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Heath Ledgers autopsy


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add pnueumonia to this mix and there ya go

NEW YORK (AFP) - Hollywood actor Heath Ledger, found dead in his New York apartment two weeks ago, died of acute intoxication, city authorities said Wednesday, ruling the death an accident resulting from the abuse of prescription medications.

"Mr Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine," Chief Medical Examiner Charles Hirsch said in a statement.

"We have concluded that the manner of death is accident, resulting from the abuse of prescription medications."

The six drugs found in his system were oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam, and doxylamine, the medical examiner's office said.

The drugs are the generic names for the OxyContin painkiller, the anti-anxiety drug Valium, Xanax, an anti-anxiety drug, and the sleep aids Restoril and Unisom. Hydrocodone is another name for the better-know Vicodin.

yep sleeping pills will do the trick if nothing else! yikes!

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there are hard core junkies... i tape the old episodes and the new ones.. its a new season...

the heroin junkies and meth junkies are insane... a lot of them were molested or raped when they are younger.. its sad to see.

I just like to see them turn it around and get clean.. its a nice story.

One that I was just like..uhhh??? and just nauseous was the one with the lady who walked around all day drinking mouth wash cause she most the time couldnt get real alcohol...because her family wouldnt let her..nasty dude....can you imagine what that did to her to her intestines? ew....and it was super sad cause like her kids knew what was up and shed look around the house for the alcohol like a crack addict...and if there was even a drop of vodka left in a bottle and and it was in the garbage shed scream at her daughter for throwing it away...I mean my goodness...if I were that bad with my drinking Id hope someone would have made me go to rehab at that point.

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One that I was just like..uhhh??? and just nauseous was the one with the lady who walked around all day drinking mouth wash cause she most the time couldnt get real alcohol...because her family wouldnt let her..nasty dude....can you imagine what that did to her to her intestines? ew....and it was super sad cause like her kids knew what was up and shed look around the house for the alcohol like a crack addict...and if there was even a drop of vodka left in a bottle and and it was in the garbage shed scream at her daughter for throwing it away...I mean my goodness...if I were that bad with my drinking Id hope someone would have made me go to rehab at that point.

oh yeah... she would get bombed on the walgreens mouthwash.. that was so gross... I felt so bad for her husband and kids..

The one where the young guy's family was real christian and they sang bible songs - and he was watched by that older guy (like a mentor) but then molested by him all those years.. and he told his mom when he was a teen that "he fucked me momma, he fucked me".. and then he became addicted to meth... oh my gosh i cried so hard for him.. at least the guy that molested him was put away for life i think on molestion charges.. And he got clean.. so happy for him..

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oh yeah... she would get bombed on the walgreens mouthwash.. that was so gross... I felt so bad for her husband and kids..

The one where the young guy's family was real christian and they sang bible songs - and he was watched by that older guy (like a mentor) but then molested by him all those years.. and he told his mom when he was a teen that "he fucked me momma, he fucked me".. and then he became addicted to meth... oh my gosh i cried so hard for him.. at least the guy that molested him was put away for life i think on molestion charges.. And he got clean.. so happy for him..

Yeah...nasty mouthwash....ewww....

aw...yeah thats terrible because people put so much faith into people that are religious that its just easier for them to get away with it. Thats good he got help...meth...no good for anyone....I dont know from personal experience but Ive known people....my brother...and a few friends...it just changes people. Its sad to see.

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Of the chick that would binge eat then throw up.. she hid that she was a stripper.. she'd eat like $100+ worth of food and then throw it up... it was so gross.. she'd eat a whole half gallon of ice cream and a whole box of cereal.. or like 3 big macs..

and she weighed like 90 lbs...

ewww issues...

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yeah its a nutty "disease" for sure...kinda just where you do it and dont even really know why....no good! sure its about the weight but usually bulimia deals with much more complex issues than that. like anorexia just never thinking youre skinny enough....even if you weigh like 60 lbs and theres tons of people telling you that you need massive help and weight gain....crazy times yo!

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You have to admit, we had some serious fun with the text messaging back in the day.. :laugh: But we're all grown up now.. but i kept my fav text you sent me... "i'm hammered".

:laugh: x 1000

hahahaha...i remember sending you tons of them but i dont remember when i sent that one...

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looks like he was clutching those rosary beads..

.......indeed it was rosary beads, word is, he always wore them around his neck (but hidden)...must have figured his time was up...

.....what bugs me is the hooker he had in the room just before he ODed,.... she just hauled ass and didnt even bother to call the paramedics.... I guess hookers with a golden heart is a novelty....

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