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How important are dancing skills?

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Just wanted to see what the opinions were on this one.

For me, dancing skills are pretty important. If a guy is trying to hang out with me in a club, and he can't dance, I'm sorry but it's kind of a turn off! I dance my ass off and I want a guy who can keep up...

I'm not trying to slam those who may not be the best dancers, but it's kind of like the song "Someone" says, "I need somebody who can move my way..."



[This message has been edited by divalicious (edited 08-21-2000).]

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Dancing skills are probably important, but whom you ask is also another question. If you're asking people who are watching somebody dance, they might say (s)he sucks, they should go home, they're a disgrace. Or they might say they kick ass.....

If you ask the dancer how important their dancing skills are to them, and that person is having a good time, I don't think the person is going to have much of an opinion in the matter..... regardless of how they look, they're probably there to have fun.

This coming from somebody who took their first step into a club a scant month ago, and is still learning how to dance...... just my personal opinion, of course.



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Uhh personally i think i suck as far as dancing goes, people tell me im alrite but its one of those subjects i find people dont talk about much, unless someone is really kicking some ass....

Either way i have a good time...its not like anyones going to laugh at you if you do suck, no one laughs at me...theres two kinds of people, people who dance theiur asses off..and tehy dont have time to look around and tell you you suck, and people who go to a lcub and watch and well...theyre defeating the purpose of having a dancefloor so let them laugh...youre probably havin more fun.

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A girl needs to be able to dance in order for me to be interested, if she dances as hard and as funky as me then I am very interested, if she is better than me than

HELLO tongue.gif

If a girl can't move tho.....forget about it wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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i read the replys on this and i disagree with most of them. dancing is how you feel the music. i respect ANYONE who can get out on the floor and do their thing. i can dance well but sometimes i look dumb. sometimes i look like a show off. sometimes i am lost in my own world. i dont go out to dance clubs to meet guys. i dont dance with them usually unless its playful. and i date people who cant dance at all-and i take them out and i show them how. how to find their groove...to the person who started this post-go and dance in front of a mirror at your home. you will see how you look when you do some thing that FEELS GOOD and that is how you can find your style of dance...dance is important. skill is devoloped. it is important-and it should be-to you. and having said that-i am out to saphire (orchard and houston) to shake my ass a little. peace brothers and sisters. peace.

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I have to say that dancing to ME is important, its definitley an expressive outlet. But i am not everyone and some people do go out to have a good time and can't hold a rythem but those of us who can, should def not judge those that can not.

We (who can dance) have been given a talent, some are more talented than others.

Cherish it...

But to answer your question, i find dancing skills to be a must...

I have seen the hottest girls who can't dance and they do nothing for me.

There is something about a person who can move gracefully on the dance floor thats very attractive and sexually powerful.

just remeber if they can do that on the dancefloor imagine what they can do in bed:-)


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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I would have to say dancing skills are a major plus.. I love to watch someone who could really dance, so if i spot someone out at a club and they could dance, I'll sit and watch and admire them, and hopefully try and learn something and get different ideas to incorporate into my dancing... biggrin.gif


~Music is The Answer~ smile.gif

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I think dollabill25 summed it up quite succinctly......the level of ability or effort is not important but if someone has ZERO coordination then it is v. off putting!

It's not like it's hard to move ones arms and legs and torso with some 4/4 beats! wink.gif


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Personally, I believe that your dancing style is exactly that . . . YOUR STYLE. It's your personal way of identifying with the music. It's not right to point fingers and ridicule someone who dances differently than you . . .it's how they groove with the music so let it be.

Perfect example! Some people LOVE to dirty dance to EVERY single type of music out there. Personally, I don't consider rubbing of two bodies as dancing, but that's just my personal style.

The bottom line is that the music moves in all of us just in different ways . . . but it's the same music.



"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."

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yeah..dancing if definitely style and talent oriented..but i've talked with lots of people who just drown on the dance floor...and it seems that they are just too self-conscious about 'trying' to be a good dancer that they can't connect to the music.

so i give props to anyone who really gets out there, enjoys him/herself, and lets loose on the floor.

