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Heres one for the Guys...

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Due to an incident that happened this weekend, Ive just been curious about what others would do....

This past Saturday at the Club, on of the transvestites that we know tried to kiss my ex boyfriend. Now my ex is not gay nor is he bi. He was somewhat taken back by the person trying to kiss him. Well it didnt happen....even though my sick fantasy proably would have loved to see it. But afterwards, I asked my ex why he didnt do it. He was skeved by it but I think that this transvestite is very attractive as a woman.He too finds this person to be very attractive...even though underneath it is a man. Why wouldnt my ex's imagination just let him kiss this person in womans cloths with the feminine maneurisms? He said he couldnt do it b/c he knows its really a guy.

Now heres what I want to know....

If you guys were faced with an attractive transvestite, one who has a name and maybe even better legs than any woman you know, would you or would you not kiss him/her? If so why? The appearance is that of a woman. Could you let yourself slip into the idea of this being a woman and just kiss this person or no? If no, why not? (This would mostly apply to those who may be f**ked up on a drug but it can apply to those who dont do drugs or drink. I just think under the influence of a drug, you may be more willing to try this)

Sorry if Im grossing anyone out but its just a curiosity of mine which has been growing since I almsot saw these 2 men....even though one appeared to be woman...kiss.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I'm sorry kitty no matter how fine a transvestite looked I would not kiss him !!! I guess u could say that I am homophobic in that sense. Furthermore I can't see how a guy can be more attractive then some of the women that I have seen.

Even when I am rolling and I'm all loved up I still know what I am doing...if I was fucked up to the point where I kissed a guy I would probably never do drugs again ! That probably won't happen though cause I know I got that shit under control....hehehe smile.gif


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I'll answer your question Kittie...I had one or two gay guys hit on me in my life time its cool...I would NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH A GUY AS LONG AS I LIVE....but i don't know its just a guy thing you know....now matter how goood looking the trans..may look the fact there is still a guy beneath that get up just aint gonna happen...but for some reason if two girl are going at it..it cool we can accept it...but I just think a majority of the guys are stucks with the mentality that guys ( well majority or guys) are just attracted to women who are 100% women and no fake impersonations..peace


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hmmm....good one. First of, I'm not gay or bi. If I know beforehand that this person is a guy, then there's no way I can do it...I have no reason why, its very difficult to explain. I dunno, maybe its cuz guys are brought up in a way makes it impossible to "stand on the fence" so to speak, ie, either you're straight or you're gay. Personally, I've never, in my experiences (eg, movies, books, real-life), come across a guy who's bi. Also, there's a lot of rivalry between males (this is also looking back at natural social groups)... the bottom line is, there is always the need to be the dominant male in a group, and this tension makes sexual enounters difficult. However, this doesn't explain homosexualism, so what I said could be total BS.

Also, there is the fact that a woman's body is so much more beautiful than a guy's. Women are also more sensual and open-minded, so its easier for them to be bi curious.

My 2 cents.

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yes...same here....it's the idea of crossing the imaginary line...it's easier for women to cross that line than it is for men.....the idea totally skeeves me , and every other straight man out...and once you even start having a thought like that, your body just shuts down (metaphorically speaking), because it goes against what you believe, societal appealness, and that imaginary line. Plus you can always tell when a woman used to be a man, no matter how good that he/ she looks. I have no problem with gay people, and actually find hanging out with gay people, to be more fun than straight people, at times. But, a straight man will never cross that line, or attempt to have thoughts of crossing the line, otherwise the man is not straight, and is bi/ or on his way to being gay. Just my 2 cents.

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yeah fellows I think we all feel the same thing here. It's okay if a gay guy hits on me cause that can be seen as a compliment and it's easy to deal with. As a guy u either stright or not. If u are stright then the question of kissing another dude shouldn't even come up.

Personnaly if I kissed a transvestite and I was fucked up...I hope I would never find out that she was infact a he...why u ask ?

Remember that scene from Ace Ventura ? smile.gif


"Let me take you on a trip. Just a simple journey, a journey full of sounds and beats. One that will lead you down...way down in the underground. Now let me see you work."

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I have been kissed on a few occasions both buy gay guys and not by transvestites.

Both times I didn't know it was going to happen, but both times I haven't pushed them away, but waited before letting them know I am straight. The first time I let I go a little longer, just to check it out.. everything should be tried once.

I COULD slip into it if I wanted to, it certainly wouldn't make me feel sick. If I just switched of and let it happen. I have kissed quiet a few friends for shock value anyway. I would have to want to because you can always tell a Transvestite from the Adam's apple.

