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Cartoon Drug.....???

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In '98 while clubbing at Tunnel, I met this guy who told me about this drug that you smoke. He was supposvely on it and he told me that when you smoke it, everything you see takes on the form of a cartoon. Cars look cartoonish, houses do, trees, even people. Anyone ever heard of it? Know the name even?

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Maybe ... DMT, but i don't know of any cartoon effects, It just puts you in LA LA Land for like 5 mins. but it feels like hours ...DMT is a crazy fucking drug, I wouldn't suggest doing it ...

He probally could have been bullshiting you though



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Originally posted by misskittie:

Can it make you go permanately insane?

Not permanately, Short term insanity

... Well there is this one kid I know that did of lot of it and other things, And he thinks he is a glass of Orange Juice now and is afraid he's going to spill or get knocked over, NO JOKE ...



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Originally posted by newsense:

Not permanately, Short term insanity

... Well there is this one kid I know that did of lot of it and other things, And he thinks he is a glass of Orange Juice now and is afraid he's going to spill or get knocked over, NO JOKE ...


Altho i believe i heard that one before...

must be the same guy? unless i got the story mixt up about this one dude who inhaled over 15 hits of acid who now drives an invisible mac truck<<<shift gears and vrooooms!

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I heard it was a glass of milk.. and theres no fricken way you really no that guy.. your friend told you he knows him.. but actually his friend told him and so on.. and some kid is laughing his ass off right now that so many people heard his stupid story..

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No, its true,

newsense is my boy ...

i know the kid, its not bullshit, beleive it or not ... your friend might of turned in to milk but this kid definitely thought he was a glass of O.J.


"Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs"

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Does it really matter whether its a glass of milk, juice, soda, or beer? The guy is messed up!!! And if its not true, then the guy is still messed up for telling a wack story like that.



"...I'm going to show them a world, without you. A world without rules and

controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible.

Where we go from there is the choice I leave to you." -THE MATRIX

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A guy I used to work with used to go really hard, stay awake for a week at a time......

About a year ago he started falling asleep in meetings, even one on ones with the boss....boss says you need to see a doctor....goes has testing, they put him in a dark room with in a few seconds he is in deep Rem sleep...

The boy has narcolepsy (as seen in the movie my own private idaho), he will be on prescription speed the rest of his life.....


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Originally posted by knowledgeone:

frankie pep.....your friend who thinks he's a glass of oj...did he go to tottenville?...and put a sheet in a zip lock bag, in his sneeker, and then play b ball? if so , yeah i heard about him to...


That story is made up

yo that tall tale came from Port Richmond HS, After a Sports Medcine teacher told a class that Jimi Hendrix use to take acid in his head band and that it seaps in through your pours--then out of nowhere - the fuking next day people were talking about some kid flipping out going to south beach phyc. after having a sheet in his sneaker playing ball - a week later all of Wagner was talking about it --- holy shit that bugged me out when you mentioned that


When the going gets weird

the weird turns pro...

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I've heard that by inaling too many mushroom spores you can start to have small mushrooms develop in you. Sounds far fetched as it would prob choke you if it could happen, but if they were psylocilic (SP?) spores that would be interesting.

Who wants to be hte guinea pig?

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Chill kittie. I was just trying to get you all jacked up again after our last spat, and was looking for a little aggressive banter, but it seems like you are not in the mood today. Let me know when you want to throw dukes again.

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NOO u guys have it all mixed up ...

it was a kid that went to new dorp & the health teacher told the whole school about the OJ kid & the othe kid who thinks hes inspecter guy & used his shoe as a phone.. besides those kids are now in like there 30's

but there is really a kid from staten island who i saw w/ my own eyes who runs around thinking he's the "white ranger"

i think its the dump on si that makes all these ppl so fuked up...


*Get the f*k off my dance floor.. *

[This message has been edited by clubprincess (edited 08-11-2000).]

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This sounds like the stories that you've heard a million times and everyone who tells them is somehow connected to it.

Like..."Yeah, my cousin's friend worked at a hospital and these 2 gay guys came in to have a gerbil removed from one of their asses."

They do make you laugh though!!


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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