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it seems everyone's life today revolved around my g/f and her expression. And this board is so boring that everyone has to worry about incidents that don't pertain to them. If u weren't there then how could ur opinion mean anything since u weren't there for a first hand experience? If ur so uncomfortable with ur own body and how u express urself, then why do other people have to? If it was SO wrong, then why did half u people watch her? I'm trying to act on a maturer level here, let's see how many of u can. As for the violence, I'm sorry if my hostility over came me due to the conservative, closed minded people. I'm sure when paths cross and words are unleashed, some people will take matters into their own hands, and some will coward, but until then I will refrain from retaliating in violence. Since nothing here can be delt with on a mature level, I'm sure this post will be torn apart to pieces.

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I am with you VS, i think some of the things people have written are well out of order and i can see why you got anoyed.

You must have had some idea that the small minded people would't talk about anything else or have anything better to talk about.

My policy is, if it doesn't hurt anybody it's ok. What she did didn't hurt anybody.

It's a free world but you wouldn't think so.

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Originally posted by fatchikthrilla:


U sound like a beaten man. U sound like u just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Maybe u need to keep that girl of yours in check. Maybe all this drama never would have come about.

"How u like dem Apples?"

I'll keep you in check, kido ...how's that??



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I think if Half of U werent so Closed Minded and keep your little comments to yourselves .. then none of US who are friends with the naked chic would have to come here and defend her..

But I stand corrected. WE still live in a world were people pass judgement on our actions....



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go fuck yourself bitin bitch, cant even be original stealing other peoples shit ugly ass cellulite hog tied pig bitch mother fucker..

that was a mouth fulll.. kinda like yours full of semen.

Originally posted by divaliciouss:


Go Fuck Yourself.

Case closed.


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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and maybe your a fatbitchfuker! fucker!


Originally posted by fatchikthrilla:


U sound like a beaten man. U sound like u just went 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. Maybe u need to keep that girl of yours in check. Maybe all this drama never would have come about.

"How u like dem Apples?"


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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ya riggggghhhhhhttttt....


you got got naked... dickhead..

Originally posted by loudness:

what happened guy, your got got naked in a club? You should smack some sense into her.


I take my problems to the dancefloor...

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VS - i don't see why you bother trying to explain yourself at all . . . your friends are who really matter . . . people are very quick to judge, as you've obviously seen from all this stupid drama today . .

by the way - i'm impressed w/ the relationship you and your gf have - very trusting . . . my bf would kick my ass if i told him i was going to the underwear party naked - when i told him i wanted to go, he was like, 'you're wearing regular clothes, right?" - we ended up not going . . . oh well.




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."


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VS, Point taken dude. The only reason that I replied negatively to your post was cuz you seemed to be retaliating to violence a lot...but I understand where you're coming from since this is your g/f we're talking about. Hey, don't even mind those ppl with dumb posts on this board...they're just bored outta their minds and want to cause drama. The others...well thats their opinion, and if stated in a mature manner, should be respected (IMO).

Don't let this shit bring you down bro, just go out and have fun!


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Hey VS,

I'm sorry man. Lets make up.I'm having an underware party at my house...


...why dont you bring Cutness and she can strip like the little SLUT PIG that she is.

do the math dipshit:

SF=mostly male crowd+chick who walks around naked+boyfriend who lets her do it=

a pussy whipped m.f. with a little hussy slut for a girlfriend whos got some ISSUES.

This aint Ibiza folks, this is the Sound Factory were talkin about...


What would you say if she was walkin around Yankee Stadium Naked? Thats a more legitamate comparison.

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