I had very little male influence in my life, so that may have something to do with it.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

I have been kissed on a few occasions both buy gay guys and not by transvestites.

Both times I didn't know it was going to happen, but both times I haven't pushed them away, but waited before letting them know I am straight. The first time I let I go a little longer, just to check it out.. everything should be tried once.

I COULD slip into it if I wanted to, it certainly wouldn't make me feel sick. If I just switched of and let it happen. I have kissed quiet a few friends for shock value anyway. I would have to want to because you can always tell a Transvestite from the Adam's apple.

I had very little male influence in my life, so that may have something to do with it.

Hmm....I don't wanna start anything but I would like to say that I have always been more tighter with my boys then with the honies but if one of the bro's ever tried to kiss me he would end up with a fat lip. I'll try drugs, even skydiving, but I'll be damned if I kiss a guy. Ugghhh...I can't see how it could be enjoyable since a kiss is more intimate then even sex (at least for me)

Jus ma $.02


"Let me take you on a trip. Just a simple journey, a journey full of sounds and beats. One that will lead you down...way down in the underground. Now let me see you work."

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I think in ways a man can do it. I think that if they just go by the facade of what they see they can actually suppress what they think about society disliking and not accepting. But in ways it annoys me how men will accept women and get all excited about the thought of 2 girls going at it so to speak, yet they dont feel the same way about 2 guys. Its just a concept which I find hypocritical and I think if more men were more secure with their masculinity, they could in fact kiss another guy who is either in mens clothes or disguised as a woman.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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No I am not saying I liked it, I just said it didn't freak me out and I wanted to see what it was going to be like...

I had 2 options, push him away - not an option he didn't know I was straight it was a gay club.

2 let it happen.

the later for me was ok, so I let it happen.

I was "loved up" which I suppose made it easier. I am just not hung up on anything really. You never know it could have been the moment i found out i was Bi, as it turns out it wasn't.

I didn't really like it or hate it.

I think that as far as i would go, i wouldn't have sex with a guy.

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Originally posted by back2basics:

I have been kissed on a few occasions both buy gay guys and not by transvestites.

Both times I didn't know it was going to happen, but both times I haven't pushed them away, but waited before letting them know I am straight. The first time I let I go a little longer, just to check it out.. everything should be tried once.

I COULD slip into it if I wanted to, it certainly wouldn't make me feel sick. If I just switched of and let it happen. I have kissed quiet a few friends for shock value anyway. I would have to want to because you can always tell a Transvestite from the Adam's apple.

I had very little male influence in my life, so that may have something to do with it.

Hmm....I don't wanna start anything but I would like to say that I have always been more tighter with my boys then with the honies but if one of the bro's ever tried to kiss me he would end up with a fat lip. I'll try drugs, even skydiving, but I'll be damned if I kiss a guy. Ugghhh...I can't see how it could be enjoyable since a kiss is more intimate then even sex (at least for me)

Jus ma $.02


"Let me take you on a trip. Just a simple journey, a journey full of sounds and beats. One that will lead you down...way down in the underground. Now let me see you work."

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There is no way I would kiss a guy, gay or trans. Its just a guy thing, and even bigger, a Machismo thing. Not only is it unthinkable to me, just being brought up Latino makes it that much worse.

B2B - I have the same question. Doesn't that make you gay? I'm confused...


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B2B you go to Gay Bars often or did you just od that once?..you plan on "hooking up' with other guys in the future...or you gonna chill on the straight side of things?


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Originally posted by misskittie:

I think in ways a man can do it. I think that if they just go by the facade of what they see they can actually suppress what they think about society disliking and not accepting. But in ways it annoys me how men will accept women and get all excited about the thought of 2 girls going at it so to speak, yet they dont feel the same way about 2 guys. Its just a concept which I find hypocritical and I think if more men were more secure with their masculinity, they could in fact kiss another guy who is either in mens clothes or disguised as a woman.

It is hypocritical and I do agree that a double standard does exist, but that's just the way it is. Furthermore I don't think that all women are as intrigued to see men kiss as most men are when two chicks are going at it. I guess it is the way that society (and I mean most stright ppl here) that it's okay for chicks to get freaky, but 2 guys is not kosher.

Anyway the truth is that most men who are stright would not want to kiss another guy, I mean why would they when there are soooo many cute chicks out there.

