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My drunken rambling

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Shit was I messy last night!!

Far to much indulgence for a Thursday!!

Brandie I hop you don't feel as bad as I do this morning. To make things worse somebody I was working with died last night, you could cut the atmosphere with a knife.

Cholo, don't you worry fella.. playboy mansion here we come. They will be buying tickets for our villa parties! Just waiting to get the SP from some freinds who have just come back, and get final numbers for you.

Pooh, I have had one trip to NY messed up by work. But I am really gonna try and get across for Richie so hope to see some of you when I get across.

Pershoot, music is definitely the answer, take Prozac or listen to house I know which one I would choose.

But drunken rambling or not it's good to see some bonding going on... problem is without the drama what are we going to post!!

I am sure we will think of something.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

pOOH, how many times do I post saying that I'll be at PVD?? I'm there, babe!! Just name the time and place. wink.gif

Also, B2B is coming to S&D at the end of this month. JohnB and Cholo is suppose to meet up as well . . .will you grace us with your presence?


I'll be there too. I think Spreewell might also be going. Right Spreewell?

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It sounds like everyone dropped this morning! I love it though. It's good to see all this happiness!

BTW, could you imagine if everyone did actually get together (I mean everyone in a really organized situation where all would show) and we were all rollin'! That would have some really interesting results. If there's this much love on the computer...


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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