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Everything posted by soulshaker

  1. no..the capitol is in d.c. quit now. save yourself. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  2. uh, no actually it's capital. capitol is a building. boy, that's gotta make you feel stupid, huh? ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free [This message has been edited by soulshaker (edited 02-01-2001).]
  3. do you seriously think that the people that go to metro lounge are not the same people that go to temps and XS in the summer? of course not. obviously with a name like that, you just got out of the sorority house and into the club. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  4. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  5. the reason the new york teams play in jersey is because there's no room. they're gonna have to tear down some of the 3 cent tenement buildings like the one you live in for any teams to play here. and check the standings asshole, the devils are in first place, while the rangers and isles are got the last two spots locked down. go get an edumucation before you come back on the board. oh i forgot you're from queens-the land of GED's. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free [This message has been edited by soulshaker (edited 01-31-2001).]
  6. LOL....XS is better than Temps. You just ruined any credibility you hoped your post would carry. And what's with the new handles to post something. Instead of wasting your time coming up with new names to hide behind, you should be investing it in a set of nuts. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  7. gotta admit, the first time i heard kiss(airscape), it made me roll so hard i thought i was gonna die ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  8. now that's cool ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  9. bump- i gotta take back my vote for you. the question was who STARTS the most shit. not you. you and sin FINISH. a nice touch. you two might want to think about going into business together. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  10. i vote for bumparella.....fierceness is always welcome. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  11. that's a very cool idea ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  12. i got one: the car will always start, unless there's a maniac outside your door with an axe. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  13. SAY NO? DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE TITS??? ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  14. aight, i'm relaxed...just don't like the haters ya know? and for someone who claims it's all about the music, you can't toss out shit like vocal cheez. you should know it's all about the moment and the vibe and the crowd and the energy. people will go where they think they'll have a good time. regardless of what side of the river it's on, music moves people. it's whatever you're feelin' man. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  15. thanks johnniblow...no one here knew that. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  16. how could you not feel that way about worldboy? do you read what he writes? he's an absolute jackass. and somebody sell him some damn punctuation marks. shit makes your head hurt trying to understand that. you lose 2 IQ points for everyone of his posts you read. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  17. and just who determines what intelligent is? who is the authority on this? you? is there a panel that determines it? there is a vast amount of people that go to listen to denny every week. why do we go? because we're fucking morons? we want to go listen to shit? we go because we like what we hear. IDM? intelligent? you throw out some bullshit like that and in the next sentence you write "vocal cheez?" tenaglia and junior play vocals and they are well respected dj's too. they don't play your idm either? who does? what are you getting at here? do you even know yourself? the only cheese around here is the shit that you're writing. so next time learn some IPS-intelligent posting skills. damn, this shit is getting tired....... ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free [This message has been edited by soulshaker (edited 01-20-2001).]
  18. you couldn't fill out a tight shirt, squid ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  19. i think it is japanese. it's called tokkyo and it has japanese writing all over it. i think it is imported by mexico. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  20. how about when the music stops, lights go on, and DEA jackets are everywhere? ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  21. gotta agree with gravity......from what twilogodess is saying, an anthem isn't a song. they're 2 different things. you have a favorite song/track and a favorite anthem? ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  22. maybe they liked it BEFORE it became an anthem. it's obviously gotta be good for it to reach that status. and the question was favorite song of all time, not favorite song right now. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  23. sorry, i only do amateur nights......see you next holiday ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  24. after just finishing ballboy's post i think it's obvious that we are not to take him serious at all. only a mental midget would go spend a 2nd new year's eve in a row with the same crowd, scene, etc, that they were miserable with the year before. he is just a miserable person who probably has no concept of what a good time is. if the only way for you to get off is to get an alias and shoot your mouth off about other people then go for it. but i know for a FACT you're outnumbered. i've never seen so many people have a good time in one place. i'm still wired from that night. i am a much happier person now than i was before NYE and i owe it to the people i was with and the man who set the mood. once again, thanks to everyone i was able to spend this most memorable night with. ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
  25. i slept from 1:30 pm yesterday to 6:30 am this morning. can anyone top that? ------------------ do what i want to do, say what i want to say, be what i want to be....free
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