From personal experience I can say that I was a bit apprehensive about going to Vinyl the first time cause I was going with another male friend (we are both stright) and I didn't want to give anybody the wrong impression. The truth is that although a few guys did come up to me they were all kewl and nobody attempted to kiss me or anything. I just want the same thing that most of the women on this board want when I go to a club. A fun time with ppl who share the same vibe and will show mutual respect.


"Let me take you on a trip. Just a simple journey, a journey full of sounds and beats. One that will lead you down...way down in the underground. Now let me see you work."

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are we talking pre-op or post-op? (just kidding) well im straight and if there were an attractive trannie at a club i would definitely kiss him/her. im sure you will agree that many of them are absolutely gorgeous/stunning. i have done this once and i think they are fun to chill with, dance with etc. i think many men feel that if they said they would do something like this, it would be threatening to their sexual identity and they probably would fear persecution by other males (as someone light-handed did in one of the posts on this thread e.g. "you say you're straight and you would do this?!"). the bottom line is i am comfortable enough with my sexuality (that being straight) for this not matter. but i cant argue with the thought of this just completely grossing someone out...


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misskittie - To make a comment, you're not a guy. You have no idea what it is like, and can't ever. For a guy to just go with it just isn't realistic in most cases, unless you have those tendencies. Just like we'll never know what its like to be a woman and deal with your issues, the same goes for us.

I know what you're trying to say, but it doesn't work like that when it comes to other guys.

Its just one of those things...


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I don't think B2B here is talking about tonguing the guys down. Just a smooch. Actually I see guys kiss all the time and it doesn't bother me. Yeah you see gay guys kiss at clubs...big deal. You also see men in different nationalities kiss as well...Italians in particular. Yeah it's just a sign of love, affection..hello/goodbye. Don't think he was referring to all out love/passion/make out kissing.

Good for you man. Way to be open minded in my opinion.

Whatever works for you, then go with it!

Just my $.02


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How does it make me gay!??

Nah I think Cholo hit it on the head, these macho values are cognitive (or social). Being gay is genetic.

I am just not hung-up about it and I know, quiet a few other people that are the same way. Doesn't mean we are gay, just open minded.

When you guys think of kissing a guy does it make you squeamish? That's not a natural reaction from your body, it's something that has been drilled in by your up-bringing... not consciously "don't kiss guys, don't kiss guys" but it has been implied in your social groups, probably when you were at school as this is the time you are more vulnerable to social input.

Dipping into a bit of Psychology there.

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I don't think that miss Kitty was refering to a quik peck on the cheek otherwise there wouldn't be that big of a deal. The closet I would come is to give a peck on the cheek...even that is a strech for me cause it's not in my culture to kiss men. Then again let it not sound like I am gay bashing or anything cause I have no problem with gay people...it's just that I'm stright so even the thought of kissing a guy is very difficult.


"Let me take you on a trip. Just a simple journey, a journey full of sounds and beats. One that will lead you down...way down in the underground. Now let me see you work."

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Rim99 not so much in bars, but clubs? Hell yes, some of the best clubnights in the world are gay nights.

When i first got into it all, most of the good nights were gay night who tollerated straight guys & gals.

Most of my freinds have the same reaction as you to kissing a guy but they still go to gay clubs.

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Ummm...My final answer would be NO. I am a heterosexual. I am not sexually attracted to men. I would definetly not be attracted to a man who is turning into a woman. I saw this gorgeous woman in South Beach memorial day weekend. I was so attracted to her, until she turned into he (I saw a bulging package). I was instantly turned off. That is my chemical makeup. Although I have to admit a childhood obsession with Roland Orbazal from Tears for Fears......... smile.gif

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I think this thread has been really respectful and honest. And I'm not going to complain about all the female fans!

But just because a guy goes there with another guy doesn't mean he's gay (not that there's anything wrong with that!). Think about how different we all are, all the variations...surely it's possible for a guy just to be open and willing to get past the social stigmatas, and still be straight.

I wonder if I ever would've kissed my girlfriends if it weren't "cool" and acceptable to do so. I hope so. But, I realize this is an easier thing for girls to accept and encourage than guys. Still, loved your posts, B2B!

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stnic, thanks.

You would kiss girls even if it wasn't cool or socially excepted.. because the reproductive instinct is "built-in". There are all sorts of hormones that are active without us knowing that make men more attracted to women when they are menstrual, unfortunately men have little control over it. It's a survival instinct built in over hundreds of thousands of year, thats still messing with us!

The cringe instinct isn't, built in. We have nothing in-built through natural selection that attracts or repels straight men to other men... it's a social thing.

[This message has been edited by back2basics (edited 08-16-2000).]

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