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Dancing skills seem to help if youre trying to get laid. That goes back to the "Well if he/she can move on the dance floor, wonder what they can do in bed".

Yet, I dont think dancing skills are all of that important. Everyone feels something different when they listen to the music and pull in the beats. They express themselves differently which is how it should be. Yea its awesometo see someone who can really dance but if you are enjoying yourself 100% and havent a care in the world, then skills dont matter. When youre older, your not going to focus on the moves you did on the dnce floor. You will focus on the fun you had while doing. Dancing sets the soul free....thats all that matters! smile.gif


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I think dancing ability is gained mostly through practice, assuming you have at least average rhythm. If you are average, and spend 10 hours a week on the dance floor, after a year of clubbing you will appear to be a great dancer to anyone who doesn't go out to hardcore dance clubs regularly. Once you reach that point, you really have nothing to be self conscious about, since you will look good to anyone who is reasonable about it.

Having said that, I used to think that I would never notice bad dancing. I thought it was silly to complain about it. But now I pick up on it all the time. What I really hate is when people dance and are not into the music, but are doing it (badly) to placate their girlfriend. You see that with a lot with juicehead types, who punctuate their lackluster movements with angry scowls.

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WE go to clubs to have fun, not to diss anyone that is just starting to dance and dosen't know how to move!

I was going to clubs since 18 and dancing what people call "exotic dancer" style if that means anything. I just started recently going to SF in Feb. and learing how to bounce around. Or you call it break dancing if I am correct. You can dance how you want, and I am very grateful that someone dosne't go over to anyone and say FU for dancing like that! Give people a chance! Some people on the dance floor can be coming from differnt countries and they have a differnt style of dancing there and you are bashing them? What would happen if you went to their country and tried to do your moves and they told you to stop?

'Nuff said

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i think dancing is very important, but i also think it is very internal. one of the things i love about clubbing is how humanistic it is...when i dance no one else exists.....i think this is why i don't ever meet anyone going out....once i start dancing i become the center of my own little world...so do i think that dancing is important...yes..do i think it's important that people can dance well....yes, and i do love to watch great dancers, but people should dance well for their own sakes not for mine or anyone elses. my greatest dancing memories are from times when the club was almost empty or when know one was paying attention...


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

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dancing SKILLS are only important when u want to show off. otherwise, just making the effort is all that matters. if you don't dance well, but love it, then have at it. you've paid your 20 bucks, and you got dressed up to come here, so get on the floor! anyone will get better with practice.

i think i am a good dancer, and i like to show off sometimes. however, if there's just a funky thing going on, i'll shake it in some dark lonely corner and commune with the music spirit!


i love music!

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man to each their own. i hate people who write reviews about clubs they've been to and bitch about the crowd standing around, no one could dance there etc etc. not saying thats what this thread is about, but are you people going to clubs to dance and enjoy yourself or are you going to look at what others are doing and write stupid reviews on this board about no one could dance, and there were all ravers there and the crowd was ugly blah blah blah.

DRAMA for reduced...


deez nuts

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Guest crystalmethodny

Dancin' and prancin'... moving keep on grooving, flying, stop your crying...



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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whatever you guys all suck at dancing anyway.lol....

i used to have a girl who obsessed with how other people dance. if someone was around who was a bad dancer. she would go by them and try to show them up. or if someone was a moderate dancer or a good one now that i think about it. she was stupid and self centered. she saw everything in the world - on how i related to her.

me i am a good dancer i don't need to prove this to anyone nor do i care what anyone else does. the most important thing is that everyone has fun. just do your own thing, fuck everyone else.

there is nothing that annoys me more then when i am trying to dance with my foxy lady. and like 10 guys surround me and try to challenge me to competition.



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So, besides getting out on the floor, any good resources for learning the mooves before hitting the dance floor?

It's not like the good ol' days when they sold those little books that 'taught' you how to break dance. ;-) And, it's also not like Michael Jackson days when you could watch the videos and learn the moon walk. ;-)

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