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Schillings "bloody" redsock


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fuckin red light schilling just adding to that reusume of ultimate dickbag

if true

sock was painted ,not blood per Doug mirabelli convo with gary thorne

now mirabelli denes it.

that sock is in the hall of fame ...obviously they will have it tested

your a true warrior curt...be proud redsox nation

Gary Thorne calls Schilling's bloody sock a hoax

Updated 3m ago | Comment | Recommend E-mail | Save | Print |

BOSTON (AP) — It may take DNA experts to finally settle the rumors surrounding Curt Schilling's famous bloody sock.

Orioles broadcaster Gary Thorne said on the air Wednesday night that Schilling painted the sock red as a public relations stunt in the Boston Red Sox's Game 6 win over the New York Yankees in the 2004 American League Championship Series.

Thorne said his source was Boston's backup catcher Doug Mirabelli.

CHAT:Gary Thorne takes questions at noon ET

Schilling wore the sock in a masterful pitching effort after an experimental medical procedure to repair an ankle injury. The sock is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y.

"It was painted. Doug Mirabelli confessed up to it after. It was all for PR," Thorne said during the Orioles-Red Sox game Wednesday.

Mirabelli told The Boston Globe that Thorne's claim was a "straight lie."

"I never said that. I know it was blood. Everybody knows it was blood," Mirabelli said.

Red Sox manager Terry Francona said he was disappointed at Thorne's claims of a hoax.

"What we're going through today as a nation, you hate to use a word like heroic on the field, but what Schill did that night on the sports field was one of the most incredible feats I ever witnessed," Francona said.

The charge that Schilling faked the bloody sock has been made before, including in GQ magazine, which cited an anonymous Red Sox player as its source.

Schilling again promised that red blood — not ink, nor paint — blotted the sock, as did Orioles first baseman Kevin Millar, a member of the 2004 Red Sox World Series team.

"I got the nine inch scar for you," Schilling said. "You can see it."

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heard this on my ride to work this morning...funny stuff...i hope it blows up and they end up testing it...Schilling has loaned the sock to the Hall of Fame for atleast one more year I believe. After that he can take it and I heard it could sell for over $1mm if it is in fact a "bloody" sock

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this story is so :ghey:

and the media making a big deal about it back then was also :ghey:

guys play injured all the time and their shit doesnt end up in the hall of fame, much less end up being worth a million bux.

that looks like pasta sauce.

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Who the fuck cares? This "story" is such a non issue it's not even funny...

i disagree fitz If schill would perpetuate that myth of what a warrior he is and play into it so far that he gives the sock to the Hall of fame to display ?!?!

i think its a story and the hall has to test it to protect their "sanctity"

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wheres oldtimer when you need him? this story ranks up there with the andy reed story i posted some time ago.. kid almost had a fucking heart attack over a fucking andy reed post. :laugh:

i feel like shit today and i blame cookie and stymie! we just HAD to have 46 oz margaritas.. and a bottle of wine at dinner topped off with bud lites at my house at like 1:30am. fuck! LOL

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i disagree fitz If schill would perpetuate that myth of what a warrior he is and play into it so far that he gives the sock to the Hall of fame to display ?!?!

i think its a story and the hall has to test it to protect their "sanctity"

What gave him the notoriety of being a warrior was the sutures they used to hold his tendon in place. The bloody sock was just a byproduct of the surgery... If the "blood" on his sock was actually a marker or tomato sauce or whatever, it would make him seem more like a primadonna than he already is, but it still doesn't take away from what he did to help his team win...

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i disagree fitz If schill would perpetuate that myth of what a warrior he is and play into it so far that he gives the sock to the Hall of fame to display ?!?!

i think its a story and the hall has to test it to protect their "sanctity"

Gary Thorne admits he's an idiot as he misunderstands a player busting another's balls in a locker room as fact.....

The whole story is bullshit

but yet yankee fanatics like bx jumped all over this story in a desperate attempt to discredit the red sox franchise blowing this all way out of proportion

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Gary Thorne admits he's an idiot as he misunderstands a player busting another's balls in a locker room as fact.....

