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to all business majors!!

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hey there, i will be a senior also this fall!

what specifically in finance/IB are you looking into? i am working on the financial side of an insurance/financial services company as an actuarial analyst. however, i am looking into actuarial consulting, management consulting, asset management, and sales/trading.

if you are in NYC, this is my best piece of advice for you: get in touch with alums from your school that are working in any financial field that you are interested in. i have met soo many alums down here on Wall St (i go to smith), that are willing to help me out. i got this job right now through a Smith Alum.

in addition, join business orgs and associations! i am currently a part of the Financial Women's Association college program, and wow. i was wining and dining with VPs, Prez, Senior management of IBs on a weekly basis this summer.

good luck with your fall job search.



*turn it around baby*

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I am contemplating going back to school to get a business degree (MBA) in something but I don't know what. I have a Bachelors

in Psych but they (baruch) said that don't matter i can sign up for any of their masters programs with my bachelors, I am torn between finance & entruepenurship, computer info systems, Industrial psych. and I'm going crazy where can i find out more about what these positions entails (and potential salaries)




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if kitty is doing actuarial analysis then she is most definitely a brain on legs

ohh, thanks boa_boy! it's a pretty geeky thing to do, i am surprised that people even know what an actuary is! my parents still don't even know. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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One of my friends from High School was a mathematical genius and that was one of the fields suggested to me......also it is professional curiosity, I've heard of ppl in the upper echelons of investment backing doing similar work, they are placed in a room with out phone lines (so they don't get head hunted) and can make $300,000 - $400,000 before bonus.......and then you're into 7 figures!

So everyoe can see why I'm being nice to you kitty wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I go to Loyola In Maryland. What specifically am I looking into?? You would think I should have that figured out by now, but I got no clue whatsoever. Right now I intern with Deutsche Bank Alex Brown, and Private Client Department looks interesting. They work mad hours but the pay off is great. Ideally, I’d love to get a job that incorporates both finance and ib. So you are saying alums help out? I guess I could bug a few alums from my college until they reference me…

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ugh, sosultan, be happy you haven't.

basically, i do statistical analysis to decide on many things: what we're famous for is calculating when a person will die.

but i don't do that, i work on calculating the future profitability of big accounts and shit like that. FuNnNnN.. =|



*turn it around baby*

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Kitty has the right idea about networking. I have working in the financial arena for 8 yr. and have enjoyed it immensely. When you say finance/IB that is a broad statement…..try to narrow your scope. As Kitty suggested talk to peps's in the industry to see what you may like/dislike. Also, I was an Economics/Finance major and now I am a software engineer "NO I DON'T LOOK LIKE A GEEK"… biggrin.gif: at the biggest financial Intuition in the country. So as you can see there are many opportunities out there depends on where your interest lie and if you have the drive and determination you can do anything you want.



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