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E question

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Hey...my sister in my sorority is good friends with a dealer...she says she can get pure MDMA in capsule formula...i have never tried it this way...has anyone? is it good? like better or the same...and i can just swallow it like normal right? thanks sooo much!!<333

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Guest zooyorker

Its possible....But you better make sure your friend REALLY knows this guy well...Dealers usually dont carry capsules in quantity especially these days..

If its pure MDMA.. it is a great feeling but it doesnt keep you going all night..

good luck

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can get pure MDMA in capsule formula...i have never tried it this way...has anyone? is it good? like better or the same...and i can just swallow it like normal right?

Yes. Caps are usually $5 more and pack a bigger "punch". Honestly I believe every drug starts off 50% mental. So if you believe they are better, then they are. You could also react to it as it might be too much for you. (IE: how much you weigh? have you eaten? Have you taken anything else? ect.)I hope this helps. But i do think of it as "super-sizing your happy meal" :-)

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hehe...well i am small, i am 5'2, i weigh about 115....i am getting 2 of them just incase!! Normally, i have done E about 15 times, i only need 1 to get me out of my mind..but i figured to get 2 for my bday...is this a good idea? thanks for the help!!!<333

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If you want to have a really good time then you can empty one of the caps out and snort it up.... thats if you've sone that sort of thing b4 wink.gif

take one and you should have a whale of a time.....then when it i coming to an end (several hours hence) have the other.....but don't think about indulging when you are still buziing on the first one :P


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I heard that you have to be pretty careful buying capsules, but then again, you never truly know what you're getting. I've tried the pure capsules and they do pack a punch, although I don't think it lasted as long as usual. I've done two at a time and I really don't recommend it!!! I was walking from the bathroom at Twilo and got lost right near the water fountain! I swear I had no idea where I was. Anyway, get the most out of your first bean before taking a second. Drink juice, take a 5-htp and for loves sake, don't stress over it or it will kill your high! Peace and love to you all!!

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I heard that you have to be pretty careful buying capsules, but then again, you never truly know what you're getting. I've tried the pure capsules and they do pack a punch, although I don't think it lasted as long as usual. I've done two at a time and I really don't recommend it!!! I was walking from the bathroom at Twilo and got lost right near the water fountain! I swear I had no idea where I was. Anyway, get the most out of your first bean before taking a second. Drink juice, take a 5-htp and for loves sake, don't stress over it or it will kill your high! Peace and love to you all!!

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Definately make sure it hasnt been tampered with. If it has been you can really be risking your life. But, you really wont need a lot of pills for yourself. Pure MDMA is nothing like an average pill you can get. Theres no junk mixed in so it will be one of the most awesome rolls you will ever had. I did a pure roll once but mine wasnt capsule. All I needed was to take a little bit off the pill ever few hours and I was FLYIN!! Be safe!

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Definitely know the person, you are getting them from. Pure mdma isnt that easy to get around here, also someone could of just crushed up a few of there pills and decided to sell it is pure mdma. I also suggest only popping one at first and save the other one for when you start to peak, that way you are able to increase the peak for a little longer. Of course tho, if one pill uses up all your serotonin, then a second pill wont do crap, and yes they should cost a little bit more.



Four Simple Words To Live By....

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Princesspookie, it probably is not PURE MDMA, but be careful the capsules do pack a good punch! Also, dealers often make these capsules with the residue left over from the original batch of pills and pass them of as PURE MDMA. Be safe….enjoy your B-day .


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I got pure mdma powder once, not in the capsule,and i through a key bump in some O.J and shot that shit down & 20mins later

DAM!!!that shit fucking knocked my socks off

... But definitley becareful smile.gif

you don't know what the fuck your buying these days


"Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs"

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Once when I was much younger and much less experienced in terms of e I took a capsule that I knew...positively was pure mdma...try not to take the whole thing at once...I was dry heaving all night...but damn did I feel good...mix some in a drink and drink it...then do the same an hour or two later and have something light and starchy in your stomach...good luck may the force be woth you...by the way...happy birthday

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MDMA Neuropharmacology

MDMA is primarily a seritonergic (5-HTergic) drug. Serotonin

(5-hydroxytrytamine, 5-HT) is one of the major neurotransmitters in the

brain, and is synthesized from tryptophan through the intermediate

5-hydroxytryptophan. It is synthesized in 5-HT neurons, and stored in

synaptic vesicles. These vesicles release their 5-HT into the synaptic

cleft in response to the firing of the 5-HT neurons. In the synaptic

cleft the 5-HT neurotransmitter excerts its action on both pre- and

post- synaptic receptor sites (sites on the 5-HT neuron itself, and on

the neuron which it is communicating with.) 5-HT is then taken back

into the 5-HT neuron via the synaptic membrane 5-HT transporter (aka

"reuptake pump"), where it is again stored in the synaptic vesicles.

5-HT is metabolized primarily by monoamine oxidase (MAO) into

5-hydroxyindileacetic acid (5-HIAA).

Serotonin is thought to be responsible for many psychological (and

physiological) states including mood and sleep. It has been particularly

associated with major depression and obsessive compulsive disorder, and

drugs to treat these disorders tend to effect 5-HT (although things are

not quite clear-cut).

MDMA blocks the reuptake of 5-HT, similarly to SSRI (serotonin

specific reuptake inhibiting) anti-depressants such as fluoxetine (Prozac),

sertraline, and paroxetine. Unlike those drugs, however, MDMA appears

to enter the neuron, either through passive diffusion or directly

through the reuptake transporter, and causes the release of 5-HT. This

release is calcium-independent (i.e. independent of the firing of the

5-HT neuron) and appears to come from cytoplasmic stores rather than

from synaptic vesicles. The released 5-HT then enters the synaptic cleft

through the 5-HT transporter. MDMA thus acts on 5-HT similarly to the way

amphetamines act on dopamine.

It is thought that this efflux of 5-HT into the synaptic cleft, and

the subsequent action of this 5-HT on pre- and post- synaptic binding

sites is central to MDMA's neuropharmacology. MDMA, however, ha



Four Simple Words To Live By....

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well i would be very careful...i dont trust to many people whenit comes to drugs ..so becareful..with shit ,,that is in capsule form...because in my experience it is usually home made and well would ytou trust a dealer making stuff outta his house

peace benny

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