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scumfrog review, last sunday, 8/19 @ room service


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i can't put it up just yet; the owl is really tired this evening and way too vain to put up the horrible pic of herself :unhappy: . she'll try to reconsider 'cause the scumfrog looks so good in it, though... photogenic mofo! no fair!

but she will put up the review tomorrow 'cause, despite the event and its clientele being shitty, weyes had a great time with the frog :spin2: .

till then!

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sunday was crazy. first of all, i have to thank all of those who told me i had to get there early. i got there just a little past noon and the line barely moved for a long time. then, when i got near the front, the guy running the line took me ahead of 12-15 guys just 'cause i'm a girl. i'd heard of that before and they did say that they do that on their site, but i've never seen that in action and even though it worked in my favor, i think it stinks :no: .

the people there were snotty, stuck-up, and unfriendly. no one was there to see the scumfrog, either; they were the "there-to-be-seen" crowd that i hate so much at avaland, and it was proven by the fact that they were all talking about avaland the night before. they were all bogarting the good seats, besides the many ones that had "reserved" cards on them that remained empty all day :mad: . the opening djs were a bore and i had to wait 5 hours for the scumfrog to come on :unhappy: .

i had e-mailed him earlier in the week and he had e-mailed me back (see another recent thread) and i had attached a pic of a shirt that i had printed that i was gonna wear. when he saw me, he finished his phone convo and gave me a big hug. "you made it!" he exclaimed. i gave him a shirt, too, and he said, "this is so dope," which wasn't really an adjective i thought he'd use, 'cause it's one i would... maybe it's a new york thing.

he said he loved the shirt and showed it off to the friends he had there, and he bought me a frikkin' drink!!! the joint was major bullshit too; he said some of his friends downstairs were having trouble getting in and the bartenders served us last and wouldn't give him drinks 'cause he didn't have tickets!?!?!?!?!? so he literally did BUY me a drink.

he tried to have a conversation w/ me, and i suddenly had nothing interesting to say. i couldn't carry on a conversation 'cause i just kinda froze. he was asking me the wrong questions, though; he asked me if i had gone anywhere this summer, and no, i haven't. what am i supposed to do w/ that? make something up? still, i was retarded.

anyway, i'll put up a review of the "room service" event that the standard throws later. for now i'll just be brief and say that it SUCKS for many reasons and i'll never go back.

ok, my vanity is keeping me from posting the horrible pics of me. but here are some from that day:

scummy himself:


some random couple dancing like frogs:


the drink the scumfrog bought me!!!:


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you have to understand that the standard rooftop is more of a chillin' relaxed vibe where people get up and dance if they want, but also hang by the pool, drink, socialize, etc.

I agree that the hollywood door policy can be a bit rough, but they have to be careful about balancing out the male/female ratio, and at the end of the day, its better for being strict so that it doesn't sway too much into the meathead quotient.

I've done the rooftop many times this summer and its turned out to be one of my favorite spots for the view, etc.

I was there btw. Too bad I didn't know you - coulda said HI! :)


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i understand your frustration, weyes, but the standard rooftop parties are supposed to be a scene (ala rehab in vegas, various pool parties at WMC). so naturally, the people that go there fit the bill.

i've had a great time at these parties cause i like the grooves, the view, and the hot chicks. if that means that they have to be more stringent at the door, so be it. but trust me, i also like casual, less "scene-y" parties too. it all depends on what i'm in the mood for and what i'm expecting.

everyone has the places and parties that fit their niche... or even their mood, like in my case. after all, if every place had the same vibe and people, wouldn't it all be redundant?

this party happens to be for the people that want to be knee-deep in a cool/trendy party that feels exclusive. after all, this is LA, scene of all scenes. the standard delivers that product and they deliver it well.

but i do understand your frustration...


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I am so glad that you shmoozed with the scumfrog, girl after all that texting we did to get you to do it. :) Very proud of you Weyes one. I want you to have the same kind of gallery as I do. I have so many pics with Sasha and Diggers. Since the Delta Heavy tour. I also have a couple great pics with Sandra Collins, she is a Bad Ass Biatch, soo fkn cool. I chatted with her for a while a bit back when she played Spundae (circus). We meshed so well, I felt like I was talkin to one of my friends. And her, dam I use to go see her back in the day when she was the only chic on the scene, Mad Hatter dayz, for the old school out there. Never let poopy peeps get in the way of your moment with your fav d.j.

Man at the Digweed/MSTRKRFT show, a big fight, with heads gettin kicked in and blood, broke out. but as soon as it cleared I just got back in my zone. No one distracts me from the Diggers:love:

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what bothers me is the pretentiousness, the aloofness, the phony show of it all. people would arrive in their little groups of 4 or so, find a section of couch, plant themselves down, and sit there for the whole time, talking loudly amongst themselves about how the previous night just didn't meet their standards. they were even sighing about how bored they were, right then. even that day, it was that old cliche of people being at a party while complaining about how they were above it.

what i look for in a party is fun, and it seems to me that a universal, necessary ingredient for a fun party is sincere smiles. when people are too busy putting on an act to manage that or just aren't nice enough to have ever experienced sincerity, the party's got either a lifeless or a negative vibe. i don't call what was going on at that party "trendy." if losing the enthusiasm we have as partygoers for music, our surroundings, and, most of all, our fellow partygoers is now considered "in," i don't want to be cool.

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