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Tripinchick, when I get home Im gonna go to my attic to and pull it out...lol I gotta know now!

I wonder if I can get new paddles for it though. I used it soo much that I think the little circle pad and buttons on the sides are all worn out. I couldnt get enough of that game...lol


~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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I'm gonna try and hook it up just for shits and giggles!!!

Wonder what the roomies are gonna say. I just got Dreamcast, have Playstation, and there I'll be bangin away on Oddysey's ShootOut. hahahaha


** Shake It Baby **



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Guest crystalmethodny


Ill come over and play...



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Atari! I still have my 2600 with over 100 games. River Raid, Pitfall, and well i just stop here or I'd be going on forever. I thought i was the only one that took off the covers off the joysticks. Why can't all those new systems have joysticks like Atari? All the buttons on the new control pads make me stressed out.

And does any one know that game with the bombs and you have to use the paddles not the joystick with? Does it ever end and how much faster can it possibly go if it doesn't?

[This message has been edited by bluefuzzy (edited 08-22-2000).]

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COLECOVISION baby!!! That was the real shit, before Sega Genesis and Playstation.

Do you think that kids today have any idea what we had 20 years ago? Will kids 20-25 years from now look back and think that Playstation 2 and Dreamcast were absolute jokes? I'm scared to even think about what we'll have 20 years from now. I see completely interactive 3-D chambers which you walk into and you'll see other players in the chamber: G-Money, Eggmok, Misskittie, and Vinylgrl all battling each other to see who wins the game. All this will fit in the corner of your living room for a mere $5000 (which considering inflation might be $3000 in today's market).

Sorry, I'm just in this wierd where will I be in 20 years phase.



"Get busy living or get busy dying."

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Guest crystalmethodny

I still play some old school games...

I have the 80's arcade emulator on my home computer...

Galaga... yumm


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Let's not forget the Colecovision next generation: ADAM

And the Odyssey was the next gen to Intellivision. My Intellivision still works fine (paddles and all) with a big stack of games, unfortunately it's at my parents place 10 hours away. Anyone up for a road trip? I'd freek for a little Keystone Kops on my dad's 54" screen.

btw - you can pick up all the old consoles as well as games for them at Multimedia 1.0 on St. Marks place.


keep it cutlary


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Guest crystalmethodny

Dukes of Hazzard!

yeee haw


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Originally posted by Crackorn:

I just recently found an "Asteroids" cartridge in my attic. My kingdom for an Atari right now! (Note to reader- my kingdom consists of very little so don't rush)

don't i know that feeling!!


"Don't go crazy, don't get depressed, don't go after stupid, unattractive women, don't fight the feelin', don't let anyone tell you that disco house is terrible." --Trevor Zier

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without a doubt . . .

i always pulled off the rubber covering on the joystick. remember the paddles, for games like pong and warlord . . .

i was the bomb at combat, especially the tanks! that was shit was phat, you had like 20 different versions on one cartridge. i think it was game 7 where the tanks had the bullets that would bounce all over the place. . .

how bout asteroids and space invader. on asteroids i would thrust across the screen and see how long i would last. i always hated those little ufo's that would come out and start blasting before the next stage, those fuckin bastards . . .

ATARI was the shit, F everything else including that stupid intellivision . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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I hated intellivision i just wanted to see if anyone knew what the F^%$k i was talking about, so chill.

Here's my favorites...


Space invaders....PONG...frogger...centepede... Pacman, and could anyone ever get anywhere on E.T.? that game was wacked.


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Guest crystalmethodny


Does that Intellivison of yours still work?!?

I'd buy it!



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Yes it works..I just need to get new hand sticks. But I cant sell that. That game was my childhoos. He-Man, Dungeons and Dragons, asteroids,Hamburgler...ohhhhhh and Poker.



~*~* Women beat their men~*~*~The men beat on their drums~*~*

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Guest crystalmethodny

Word up... D&D! I remember that game... with the weirdo minotaur that would make the sound... "brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrthhhhh"

Ok... forget it :P



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Guest crystalmethodny

There was a robot thing that actually went with the original Nintendo system...

Commodore 64 was my favorite all time gaming system!

Kittie - I'll do anything! smile.gif


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