The whole story is bullshit

but yet yankee fanatics like bx jumped all over this story in a desperate attempt to discredit the red sox franchise blowing this all way out of proportion

relax killa

i stated several times "IF true"

and wish it was cuz i cant stand that asswipe.

also remember he was made special hitops to protect the ankle to wear that game but he didnt want to , and switched back to the lotops cuz the world had to see how much of warrior he is

save it jonboy yankee fan or not the whole league knows about his antics from , complaining about every called ball to the umps, to earning the nickname redlight amongst the press corp cause hes an attention whore,

to embarrising the shit out of mitch williams , to the steroid fiasco with congress , to the crying in the dugouot vs the yanks and then trying to deny that.

he also activiely stumped for G bush last election so hes got that agianst him in my eyes as well

carry on

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April 26 (Bloomberg) -- Baltimore Orioles broadcaster Gary Thorne said he didn't realize that Boston Red Sox catcher Doug Mirabelli was joking when the player said it was paint, not blood, on pitcher Curt Schilling's socks in the 2004 playoffs.

Schilling had blood seeping from stitches in his injured right ankle when he helped the Red Sox beat the New York Yankees in Game 6 of the 2004 American League Championship Series. His sock was bloodied again when he pitched in Game 2 of the World Series against the St. Louis Cardinals, and that sock is now in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Thorne, who does play-by-play for the Orioles on the Mid- Atlantic Sports Network, said during last night's telecast against the Red Sox that Mirabelli confessed several years ago that the sock was really painted and that it was done as a public relations move. Thorne issued a statement today saying he spoke with Mirabelli again to clear up the matter.

``After speaking with Doug this afternoon, it is apparent that what he intended to say to me and what I inferred from that conversation were honestly different,'' Thorne said in the statement. ``In the jocular and often sarcastic atmosphere of a clubhouse, where players needle one another routinely, this may be understandable.''

Mirabelli spoke about it with reporters in Boston's locker room before today's game in Baltimore.

``Everybody that was on that team knows that Curt Schilling's sock had blood on it,'' Mirabelli said in comments televised by ESPN. ``There's never been a doubt in any of the players' minds.''

Schilling, a six-time All-Star, declined to comment on the matter, Red Sox spokesman John Blake said.

In a March 17 question-and-answer session on his weblog, Schilling responded to a reader who said Yankees fans claimed the stains on his sock were ketchup.

``Needless to say it was blood, my blood, and it was coming from the sutures in my ankle,'' Schilling wrote in the entry. ``You're either stupid or bitter if you think otherwise.''

To contact the reporter on this story: Erik Matuszewski in New York at

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What gave him the notoriety of being a warrior was the sutures they used to hold his tendon in place. The bloody sock was just a byproduct of the surgery... If the "blood" on his sock was actually a marker or tomato sauce or whatever, it would make him seem more like a primadonna than he already is, but it still doesn't take away from what he did to help his team win...

totally agree

but if he did paint it to look bloody and then let the Hall display it , it would have had to been a major story

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woah.....its been a while since i got you that shook. i guess that sweep last weekend has really kept you tense

shook? ........hardly. my comments all true speak for themself

you like to throw the rattle/shook thing around a lot these parts i see

and this weekend is huge for the yanks even though it still april

george might die this weekend .....literally

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when Arod breaks Bond's HR record in 6-8 years he should donate his jock-strap to the hall - - - ONLY THEN, will paranoid Yankee fans be happy! a true warrior of the bases must have a sturdy jock strap in order to dominate the game.

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shook? ........hardly. my comments all true speak for themself

you like to throw the rattle/shook thing around a lot these parts i see

and this weekend is huge for the yanks even though it still april

george might die this weekend .....literally

My brother is going to the Sunday game at Yankee stadium. Worst part is he's not gonna be representing red sox colors just so he doesnt get coaxed into talking shit.

What really sucks is fucking Tavarez is pitching......although it'll be exciting for yankees fans

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