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RE: Sat night

Guest chinagirl

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Ok I've been listening to Jr for a long ass time and I don't mean since he came to Twilo either and last night may have possibly been the worst mixing display he has ever put on that I have heard...It is probably the worst mixing display I have ever heard from a Marquee DJ...If any other DJ played the way Jr. did last night they would never play in NYC ever again...I was so dissapointed, he ruined good music by his awful music and could not keep a groove going...He did play some great old school tracks, and did a few interesting things, but nothing to overcome the horrible display of DJ skills...

As always love the lights, sound system and freeze air system, had a blast with friends, made night worth it, was there from 6am-5pm...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Of course the Industry was in full effect, I wonder what they think, people there...DJ Escape, Denny Tsettos, Razor&Guido, Jason Ojeda, Motomo, Danny Tenaglia, Kevin Williams, Michael McDavid

Donna DeLory and Kevin Aviance performed, and another guy, but I forget who...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I thought it was incredible. I was there from 8:00 am till 7:00 pm and I don't even take e anymore (or use tina, or G...).

This was only my 4th birthday with Junior and I don't DJ or trainspot, but the energy all night and all day was incredible. Twilo was packed all day long; I had trouble getting to the main bathroom till mid-afternoon. I didn't notice one trainwreck, but maybe 3 or 4 times he mismatching his beats and had more than a few changes where he didn’t mix at all. With all the mixing he was doing from one remix into another of the same song, back into than remix, into another how could he not miss a mix or two?

As a classical musician, I've learned that from a technical standpoint you can miss a few notes here or there and fuck up a few entrances, but still have a very effective performance. Even if Junior missed a few mixes on his birthday, he still blew the fuckin’ roof off that place!

It was unquestionably one of the best parties of the year in NYC. All the club freaks were out. I saw some of the really old clubNYC heads: PJ, Mike W, and Angel/Angela circa 96/97, Jase and Jay (J-Rock) from 98/99, and all the House of Joy/Danny Tenaglia HOJ people, who at one time or another all posted here.

I don’t think junior was worried about his mixing, and I wasn’t either. I had an incredible night and I can assure you that several thousand other people did too, all damn day long!


P.S. No offense to the other guy who thought it was bad, we all have our own opinions.



[This message has been edited by romulus (edited 08-28-2000).]

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Vinyl Friday was ridiculously sick!!! Only my 2nd time there, and DT was dishin' out some funky beats that kept me moving the whole time. It was a good-sized crowd and there definitely was a whole lot of energy in the place. I left around 4, so I didn't catch all of the GU CD, but what I heard was enough to make me want to go out and get it. Great night.

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biglex, ah you missed the best ending to a CD.

He hits Burning about half way though, then once he kicks it into Shiller's "Ruhe" it's all over, the ending just ROCKS!!!!!!!!!


- Pete



Do you want me to make it darker? - DT

[This message has been edited by schwingep (edited 08-28-2000).]

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DT at Vinyl on Friday was so kickass, I hated to leave at 4:30 for Twilo. But then it was ok cuz of course S&D at Twilo was freakin awesome, too!

BTW, Jeff Mills at LL blew me away and I still can't think straight or stop smiling! I would truly like to have his baby. Anytime he's ready. Boy or girl, doesn't matter to me...

I also had a great time at the underwear party. Too bad about all the fat and ugly peeps in their bloomers --- don't they have any friends to tell them they don't look good? My retina have just about recovered. Mostly everyone was really beautiful and sexy tho...

Schwingep, sorry Junior disappointed, but wow, I'm so relieved! I've been all "goddam, shoulda gone to Junior!" Now I feel a little better. And Cleveland was mad cool as always - that guys plays some funky stuff!

Hugs all!

My $0.08.


All for fun and fun for all


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romulus! whats up - i was there from 4 - 4 also but in a wandering around and around state smile.gif only people i saw were jase & pj...ur right an amazing happy feeling being in an environment like that ..brought me backkk smile.gif~ and i kept waiting for the REAL wave speech but it never came!! lol




--=== Deep into the vibe of house music ===--


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I was there from 5am-6pm and as a DJ also and not being on drugs the entire time I was there it was easy to pick out off mixes and drops into breaks and next kick coming in, that is bad mixing...regardless if you are mixing a lot or not, if you can't mix don't that means don't play for near 20 hours if your skill level will suffer...someone like danny tenaglia or PVD will play 12+ hours in a club and not have the slightest glitch in their programming or mixing...and Danny does it drug free, whereas we all know Jr. does not...I'm not saying he didn't play good music he did, but his poor mixing took away from what a vibe that could have been better in my opinion...no offense taken, trust me...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I was at both Junior's private, invitation only birthday party on Wednesday night at Eugene, and at Twilo all day long on Sunday from 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM.

How very bizarre - I wouldn't miss Junior's birthday for the world.

I do not go to Twilo as often as I used to though, thank god.

I'll drop you an email (i'll house you)...



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