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Ok all listen up real fast...unfortunately, one of us has lost a close and dear friend to suicide. Lets all work together to try and educate those and stop this from happening further. Enyce2000 thought of an idea to raise money for the family of the lost love. Maybe we can work together and raise some funds. We have a million options in front of us. Tragedies like this should not happen and we CAN stop them from taking the lives of those we love and care about in the future. We'd like to collect contributions to give to fundraisers who educate and speak about suicide. We have to do something and all of us can work together. Anybody else have some ideas about how we can go about this? We can get the word out especially being the young generation which we are! We all believe in peace, love, happiness, eutopia,and respect. If we get together we can make a difference and make it be heard!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I dont know if any of you are reading this but I must say Im quite disappointed! I posted this thread almost a half an hour ago and noone has responded. Noone seems to care. Everyone was soo quick to jump on the band wagon and give their condolences to Brandi who lost someone but yet it seems that many are to stuck in their own world to actually GIVE a DAMN and DO SOMETHING! Maybe Im just overreacting but everyone wants to give their love and say they are sorry to the one who lost someone dear to them but noone is willing to help and get the word out.To be willing to put a fundraiser and give maybe a dollar to help. To get the word out so we can make a difference! Well whether you are willing to help or not, I WILL in fact follow through with this because I care. I have lost many people to suicide and I think that if they knew of ways to help prevent it, I would have them with me today. Thank you all for caring and ignoring this important post. I guess talking about some player on the board or about meeting up wioth people at the club is more important than saving our friends, families, and aquaintences lives!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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You are way out of line. just because someone doesn't donate their time and money doesn't mean they do not care.

We have obviously expressed our condolences to Brandie, and it seemed to be enough for her.

You have no right in getting on a pedestal and judging us. You have no idea what our lives are like other than what's on this board.You have no idea what our financial or time constraints are. And just because you express sympathy, does not mean you are obligated to do anything further.

I would be happy to go to an event that would be beneficial to another, I'm not evil.

But to hold people accountable for not doing things that you want to does NOT make them cold.

I'm not starting beef, just letting you know that you were out of line. I felt like you judged us, and that's not cool.


Din Da Da

[This message has been edited by cazz926 (edited 08-18-2000).]

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Im not judging anyone by all means. But Im just saying that noone seemed to have even read the thread or gave any ideas. I know how hard life is and I know how money is as well. Everyone seems to complain about things that are wrong in this world but it appears as though noone is ever willing to do anything. Now Im willing to and Im not asking for people to throw money at me. Im asking for ideas and if anyone could give some ideas as to how we can start this up. So dont say that Im putting myself on a pedistal. I want things to change and Im willing to make a difference. Maybe people cant donate their money, I understand that, but anything would help.


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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easy . . .

give me an address and i'll send a check . . .

i'm not from NYC but DC . . .

i'm willing to help, but i didn't have any options . . .

my quote should be dear to your hearts:


Life is too short to be small.

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Oh yea...money is soo tight yet many...not all...but many people on the oard have enough to spend on 2,3,4 maybe even more hits of E. Some k, club entrance as well. Im not trying to fight...Im merely trying to make a point! Even a penny could make a difference. Some people may not agree in the idea but a way to save lifes in MY opinion is a worthy cause!


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to agree with Cazz on this one. Maybe if you had kept this a little more anonymous . . . maybe posting a web address or something to a fundraising club and saying maybe here's some info if any of you are interested. Perhaps that would of been more fitting. But you can't shove people in corner with stuff like this and then prosecute them cause they don't do as you say. That's just not right.

Besides, this is a very sensitive issue. Brandie, the lost one's family and friends are going through very emotional period right now and I dont' think yelling at other people are gonna make things better. This the time where we should just remain silent and pray for them and their loss.

Let's put this post to rest.



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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i'm sorry kitty. you seem pretty upset.

maybe if you call some charities and tell them what you're thinking, they can help. charities have a special status with the government, so they can do stuff that we ordinary citizens can not. many legitimate charities would love to work with a volunteer like you b/c of your connections to all of us here at this board.


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 08-18-2000).]

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I thought you weren't judging?

How people spend their $ is their business.

You have no idea what people do to enrich and save the lives of others on ther own time.

You're trying to make yourself look like a martyr by putting others in a negative light.

Very uncool.

I'm down with educating and enlightening, but not by trying to insult and guilt people into doing it.


Din Da Da

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Oh yea...money is soo tight yet many...not all...but many people on the oard have enough to spend on 2,3,4 maybe even more hits of E. Some k, club entrance as well. Im not trying to fight...Im merely trying to make a point! Even a penny could make a difference. Some people may not agree in the idea but a way to save lifes in MY opinion is a worthy cause!

OKAY now THAT was totally out of line, misskittie. Come on now, let's just put an end to this post. Okay?



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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My apologies for even mentioning this terrible tragedy that has interrupted the lives of so many innocent, caring individuals, who have done nothing to deserve such a loss . . .

