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Vinyl Reunion Critique

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Hi everyone! I know I don't often post on the boards (even though I should more often ;) ) But, I wanted to share this with everyone. I went to Pacha last Friday for DT's Vinyl Reunion. I had a blast!

Fortunately, for a school assignment, I had to write a music review. (I'm a Journalism major about to graduate soon) So... I thought, why not write about my experience and Pacha and how DT performed through the night.

So without further ado, check it out! Feel free to criticize!

Danny Tenaglia

"The enchantment is over...but the spell remains..." House music, a genre that has surfaced the music charts for decades is a well known genre at Pacha nightclub. Most “house headsâ€, fanatics of house music, claim the music takes you over, like a spell. It takes a multi-talented individual to be able to not only remix music, but to produce, write lyrics and create chart topping songs for decades. The underground genre of house music is appreciated by many young adults who feel the vibe and dance all night long to the upbeat sounds. Danny Tenaglia, a house disc jockey held his annual Vinyl Reunion at Pacha nightclub in New York City.

The atmosphere of Pacha nightclub is almost like a fantasy world. For an entrance fee of $30, you get a lot out of the experience. Pacha New York opened its doors in 2005, making it a brand new nightclub. You could almost smell the fresh paint on the walls and slip on the waxed floors for how well the nightclub is up kept. It feels cozy like a small lounge, but huge as a grand stadium. It’s easy to get lost between the four floors Pacha has to offer.

Danny Tenaglia, a resident DJ, performed for the entire nightclub. Usually, the four floors are divided between DJ’s, but for larger events, they take over the venue. After waiting on line watching girls that could be on the cover of Cosmopolitan apply lipstick and constantly look in the mirror to make sure they look perfect, finally getting into the club only leads to being greeted by more beautiful people. Concierges were polite in assisting everyone into the nightclub and cheerfully welcoming them to Pacha. Souvenirs’ with the Pacha logo were sold everywhere as though the night’s event was a baseball game at Yankee stadium.

Once you’re inside Pacha, you feel the strong bass pumping your heart and getting you excited to go inside and dance the night away. The core of Danny Tenaglia’s music is various types of dance music. He plays with progressive, tribal, and hard house sounds. These beats get everyone shaking their hips and jumping to the beat. Danny Tenaglia is known for mixing acapella lyrics with popular songs. Tenaglia fans danced to “Music is the Answer†for 10 minutes, with his newly released remix to this classic favorite.

You can’t help but jump and scream to the lyrics of his songs. He is known to play upbeat and positive lyrics that make everyone feel good about themselves. Fans jumped, screamed and waved their hands around screaming Tenaglia’s nickname, “DT!â€

The first few hours of his set were mind blowing, with his classic songs. Vinyl Reunion stands for a former popular dance club, Vinyl, where Tenaglia performed regularly. It is a reunion of his music, his fans and his friends, on a night to enjoy the good old times where he performed at Vinyl. A few hours into the set, the dance beats changed to a more electronic beat. Fans lined up at the bar and ordered drinks or snapped pictures while others performed with glow sticks. Not many people were too impressed with these few hours of the set, but continued to dance.

Besides the loud music, lighting plays a huge factor to a DJ’s performance. With every beat to his song, Tenaglia would use special light effects to accentuate the audience to respond to the song. One moment which drove fans crazy was when he played “Into the Jungle†and scared the audience by abruptly turning the lights on and off. It got redundant however, when the bright lights and annoying lyric kept going on and on for at least 10 minutes. After dancing for hours in a dark night club, seeing the person next to you in a bright light could be scary, especially if that person wasn’t as attractive as you thought. The most popular light effect was a light that flickered and made everyone’s movements seem like slow motion. Everyone screamed more whenever Tenaglia played with these lights. Other than mixing, Tenaglia also had his own light show. He used two spotlights and would shine the lights on the crowd while the music played.

As Tenaglia warmed up and reached the middle of his set, he played more favorites. Fanatics began to dance once again as though the night had just begun. It’s hard not to enjoy the music Danny Tenaglia remixes. Being able to mix songs in a fast paced environment with blasting music is a talent. Fans appreciate his music and respect the way he DJ’s for hours, making the fans happy by playing with crazy sound effects such as bull horns, police sirens and whistles. It is one crazy party with music hitting every corner of the club.

