

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i've read that whole book about the origin of mdma. phychiatrists were using it on mentally ill and how it helped some serious cases of mental health problems. at the core of it, basically it kills your prejudged notions and allows you to think without bounaries and preconceived notions. you know like if you've grown up all your life in a kkk family, and the only thing you know is blacks are a disease, i believe giving some thought to that on e will easily break that brainwashed train of thought, and you will realize people are people. and that in no way had any racial meaning, it was just a simple example.

what people dont understand is that there's a difference between taking mdma and having discussions with your friends on whatever topics, and takin multiple e pills, most not even pure mdma, coctailed with 80 other things, and dancing your ass off at a club. 2 very different things with two very different outcomes. yardapes will be yardapes...


deez nuts

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 08-07-2000).]

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the thing is pooh, it wasnt like i had great mdma p-filled pills. they were both really speedy and were not clean(dirt!) but once we started this conversation, the mdma took control...it was so fukin phat...as many great things as ive done on E, nothing beat this!

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I have also heard what POOH said. I even know some people who go to therapists and psychiatric help and they take E to help hem speak more clearer. While the patients are on this, they are more tuthful and speak more with true meaning. I have never heard of it being used though for anything like problems or actual health problems. Just for mental reasons

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hey man if you experience theraputic effects from it, by all means take advantage of it in times of need. i've had many e conversations with people over deep stuff, and myself and others for the first time were able to talk about and come to grips with certain issues, and it would'nt have happened had we not been on e. so i agree with you a hundered percent. but i dont like pollutants in my e. i dont consider e and pot drugs, and am very anti all the other bullshit. also, anyone comparing mdma with coke heroin speed k g are absolute morons. do your homework before talkin shit.


deez nuts

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 08-07-2000).]

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pooh.........what the fuck r u talkin 'bout?

i love mdma and if i could get plain mdma i would in a heart beat, but i cant jerk off! so y r u sayin shit because these pills had dirty amphedamines and coke and shit in it? i didnt say i preferd it that way...but thats the way they were bro.

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i've read up alot on mdma. i know it was used as a therapeutic drug but what i'm curious is why it was concocted in the first place. i have not been able to find any info on that. all i know is that is it was first made by the big drug company Merck in germany in 1914. and then every author just skips over that into the 70s where it's psychadelic properties are emphasized. why it was made in the first place would be an interesting fact to know. or maybe it would be too creepy. maybe they were experimenting with a brave new world type of drug to zone people out and control people's minds. i'm kidding. my mind tends to create fictionalized stories up about unknown things.

but seriously, back to the subject, i definitly believe that alot of issues can be resolved or absolved when on e. raveatburgh and pOOh said it... so i won't repeat.

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eggmok-i could live without it. but it happened and it was the greatest therapeutic deep conversation of my life, so do i regret it? not in the slightest. do i need ecstasy to help me with my mental state of mind or do i need to take drugs for therapy? no i dont eggmok...so do me a favor...unless you dont do E or anything, explain for me what my problem is.

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i think u make the experiance what it is by what it is and how ur feeling before u do it. it just amplifies ur mood if ur happy and if ur sad or mad i wouldnt advise to take it. As long as u dont abuse it and take it every single weekend, i think that once in a while to take it when ur with someone special or with friends u will truly have a good time.

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Originally posted by raveatburgh:

pooh.........what the fuck r u talkin 'bout?

i love mdma and if i could get plain mdma i would in a heart beat, but i cant jerk off! so y r u sayin shit because these pills had dirty amphedamines and coke and shit in it? i didnt say i preferd it that way...but thats the way they were bro.

i wasnt directing any of those comments towards you bro, sorry if it came off that way. i was just stating my views.


deez nuts

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eggmok you have no idea what you're talkin about. what the fuck do you think all these pharmacuticals are? drugs! when someone is prescribed prozac or whatever else to control their emotional state, its called taking drugs. you're fallin into that trap again of "if its not illegal and the gubment says its cool than it aint a drug" educate yourself please!


deez nuts

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I don't think it is something that you will continually need. Even if you only do it once it can open doors in your mind that you never knew were there. I feel like a different person since dropping for the first time. Much more uninhibited, able to communicate my feelings better and not so afraid to feel things that have probably been there my whole life. It's not like I've even done it that much. But the times I have done it have had an incredible effect on me and my views of the world. Even if I never touch it again, it did me a service.

I'm not talking about any hippie karma stuff either, just practical, eye opening shit. I talked about how I feel about my Mother dying, my son's handicap, my divorce, and to lighten the mood my incredible new b/f smile.gif

By the way, since the night we met we were both on E, we knew the real person right away. None of that "let me try and impress him/her" crap.

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If you really want to expand your mind, mushrooms. Ecstacy is fun and all, but it is a "hollow" drug IMO. Yes, I've done the whole apathy thing and talked my heart out. I've loved every single person who walked into a club ('cept the juiceheads.) But, come the next morning, most of the effects and epiphanies are gone. Mushrooms changed my way of thinking and acting. They made me a much more passive person, as I did them with a whole bunch of drunk people present. They taught me to let go of grudges and that being angry and belligerent is not the best way to go through life. Another trip taught me to accept my friends for what they are, and appreciate them while they're here. Peace.


Mushrooms... how to see god, be god, and make god obsolete while listening to Pink Floyd

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