Thank you all for your kind words, and MissKittie, your caring words and willingness to take action should not be shunned by our community, nor should she be allowed to judge anyone else . . .

I understand that many have lost, and many more will lose . . . the world we live in is one I will never understand, and I do not believe that I am meant to. But I do believe that we should care about each other, and promote the sense of peace and unity that I know is within each of us. As Casey said, let us put this post to rest, as we will be putting the young boy, who is victim of the harsh reality of life, to rest tomorrow.

If anyone is interested in this idea - not to actually contribute money, for I have no money to contribute myself - but to in some way create an awareness of this problem in society, I will be more than happy to help. This is not the first person I know who has ended their own life . . . this is not the first person I know who decided life was not worth living, but "failed" at their "attempt" for escape . . .

There is nothing to be fighting about here, boys and girls - we need to be here for each other, just like all of you were here for me today. Let's just end this here. I'm sorry I mentioned my issue, I did not mean (for once in my life, lol) to cause any drama.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Brandie you did the right thing by mentioning it.

Don't be sorry, I think many people were only too happy to be given the chance to give some support, in some small way, to somebody who they respect.

And hopefully (again in some small way) peoples, prayers and messages helped you to cope with the shock.

You sharing something you felt strongly about IS what make this place a community.

I just think these times are when we analyze how much we really do to make the world a better place. I can see why MissKittie got annoyed, I mean what we all do is entirely selfish... but we all contribute in our own way.

No need to argue about this, lets let it go.

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b2b - thank you so much. smile.gif i just feel like i wanted to share what was going on with me - i know i only know some of you, and there are new faces every day (btw, welcome smile.gif) - but i feel that sharing is what brings us together . . .




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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Please do not take my comments personally. They were not directed towards you at all. It was a response to something else that essentially, had nothing to do with you.

When I said I was sorry in the other thread, I meant it with all my heart. I wasn't trying to trivialize a tragedy by any means. It didn't mean that everyone on some level does not feel your loss, on the contrary, I think that you see we can all relate to your pain and a piece of our hearts are with you.

This board is about sharing and bringing a smile to people's faces.

I just wanted to clear that up and hoped that Brandie wasn't insulted.


Din Da Da

[This message has been edited by cazz926 (edited 08-18-2000).]

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Maybe we could all wear something commemorative when we go out. Like a little silver ribbon or something. Like they've done for AIDS and breast cancer...

I'm gonna do it anyway. I'll be the one with the little silver ribbon on.

Brandie, sweetie, you're in my thoughts. And you've got mail.


All for fun and fun for all!


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Over here every year there is a dance party put on to raise money for Amnesty International, with the venue and dee jays donating space/time with all proceeds going Amnesty......


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I know a GREAT organization...

Its called SAFE PLACE (The lil yellow traffic type signs that say "Safe Place" are their logo), its youth oriented, they place placards at different places to let troubled youth know they can come chill, talk, get a meal, make a call...

It may be the Safe-Place project, run by some other org, send me some mail Kittie/Brandie.

I know it may sound a lil "touchy feely", but hey, if it keeps one more kid from making a painful mistake, its worth it right?

I know when my mom passed a few months ago, it meant the world to me and my fam that all my friends donated money to Jewish Charities / UN Childrens fund, etc etc etc.



[This message has been edited by jd2be2001 (edited 08-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by jd2be2001 (edited 08-18-2000).]

[This message has been edited by jd2be2001 (edited 08-18-2000).]

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Brandie, you most definately have nothing to apologize for. WE on the other hand do. We're sorry if this thread has insulted or hurted you in any way. This should definately be time for support and not bickering or arguing.

Write me if you need anything, okie? wink.gif



"Rehab is for quitters!"

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MsKittie, This is the weekend, and not eveyone would have checked this board. Also, I have to agree that we don't know everyone's financial/time constraints and thus cannot judge them for their lack of participation. Personally, I can prolly contribute a few dollars, but we need to find a fundraiser org. Also, some people might be able to devote time...maybe you can come up with some ideas, eg, volunteer work.

Brandie, again my sympathies and love to you and your friend's family for what happened. Like someone mentioned before sharing such important personal issues is what makes this a community/circle of friends. Let me know if you need anything...I'll try as best as I can from Baltimore.

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i knew the kid who killed himself personaly,

its kind of hard to belive someone who was so loved and had so much one kill himself. i personaly think money is what they need right know. prayers have a special meeting even if you didnt know him and i know edie is looking down on us right know.

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Hi Misskittie,

I feel your energy on this matter, and I wanted to take the time to give some reasons why others may have not responded as quickly or with as much oomph as you.

for myself:

I personally never knew about it.

I personally never saw the post until now (it was on top of the page)

It's hard when others aren't up to your speed on a matter.

Its like driving 85 and waiting for the others who are doing 55.

(if you dont drive, I'll try to come up with another analogy)


I hope this makes you feel better.

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