The ambiance of Pacha nightclub goes perfect with the music. It is a classy nightclub with bright colors to correspond with the positive music. Bright neon cherries are everywhere in the nightclub; the symbol for Pacha. Comfortable leather lounge chairs are available for those who dance a little too much, especially for the girls wearing those stiletto high heels. But the best prop in Pacha nightclub is the large disco ball in the middle of the dance floor illuminating the main room.

One would not expect so much from a dance club. Most people expect nightclubs to be filled with drunken underage college students ready to pass out and be sent on an ambulance. But Danny Tenaglia’s Vinyl Reunion brought a crowd of older young adults who truly appreciate his music. Tenaglia continued to play until 6:00pm the next day. This brought his set to a 20 hour music extravaganza. For true house fans, they stayed until the very end. It goes to show that music is the answer, for it kept those dancing till the very next day.

I hope everyone had as much fun as I did that night! =)

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A) you write like a high schooler

B) its called a strobe not "an effect that makes people look like theyre in slow motion"

C) wtf is a "older young adult"?

D) your parents wasted 100K educating you if you're graduating

E) i cant believe that this retards banter is the only review of the vinyl reunion :aright: CP

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A) you write like a high schooler

B) its called a strobe not "an effect that makes people look like theyre in slow motion"

C) wtf is a "older young adult"?

D) your parents wasted 100K educating you if you're graduating

E) i cant believe that this retards banter is the only review of the vinyl reunion :aright: CP

holy shit... your a fucking dick.. would you relax... Are you a teacher? If you want to critique her work, do it in a polite way you jerk off. I've always thought you were the nice guy around here in CP but what happend? Damn..

Great review babe! I had a blast as well with you ;)

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A) you write like a high schooler

B) its called a strobe not "an effect that makes people look like theyre in slow motion"

C) wtf is a "older young adult"?

D) your parents wasted 100K educating you if you're graduating

E) i cant believe that this retards banter is the only review of the vinyl reunion :aright: CP

Everyone has a right to their criticism. First of all, high schooler is not a word. But thats not the point. I may not be a dance music expert, but I am a big fan of the music. I shared this review to show others that I enjoyed my time at Pacha and it was interesting to write a review for a college assignment.

I've learned in my Journalist as a Critic class that we are supposed to write as though our audience is a room full of morons. We have to explain terminologies fully and throughout. Sorry for not saying "probe" light, but I was writing this for a senior level class; for a grade. You're not my professor and I'm doing pretty damn well for a 20 year old who is about to graduate with top honors, if I do say so myself.

If you wanted to criticize, you should have been critical about the points I made, such as the music and the actual experience, not my grammar. It seems like you're just picking on me because I'm a newbie or you just had nothing better to do.

I'm doing pretty good in college too for your information. Plenty of grants and loans galore supporting me and my investment for my future, so I don't think anything is going to waste =)

Last but not least, your last point, or point E, made no sence whatsoever.

A warning for anyone else who wants to read this review, just understand it was for a school assignment and my boyfriend told me to share it because he thought it was cool, and so did I =)


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if ur calling me a tool..then it must be real bad..since ur an authority on SUCK

how does a 20 year old comment on a vinyl reunion?

Arc closed 2 years ago and vinyl closed about 4 or 5............

but i would still probably hit it :lickit:

this is exactly why i didnt bother going to this party...and y u wont catch me @ a NASA reunion....60% of the people there prolly never stepped foot into Arc..nevertheless Vinyl...

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nothing wrong with ur writing.. but u have to understand a few things.. one.. that part of the night when the music got more "electro or whatever u called it" thats called the hard tribal part of his set.. and i dont know who u saw no enjoying it but it was insane..

u have to understand what vinal was and what DT was to it to fully appricaite and understand that party the way u want to..

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The person grading that paper has no idea what vinyl or arc was so explaining any of that would have wasted the teachers time. The teacher is someone who is a complete noob to EDM and never stepped into a club before.

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